My Gorgeous Beauties/C15 Dance Together
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My Gorgeous Beauties/C15 Dance Together
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C15 Dance Together

Yue Ran turned around with a mischievous look on her face. "Dad! The look in a man's eyes when he looks at a woman he likes... What does it look like? "

Huang Hongqiu was momentarily embarrassed, "Err … "Why are you asking this …"

Yue Ran immediately smiled. "It's nothing …" Sleep … Dad... "You should also go to sleep early …"

Wei Zhongxian was already feeling a little tipsy. It had been more than two years. Although he had been in different companies with his colleagues many times before, he had never been so indulgent towards them. Beside him, Ying Zi had also drunk up most of her liquor and was sticking to him in a daze.

Not long after they entered the luxurious private room, Wei Zhongxian told Big Treasure about the news that he had passed the interview. Big Treasure was naturally very excited as well. He greeted the two girls and continuously toasted to Zhongxian. Zhongxian did not refuse either, he only raised his cup to toast! This caused Big Treasure and the two girls to shout out in joy! Under the influence of Zhong Xian, they all let go of the opportunity to drink to their heart's content …

Tai Bao held onto Lina and stammered, "Constitution..." Elder Brother Xian … My Great Treasure... It's been a long time since I've been like this … Open... Happy... This morning... I... I just said... Big brother is indeed … "Big brother!" "You'll definitely be able to do it …"

With that, Big Treasure raised his glass shakily, "Come …" Again... One cup! "

Zhongxian also said with a drunken look, "Heh heh... You are... Blindly... I don't know... "Then you will know …" As he spoke, he picked up the cup and finished it in one gulp!


Zi leaned on Zhong Xian and mumbled in a daze, "Don't be so fussy about drinking …" We... "Let's dance together …"

Big Treasure immediately said, "Okay …" "Great …" She swung off the sofa with Lina in her arms.

Yukiko and Zhongxian half supported each other as they walked to the large carpet in the middle of the room. Lina ordered a slow dance piece … The room immediately started to play the 'Perfume Poisonous' melody...

Big Treasure staggered over and turned off the light... The room suddenly became dark. Only under the flickering of the huge screen, the room was bright and dim … Changing colors...

It felt like he was in a dream world … The four of them followed the gentle music as they shook their bodies to their heart's content …

Zhongxian only felt that as his body moved... His head was covered in sweat, and his steps were light as a feather, as if he was stepping on cotton … Gradually, he hugged Ying Zi tightly, and their bodies twisted as they rubbed against each other … With the help of the alcohol, the two of them touched and rubbed each other …

Zhong Xian's hands also started to become more and more unscrupulous... Along the shoulder of Inky... All the way down his back that was as tender as silk... Her buttocks were firm and supple... All the way into the tiny pleated skirt... Through the fine, silky stockings... Feeling the breathtaking touch of the young girl's hand... Ying Zi could not help but groan … This made Zhong Xian, who was already intoxicated, feel the urge to erupt!

Zhong Xian could vaguely feel that the two slender arms around his neck were becoming tighter and tighter … His originally soft body suddenly became tense and stiff... It was as if the weight of his entire body was pressing down on himself … With a spasm of spasms... Zhong Xian, who was already floating, could no longer take it … The two of them fell down on the carpet, hugging each other...

The sudden pain made Zhong Xian suddenly sober up … Struggling to help Yinzi to her feet …

The sound of Zhong Xian falling onto the ground caused Da Bao and the others to stop.

Lights on... The four of them sat on the ground, gasping for breath … Ying Zi's face was flushed red as she leaned against Zhong Xian, tidying up her clothes … On the surface, there was an unsatisfied expression on his face …

Zhong Xian leaned on the tea table and lazily lit up a cigarette. "Great treasure …" It's so late out here... Your parents … "Don't be in such a hurry …"

"Mom divorced Dad a few years ago... "He went abroad …" Big Treasure said dejectedly, "Right now, I... "No mom …" With that, a rare look of melancholy appeared on his face.

"What about your dad?" Zhong Xian exhaled a mouthful of smoke and squinted his eyes, "Your dad doesn't care about you?"

"Dad?" Da Bao curled his lips and smiled. "Dad..." He gave up on me long ago and basically didn't come back to live. Dad's company is in the east, so Dad lives in a villa in the east. "

"East!" Before Big Treasure could finish his sentence, Zhong Xian blurted out: "Your dad …." Company... In the east! " This afternoon, the word "eastern" was constantly lingering in Zhong Xian's mind!

Zhong Xian ignored the fact that Big Treasure was still stunned. He suddenly rushed over and grabbed him: "Are you sure..." Your dad is in the east!? "

Da Bao was awoken by the alcohol. He stammered, "Dang …" Of course …

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