My Gorgeous Beauties/C10 Delicious Lunch
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My Gorgeous Beauties/C10 Delicious Lunch
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C10 Delicious Lunch

Mom's Sichuan Cuisine. Second floor.

The four of them found a table near the window. Yue Ran and Ya Jun naturally sat together. They didn't work hours. The two little girls seemed particularly lively as they chattered away.

Wei Zhongxian led Xue Fang to the window on the other side. Just as he sat down, the waiter brought him some tea and a menu.

Xue Fang took the menu and handed it to Wei Zhongxian with a smile. "Mr. Wei, please..."

Wei Zhongxian quickly said, "Miss Li, please come at me..." I don't care. "

Xue Fang looked at Wei Zhongxian, who was still a little restrained, and smiled sweetly. "From now on, you're a colleague. Is there a need to be so polite?"

Wei Zhongxian was stunned, "You mean...?"

Xue Fang did not continue talking about this. She invited everyone to order some food and a Coke. Wei Zhongxian seemed to understand something, could it be that I've already... A successful landing? — This was the absolute continent of beauties!

Xue Fang looked at Wei Zhongxian who was still in a daze, and raised her glass of cola with a smile: "We still have to work in the afternoon, so we'll use cola as the wine and give a simple congratulation to Mr. Wei!" At the same time, I hope that the arrival of Mr. Wei can be the starting point for our Spring and Autumn Company to rebuild its business! "

Yue Ran and Ya Jun were also in high spirits. They raised their cups and looked at Wei Zhongxian brilliantly. "Congratulations …" As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt embarrassed, and his face immediately flushed red … Xue Fang and Ya Jun laughed out loud!

This time, Wei Zhongxian felt even more embarrassed. His old face was slightly red as he stammered, "Thank you, thank you!" Before they could finish, Xue Fang and Ayrlarng laughed even more loudly!

Xue Fang and Wei Zhongxian were sitting side by side, very close to each other. Xue Fang was practically lying on Wei Zhongxian's shoulder, laughing nonstop. This time, Wei Zhongxian had gotten lucky.

Xue Fang's fluffy short hair exuded a soothing smell of jasmine. Her own arms also felt the friction of Xue Fang's full and springy breasts.

The worst part was, because of Xue Fang's side turn, her two firm and smooth legs wrapped in thin stockings were pressed tightly against Wei Zhongxian's thighs! Even through the pants, Wei Zhongxian could feel the sliver of silkiness of her beautiful legs! This was a blessing from his previous life!

Yue Ran's face was flushed as she rolled her eyes at her two beautiful sisters. She pouted and said angrily, "It's all his fault! "If you continue to laugh, I'll ignore you all …"

Wei Zhongxian looked at the shy and embarrassed Yue Ran on the other side and could not help but feel a little pity for her. He quickly changed the topic, "Oh, right, I have yet to ask for the honorable names of these two fairies."

Yue Ran noticed that Wei Zhongxian wasn't laughing at her. She slightly relaxed and whispered, "My name is Huang Yuelan, call me Xiao Yun …" He used his white eyes to glance at his surroundings before saying, "This little scoundrel is called Tan Yating! — The mute and the poor wretch …" After saying this, she patted the smiling Ya Li in anger … …

Along with a stream of tasty Sichuan cuisine, sliced fish with pepper, guoba meat, fish-scented bitter melon … The atmosphere at the table became even more lively.

Xue Fang and Wei Zhongxian were still polite, but the two little beauties were indifferent to it. Although they used their soft hands to constantly fan and shout spicy food, they also constantly stuffed the Sichuan cuisine that dripped red oil into their mouths in an exaggerated manner …

Wei Zhongxian and Xue Fang could not help but be impressed.

After a while, the two beauties' foreheads were covered with a thin layer of sweat, so the two of them simply took off their uniforms.

Wei Zhongxian was stunned for a moment. In the moonlight, he was wearing a moon-white, low-chested, wide-necked, knitted sweater. It slightly protruded from his delicate collarbone and long neck. It was as sexy as a swan! The tight sweater also accentuated the exquisite curves of her small chest. The snow-white clothes paired with her already fair and tender skin made her look as clean as ice and as clean as jade!

Ya Jun, on the other hand, was wearing a goose-yellow woolen sweater with a high collar. It tightly wrapped around a pair of plump breasts, which made one wonder endlessly. For a moment, Wei Zhongxian only wished he had two eyeballs!

Xue Fang noticed the look in Wei Zhongxian's eyes and nudged him lightly with her elbow. She squinted her eyes and smiled, "Look at the look on the other side …" "Something doesn't seem right …"

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