My Happy Life in Japan/C12 New start
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My Happy Life in Japan/C12 New start
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C12 New start

The Black Tiger Gang was one of the five major gangs under the Residence of Ji. They controlled most of the shops in the New Residence District and the Millennium Field District.

Of course, they rarely did things like fighting and killing each other. Instead, they focused their attention on investing in business. After all, this was a new era.

Chai Tian Zheng Nan is the vice president of the Black Tiger Gang, so as long as I am willing to join, it is a matter of words.

However, the rule was still unavoidable, which was to tattoo and cut off the little finger.

I looked at Chai Tian with a look of disbelief. "Are you joking? I can still accept the tattoo, cut off my little finger? "

"Yes, cut off your little finger to show your devotion to Jakuza." Chai Tian said darkly.

What kind of era was this, playing this game? I expressed my extreme confusion, so I strongly requested to look at Chai Tian's pinky. Unexpectedly, he hid it and didn't let me see it clearly.

It took a long time for Chai Tian to agree. He could not cut his little finger, but tattoos were essential.

The ceremony to join the guild was very simple. All of the brothers in the association were to be gathered here, and they were to take the oath and drip their blood.

At this moment, I finally realized how great the Black Tiger Gang's power is. Including those who are unable to come due to important matters, the ceremony for me, a newbie, has brought over a hundred people.

Including everyone else, there were at least two hundred of them. This was no small amount. Under these official members, there were many hooligans and affiliated gangs.

The power of the whole of Jakuza was terrifying.

The tattoo I chose for myself was an azure dragon, coiled on the back of my chest and on my upper arms.

Just like this, I officially became a member of the Japanese mafia. At least for now, I don't have to worry about my account and being bullied anymore.

Lin Xiao expressed his surprise, saying that even if he wanted to join a gang, he would have to find his own country, so he joined a Chinese gang. I don't know how he managed to get in touch with them, but he has his own cover now, just like me.

There's no other way. College students' brains are really good. Why didn't I think of this?

Life doesn't stop because of these little episodes, so my men's and Cowherd's careers continue. The men's are not surprised, but there's a little activity in the club.

In the building on the streets of Shinjuku, there was a special advertisement for the Niu Lang Ranking, also known as the Kanban, which only very popular Niu Lang could see.

But that doesn't mean you can always stay there after you've gone up. This ranking is updated every month, so you must always work hard.

The manager had spoken before going to work tonight. If anyone could reach the top of the rankings, they would be the number one bull in the shop!

This was not an empty cheque. The number one bull in the shop could get a lot of preferential treatment, such as a customer's recommendation.

When a new customer came to this store, the shop manager and the waiter would give priority to the shop's number one, there was no doubt about that.

When the regular customers came, if the familiar Cowherd was accompanying others, he would look for the first card to serve them.

Imperceptibly, the number one bull had several times more access to the guests, which was very beneficial for the development of a regular source of customers.

A while ago, Lin Xiao and I were discussing this matter and were extremely envious.

However, it was not so easy to get on the rankings. There were only ten people on the rankings, and there were countless clubs on the streets of Shinjuku. It was one in a thousand miles, one in ten thousand.

In order to get on the rankings, he had to look at the sales first, so he had to make his customers spend like crazy.

On the other hand, the number of guests was not that important because some guests did not consume much money, which was called the source of poor quality customers. On the other hand, some guests did spend a lot of money, but they did not come often.

The best source of customers are those who come often and are willing to spend money for you.

In Shinjuku, there was a well-known phenomenon. Some women were willing to go all out for the sake of the ox. They didn't even care about their husbands and children. It was as if they had been brainwashed.

Regardless of whether this behavior is retarded or not, who would not want to have such a "confidant"?

I have a few guests now. That rich lady is not bad, but she has recently gotten to know the wife of a president. This woman only started chatting with me because she was very interested in Chinese culture.

She was rich and her husband was busy, so she was very lonely when she came to see Cowherd.

However, the problem was that this woman didn't like drinking alcohol. Every time I came to the club, I would have to drink the wine I ordered.

There was a rule in the club that you had to finish all the wine you ordered, or else you would be disrespectful to the customers.

Of course, there were also some customers who wanted to get drunk on purpose.

Her name was Rimei, and she was about 45 years old this year. Due to her high grade cosmetics, she would usually take care of her work whenever she had nothing to do, so she looked to be around 35.

Rimi was willing to spend money for me, at least that's what I thought.

"You want to climb that ranking board?" After I said out my thoughts, Rimei was still a little surprised.

I nodded. "That's right. As long as I can get on that ranking board, even if I become famous in Xinan, I won't have to worry about not being able to find a job in the future."

Lingmei giggled. "Aren't you an AV hero? The bull is only part-time."

"Being a man is very tiring. I don't want to be a man all my life, and I can't make much money. And I've only recently signed a one-year low price contract, so I'll have to work hard as a bull this year. "

She thought for a moment before replying, "I will definitely support you, but I can't possibly rely on myself to climb that ranking board. It's not that simple."

"As long as you can help."

Of course, I know it's unrealistic to climb the rankings by relying on just one guest, so I have to unearth even more potential customers.

His current strategy was to secretly accumulate strength and rush forward when the time was right.

It's not my style to let customers spend a lot of money every month. It's not good to make them go bankrupt. I just need to wait for a month to come up.

But I also had to think of a way to get my rank in the store, so I could get more access to the customers, and I didn't want to run around aimlessly in the streets.

"So, how about Louis XIII tonight?" I asked Lingmei with a smile.

The price of Louis XIII in our club is 200 thousand yen, which is a very high quality liquor. Usually, no one would order it unless they have a birthday celebration.

Lingmei touched my face and said with a smile, "You really know how to drink. Just drink as long as you're happy."

"Thank you, for offering a bottle of Louis XIII to Lingmei at table 12!"

My shout attracted the eyes of many people. Some were envious, some were jealous.

Little guys, this is just the beginning. My brother is going to explode tonight.

That night, as Rimi did have a problem, she only opened two bottles of Louis XIII, but it also made me jump up several ranks in the shop.

Our club isn't really that kind of business in the whole kabuki business, so with my previous sales volume, I'm sure I can make it to the top five this month.

However, two bottles of wine aren't that easy to drink. After I finish drinking it, I have already become unconscious.

That's right, I am a man who refuses to admit defeat in bed, but my alcohol tolerance is indeed a bit low. Normally, I don't drink alcohol, so I only started to slowly come into contact with alcohol after knowing Chai Tian.

At first, I thought I had a good tolerance for alcohol. After all, Chai Tian was a gangster.

I'm so much worse than the other bulls in the club, not to mention Lin Xiao alone, I've seen him drink three bottles of wine with my own eyes.

Convinced that there was nothing in the world that couldn't be solved, I went to Lin Xiao and asked him how he could make himself drink better. He told me that as long as I drank a bottle of milk before drinking, I would be better off not getting drunk easily.

F * ck, is it that simple?

Regardless of whether I believe it or not, I can only give it a try for now.

Who knew that at this time, Teng Qi Mei Yue, who had disappeared for a period of time, would suddenly appear. This was a beauty that I had always been thinking of.

The last time, he had actually let her escape just like that. He was really unresigned in his heart.

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