My Happy Life in Japan/C3 Money society
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My Happy Life in Japan/C3 Money society
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C3 Money society

On the bed lay a woman, or rather a corpse.

She was one of the ladies who'd been drinking with us the night before, and I vaguely remember her as Little You.

"How did Little You die?" I asked, puzzled.

Chai was sitting on the sofa beside him, smoking. "She had a good time last night," he replied. "She might have taken too many pills."

Damn it, he was even playing with drugs!

I knew it wouldn't be that simple. This fellow, Chai Tian Zheng Nan, doesn't seem to be reliable at all. The problem is, what did he call me here for?

"None of my men are here. Help me move the corpses." He seemed to be talking about something that didn't matter.

Although I was doing a bad job, and was still doing the shameful work of a man with AV juice, at least I wasn't breaking the law.

Destroying the corpse and erasing the evidence was against the law!

At that moment, I wanted to reject Chai Tian's offer, but then I thought that I might be suspected too!

He appeared next to the dead man and they were drinking together last night. Even if my beloved son was my witness, the police wouldn't believe him, right?

Besides, Chai Tian Zheng Nan definitely isn't so easy to fool around with. Since he called me over, he won't let me go.

If I were to forcefully escape, I would definitely be killed by him in the future.

Jakuza, the Japanese gang, was no joke. If they wanted to do something bad, at least until they succeeded, the police could not avoid it.

Chai was playing a good game. I had no way out.

So I had to cooperate with him and carry the body downstairs to his car. Fortunately, the Lover Hotel didn't have a front desk clerk, so our actions didn't attract anyone's attention.

He took care of the rest of the matters by himself. Before he left, he patted me on the shoulder and said that since I was so loyal, I would definitely have a bright future ahead of me.

To tell the truth, I am now ready to run away.

But it was a few days later, and everything was still calm, so I slowly calmed down.

I don't know if it was because I helped him, but I found that I was getting more and more announcements. Although I was still playing the role of the juicy guy, I was very satisfied with the amount of money I could earn.

I don't belong to any AV production company right now, so I run wherever I can.

In the database of the industry, there is naturally information on people like me. As long as I make a phone call, there will be people who can use it.

So I began to come into contact with some pretty girls, and there was one thing that had to be explained, and though male actors like me were all backed up, actresses were random.

It could even be a virgin!

What are vegetarians? Simply speaking, they are women who have never had the experience of AV shooting. They might have come here voluntarily for an interview, or they might have struck up a conversation on the streets.

Japanese women were good at make-up, so as long as it wasn't some strange movie, the chances of meeting a beauty were quite high.

I slowly went from being a juicy man to being a character who could move a little, and I was often the victim of scenes, which was almost a qualitative leap.

Accordingly, my salary had started to go up, and now I was getting almost five thousand yen for every announcement. Still, 1500 yen will have to be paid to Chai Tian Zheng Nan.

So I still can't afford a walking tool, but I've already been scolded by the director for being late several times.

I had to borrow money from someone. Of the friends around me, he had only a little more money than I did.

At this moment, Chai Tian, Zheng Nan, seemed to have seen through my worries. He actually offered to lend me the money.

However, he really wasn't that kind of person. Although he could lend me the money to buy a motorcycle, it was actually a usury.

The usury is the second largest economic source of Japanese gangsters, and it is common to see such screenplay on television, such as "The Dark Golden Harlequin Island Lord."

In fact, the Japanese gangsters were not so vicious as to kill people if they could not afford to pay, but they could definitely make you suffer so much that you would rather die than live.

After hesitating for two days, I finally borrowed money from Chai Tian for a total of 300 thousand yen.

According to the frequency of my recent announcements, it would take me a full three months to lose 300 thousand in capital. However, if interest is included, it would take half a year.

There is no doubt that the interest on usury is so exaggerated that it is equivalent to lending in the form of interest.

I bought a PCX motorcycle and took my son for a ride. She looked even more excited than I did.

As a matter of fact, after I've been through a lot of female conversation these days, I'm more and more eager to have a taste of women. After all, the feeling of always being able to watch and not eat is really annoying.

The son is a very good object, I think she is very willing to let me achieve this wish.

And so, under my guidance, she sat on me that same night, writhing wildly for hours.

As a member of the AV industry, he was ashamed to have only just gotten rid of his virginity.

But I also tasted the beauty of sex, no wonder so many people are willing to spend money to buy AV to see, this kind of feeling is God's gift to humanity!

Of course, I know how to grasp this balance. On the one hand, I won't develop feelings with my beloved son, and on the other hand, I can't do this kind of thing with him without restraint, or it will affect my work.

I think this way, the cute kid doesn't think this way. After she tasted the taste of my giant dragon, she seemed to be unable to stop herself from calling me every day to ask where I was.

He also said that he was going to give me some snacks to eat, or they were going to drink together after work.

This method is too low level. I can't bear to expose her, but I am also extremely annoyed, so I decided to place her on the blacklist for the time being.

It wasn't because I was heartless, but because I really didn't have much feelings for her. At that time, doing things with her was just a spur of the moment.

If I continued to date her, it would definitely not be me who was hurt.

Thus, breaking it would be better for her than for me.

After having a financial affair with Chai Tian, he came even more diligently. He only left me a little living expenses after each shoot and took everything else away.

He also had a small notebook with him, which he used to keep records of his debts.

Like me, I discovered that some of the ladies owed him money. No wonder he could get them to go to bed with him whenever he was interested.

I took the opportunity of getting drunk to ask Chai Tian how powerful he was. He just smiled and said, "Didn't you see what happened last time?"

Yeah, well, if he hadn't said so, I would have forgotten the dead girl.

The disappearance of a living person from this world for such a long time did not cause much of a stir. He didn't know whether it was due to Chai Tian's tactics or the inability of the Japanese police.

No wonder Chai Tian was still relatively calm that day. This was probably not the first time he was doing this.

I was even more afraid when I thought about it. Why did I borrow his money so impulsively?

So I worked even harder. As long as I had a notice, I would put in the effort to show off. At the same time, I learned to please the directors and bring them tea or something.

This naturally gave them a favorable impression of me, and I was given a chance to make contact with them.

The friendship between the Japanese men was established on the basis of money.

For example, going for a drink after work was the most common friendship, the relationship between friends and colleagues.

As time went on, I couldn't keep them paying, so after a few more pouches, I found it almost impossible to pay back the $300 thousand in six months.

Even though I had saved money in every way, even eating only two meals a day, it was still not enough.

Even the girl selling sushi couldn't help but ask why I looked so haggard these days.

He hadn't eaten his fill and had even drunk wine all night. It would be weird if he wasn't haggard!

However, this also made me meet this part-time girl. Her name was Minnie, and she was a university student.

In my busy work, texting and chatting with Minnie became my only mental support. I even wanted to confess to her and have a good relationship with her.

But unfortunately, Minnie already had a boyfriend!

After finding out about this, I became jealous and became listless for a few days, until Chai Tian brought me some good news.

"Brat, you really know how to drink. Do you want to take a part-time job?"

"What part-time job?"


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