My Gorgeous Beauties/C1 58th Interview
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My Gorgeous Beauties/C1 58th Interview
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C1 58th Interview

On the morning of May, Wei Zhongxian was walking on the street in a hurry.

Morning in the city is always a rush. When it was time for work, all kinds of men and women walked past him with hurried steps.

Therefore, although Wei Zhongxian was not walking at a fast pace and could even be said to be limping and powerless, Wei Zhongxian still insisted that — — he was also hurrying!

Early in the morning, Wei came out of his rented kennel because he had to attend the fifty-eighth interview this month.

Because this number was really lucky, Wei Zhongxian felt that the chances of winning this time was very high!

It wasn't that Wei Zhongxian's qualifications were too poor, but that he was a graduate of an uni. However, the jobs they were looking for were all pretty much all based on the salary of several hundred yuan. They all depended on the business manager. Although they called him a manager, he was actually just a small business operator who ran around all day. This was because the lowest level of staff in almost every company was the business manager.

So in these two years, Wei Zhongxian was constantly interviewing, resigning, interviewing, and resigning...

As an operator, Wei spent most of his time and went through a variety of industries. Although he was not able to keep up with many objective factors in the end, he was able to gain a deeper understanding of many industries.

It was only because he changed jobs so often that he didn't know anyone who knew him.

Just out of Hu Tong's mouth, Wei Zhongxian walked steadily. However, when he walked onto the street, he felt his calf tendons twitching. He could not help but sigh. It seemed that Einstein was truly worthy of being a great scientist. His words made sense – Man is iron, and rice is steel!

In fact, he had eaten in the morning. Yesterday's dinner was so sumptuous that he did not finish it. The rest was naturally for today's breakfast.

The problem was that for a 25-year-old youth, half a bag of instant noodles seemed to be a bit less. He regretted that he had spent a whole bag of seasoning on half a bag of instant noodles last night for such a luxury! So much so that today's breakfast tasted much worse.

Wei Zhongxian secretly thought, if the manufacturer of instant noodles put two bags of seasonings in a bag, as a consumer, I would definitely take it as my first choice! — What a good idea!

Wei Zhongxian felt his talent! Creativity was important to him today. Because the one he was going to interview was an advertising agency. During the first fifty-seven interviews this month, I didn't really go to the advertising agency to try my luck.

Just as he felt a little strength coming from his body, he happened to walk past a wonton stand by the roadside. As soon as he smelled the fragrance of the food, he realized that there were two of them.

His legs immediately became weak again. Where did the Town Security who usually filled the streets go? No one was willing to interfere in the matter, let others know whether or not they were allowed to live!

When he thought of the two stops he still had to take, Wei Zhongxian couldn't help but think of "The Song of the Long March". It wasn't that this handsome guy didn't want to spend money on a bus; the money he had in his pocket was still quite well off. It's just that I feel from the bottom of my heart that people really need sports. Isn't the Olympic spirit being promoted everywhere now?

However, since Wei Zhongxian arrived in this big city, the last thing he could tolerate was the question of the bus fare. After all, it was a dollar for a dozen stops and a dollar for two stops, so how could this be fair and reasonable? Are there still any laws of heaven?

Looking at the various food stalls on the roadside, Wei Zhongxian was getting angrier and angrier! I can't be provoked, I can't hide! What can I do if I go to the other side of the road?

Just as he was about to cross the road, he heard a screeching screech of brakes from behind him. "Squeak!" The orange polo suddenly stopped right next to his legs!

"A car accident!" The word 'terrifying' flashed through Wei Zhongxian's mind at lightning speed!

Sure enough, Wei Zhongxian fell to the ground. In fact, the car didn't even touch him at all. His legs were so weak that they could die. In addition, he was suddenly frightened. His legs were basically no different from cooked instant noodles.

What was even more unfortunate was that the roadside unexpectedly had a layer of sewage stains on it! Wei Zhongxian casually plopped into the puddle. He also sprained his foot. What a miserable life! — This was done by a certain big sister fairy!

Sitting on the wet ground, Wei Zhongxian really couldn't get up for a while.

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