My Gorgeous Beauties/C17 The Story of Three People
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My Gorgeous Beauties/C17 The Story of Three People
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C17 The Story of Three People

At the center of the city.

Macao Road, Jin Ding luxurious closed district. Fifth floor (with attic), three bedrooms, two living rooms.

Zhong Xian followed Dabao into the room. Dabao turned on the lights. Zhong Xian only felt as if a palace had suddenly appeared in front of him. The living room was at least forty square meters long. Under the light of a European style luxurious chandelier, it was as bright as day!

The luxurious decorations combined Chinese and Western, embodying both the European style fireplace and the pillars, but also have a strong Oriental flavor, wood screen, bonsai, colored tapestries... All kinds of expensive and expensive furniture flashed with a dazzling light. The dazzling floor even reflected the shadows of people. Zhong Xian could not help but stare dumbfoundedly as he felt as light as he stood on the surface of the water!

It was obvious that the two girls had been here before. Upon entering the door, they lazily laid down on the large and comfortable leather sofa, ignoring the fact that their short skirts had long since lost their spring glow.

Dabao quickly greeted Zhong Xian, "Brother Xian, please take a seat." He then went into the kitchen and came out with a few drinks. "Brother Xian, have some drinks and try to solve the problem of the bar …"

Zhong Xian seemed to have just recovered from the illusion of being in a dream as he nodded his head.

The two girls shouted that they were exhausted and that they were going to take a bath. Big Treasure laughed wickedly, "Do you need help rubbing your back? "My cooking skills are quite good …"

Lina spat, "You're so beautiful!" He dragged Yukiko into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. The sound of a lock being locked came from inside.

As Zhong Xian was drinking his drink, he noticed that Big Treasure was still staring at the bathroom door. He smiled and asked, "What's up? Do the two of them come over often?"

Da Bao scratched his head. "They are all junior sisters that I met when I was studying at the Eastern Emperor Private Academy." "Yinzi's mother also opened a company in the east. She seemed to be doing brand apparel …"

"Oh?" Once again, Zhong Xian was greatly surprised. Now, whenever he heard the word 'eastern', he would immediately have a conditioned reflex!

"But just like me, her dad and mom have been divorced for a few years. Although Yinzi is nominally with her mom, other than giving her some pocket money, her mom rarely asks anything about her. Yinzi lives with her grandma …"

After a pause, he continued, "Lina is even worse. Her parents are not divorced, but it's even worse! The year before, she had been sentenced to a dozen years in prison for economic problems involving huge amounts of corruption and bribery. As a result, she had not only lost everything, but had also almost found fault. "Later on, if I didn't stop her, I would have massaged Miss Huang a long time ago!"

"Oh …" As Zhong Xian listened, his face showed sympathy and he could not help but sigh inwardly.

"The few of us were almost in the same boat, so we often spent time together. We didn't have much to do, just strolling around aimlessly or drinking alcohol to vent our feelings …"

"Brat, you really know how to …" "They're taking advantage of me!" Zhong Xian glanced at Great Treasure.

"Brother Xian, don't think too much! They were basically all together, except for Lina, who sometimes came alone... It was just a hug, nothing more … "I've never touched a Ying before!" Big Treasure said with a flushed face.

"Is that so?" Zhong Xian narrowed his eyes and looked at Big Treasure.

"I swear by the light! What I said was true... Brother Xian! Do you still not believe me!? " Big Treasure didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Fuck you!" Zhong Xian raised his hand and threw a pillow over!

"Sigh!" We are a bunch of people who have fallen into depravity! "There's nothing left to save …" Big Treasure caught the pillow and shook his head. He actually had a tone as if he could see through the world.

"Hehe …" "I can't see that it is too deep …" Zhong Xian looked at Big Treasure and could not help but smile bitterly.

Just as he was speaking, he heard a sound coming from the bathroom. Inky and Lina opened the door and walked out.

Zhong Xian and Da Bao could not help but turn their heads to look at that direction. Two girls came out, wrapped in pajamas. Since Yukiko was a little taller, her long, white legs were exposed under her pajamas.

The two girls combed their hair and walked over to the sofa. Lina seemed to feel that the atmosphere wasn't right. She sat beside Big Treasure and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you two so bored?"

Dabao sighed softly, "Just now, I told Brother Xian about the story of the three of us."

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