My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C8 Gene Castle
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C8 Gene Castle
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C8 Gene Castle

The fog hung thick and full of shadows.

Ye Kong had been wandering this eerie place for seven days.

Not a single living creature had crossed his path, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

His senses were on high alert, attuned to every rustle and whisper of the wind.

Where on earth was Gene Castle?

The old drunk had claimed that if he headed north through the Misty Forest, he'd arrive in three days.

But now, after seven days, his spirits were at an all-time low.

"Can't a living soul show up? I'm losing my mind here."

No sooner had he spoken than a young maiden emerged from the trees, her smile shy and demure.

Ye Kong scoffed at himself, "A hallucination. As if there'd be a beauty in this forsaken place."

In the harsh cold of the north, it was difficult enough to find a mother, let alone a beauty.

His eyes lingered on the girl, who then spoke, "Little brother, have you traveled here from the Great Wall?"

Her voice was crisp and pleasant to the ear.

He was dumbfounded, goosebumps rising all over his skin.

His mind screamed ghost. Could she be a Darkling Spectre?

Drawing a short knife, he held it defensively before him.

"Are you human or ghost? Speak up, are you a Darkling Spectre in disguise?"

The girl giggled behind her hand, "Little brother, you're so silly. Darkling Spectres have blue eyes. Look at mine."

Her large, sparkling eyes blinked innocently, utterly adorable.

"You're human? People live in the north?"

"Of course, my family and I live right here!"

"Oh... crap."

Suddenly, a long spear whistled down from above, grazing his cheek and burying itself in the earth.

A hair's breadth closer and Ye Kong would have been a goner.

"Who is this cur that dares to make advances on my daughter?"

An imposing, angry man with grizzled hair appeared.

His flat nose and sagging lips gave him a menacing look.

The single ear remaining was tufted with white hair.

Standing at over two and a half meters tall, he could easily be mistaken for a wild man.

Clutching a pair of golden hooks, his presence was formidable.

Ye Kong quickly made a placating gesture, "It's a misunderstanding, sir. I've only just met your daughter."

"Misunderstanding?" The Han lunged forward, his golden hooks slicing through the air with terrifying force.

"I saw it with my own eyes. You think you can still argue your way out of this? I'll beat you to a pulp."

Ye Kong swiftly stepped aside, "It's truly a misunderstanding. I was sent here on behalf of someone to seek out Gene Castle."

"Sent by whom?"

The man with the golden hooks launched a flurry of attacks, shredding Ye Kong's shirt to pieces.

"The old drunkard, he's the one who sent me to find the lord of Gene Castle."

"The old drunkard?" The attacker paused mid-swing and sent Ye Kong flying with a powerful kick.

"He's still alive?" The Han's eyes brightened, "I am the Lord of Gene Castle. Did the old drunk bring anything for me?"

"Indeed, he did."

Ye Kong produced a jade pendant and flashed it before the Han.

"Ah, that's my token indeed."

The Han licked his lips, "Did you bring the food?"

Ye Kong tapped the storage bag at his waist.

"Good. Hand it over!" The Han reached out.

Ye Kong grinned, "I'll gladly hand it over, but about the treasure robe I require, have you prepared it?"

"Treasure robe? The old drunkard actually entrusted you with the treasure."

Custer scrutinized Ye Kong.

The kid was sharp, but his cultivation was lacking.

The old drunkard's judgment seemed to be declining.

But what does it matter!

As long as he's brought enough food to complete the trade, that's all that counts.

With that in mind, he spoke firmly, "Come back to the castle with me. You'll get what you're after tomorrow morning."


Custer strode ahead with his hands clasped behind him, and Ye Kong hurried to keep up.

As they walked, the Han boasted, "My castle is towering and majestic, the largest in all of the Northern Country."

Ye Kong's anticipation grew upon hearing this.

The Northern Country was bitterly cold and fraught with danger.

Having one's own castle here was no small feat.

He wondered just how magnificent the fabled Gene Castle really was.

"Senior, isn't your daughter coming with us?"

The Han's glare was fierce, and the little girl darted into the woods, terrified.

"Listen here, kid, don't you dare chat up my family, or I swear you'll never make it out of this foggy forest alive."

Ye Kong nodded, committing the details to memory.

Everyone has their secrets, and he had no desire to intrude upon them. It was just that the idea of a girl alone in the icy wilderness seemed unsafe to him. That's why he had asked an extra question. But since Custer was not fond of the inquiry, Ye Kong would hold his tongue. Having lived two lifetimes, he was not the type to lose his head over a pretty face.

His mission was clear: secure the treasured garment and move on to the next destination. After meandering for a quarter of an hour, Han stopped and gestured ahead with a flourish.

"How about that? Impressive, isn't my castle?" he boasted.

"Castle?" Ye Kong squinted, searching. Where was this castle? He saw nothing!

Was his cultivation level too low to penetrate a veiling enchantment? Han's delight grew at the sight of Ye Kong's bewildered expression. Indeed, every night watchman questioned by Han shared that same look. His castle must truly be the most grand and imposing of all.

"Come on, we'll celebrate with a drink soon. You did bring some wine, didn't you?"

"I did."

Another fifteen minutes passed, and Ye Kong's curiosity deepened. Where exactly was this castle that remained elusive to his eyes?

"Here we are," Han announced, tugging at a vine to reveal a cobblestone path cutting through the weeds, leading to a modest two-story farmhouse.

"What do you think? My castle is quite grand, isn't it?" Custer beamed with pride.

Ye Kong stared at the crookedly written 'Gene Castle' sign. Where was the promised grandeur, the awe-inspiring spectacle? This looked like the most basic of rural dwellings, its roof a patchwork of twigs and thatch. Was this some kind of joke?

With a puzzled glance at Custer, Ye Kong wondered if this was a test. But he decided not to make an issue of it. If Custer was pleased, that was all that mattered.

Suppressing his true thoughts, he offered, "It's certainly grand. In all my days traveling the Northern Kingdom, this is the only castle I've laid eyes on."

"Hahaha! That's the spirit, lad! I appreciate young folks like you—insightful and willing to speak the truth."

Custer clapped Ye Kong on the shoulder, his laughter booming through the room, "Convinced now? Our Gene Castle is the finest in all the Northern Kingdom."

Curiosity painted the faces of the women inside as they peered through the drafty walls.

Night fell.

By the glow of candlelight, dinner commenced. Two plates of mysterious roasted meats were served alongside the exquisite wine and provisions Ye Kong had provided. The fare wasn't lavish, yet it was savored with relish.

What puzzled Ye Kong, though, was that among the group of women, only an elderly lady helped serve the meal. The rest hid upstairs, a mix of fear and curiosity in their eyes. They would occasionally steal a glance at Ye Kong, quickly averting their eyes each time.

Deep into the night, Ye Kong was settled into a side room on the second floor. Weary from the road and slightly buzzed from the wine, sleep claimed him swiftly.

"Tsk tsk."

A spine-tingling cackle jolted him awake.

As he was about to rise, a soft hand pressed gently against his mouth. "Don't move, don't make a sound," whispered the little girl he had met earlier that day. A soft, persistent rustling came from outside, causing the girl to shudder with fear.

"You're terrified. What's out there?"

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