My Japanese Star Wife/C10 You're My Boss
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My Japanese Star Wife/C10 You're My Boss
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C10 You're My Boss

Three days later, it was the 1st of September. It was the day for new students to register, and also the day for Tang Fei to register.

Tang Fei left early in the morning. As the name implied, he was going to register, but in reality, he was going to look at the girls. The early bird would have bugs to eat, and the registration for this day would definitely have many pretty girls.

Even if the pretty girl was standing in front of him, he still might not dare to hit her. At most, he would just be satisfied with what he had to do; it would only be better if he could just do some wishy-washing-up, and there wouldn't be any substantial progress. The Chanel from three days ago in the hotel was the best proof of that.

Furthermore, even if there were beautiful young beauties registering, they would all be escorted by their parents. Since it was Tang Fei's turn, he was like a tiger pulling out its fangs, not wanting to die.

Tang Fei wandered over to the entrance of the district to have breakfast at a breakfast shop. He drank soy milk and fried dough sticks as he leisurely ate.

Holding the soy milk in his cup, Tang Fei suddenly noticed the bamboo sticks and the fat pig wandering around the restaurant's entrance. He couldn't help but shake his head.

As if nothing had happened, he took a sip of the soy milk and shouted, "Boss, boss …"

"What's the matter?" The waiter came over.

"What kind of soy milk is that? Why would there be mosquitoes inside?" Tang Fei shouted as he pointed at the soy milk on the table.

The waiter lowered his head and saw that there was indeed a mosquito in the soy milk. Knowing that he was in the wrong, he apologetically said, "Apologies, sir, how about I change it for you?"

Actually, this mosquito was something Tang Fei let in when he wasn't paying attention.

"What, what do you want?" Tang Fei was unrelenting as he casually waved his hand, "Aren't they all the same?" I don't know how many mosquitoes you have in your pot! Everyone, let's take a look. Maybe you guys have quite a few in your cups as well. "

Tang Fei's voice was loud, and the passengers eating at the side all took note of his soy milk.

"Mine too!"

"Here too!"

"Here too!"

Sure enough, there were quite a few customers calling out to them. For a while, the place was bustling with noise and excitement.

An almost imperceptible smile appeared on Tang Fei's face. "Hehe, this is just a small trick, how could it not be easy?"

The waiter panicked. If one person found it, then it would be fine. But if these dozens of people found it, then it would be hard to say. It was weird. Why were so many people having mosquitoes in their cups?

"What kind of shop is this? It's so dirty!"

"That's right, you're making us sick!"

"No, I'll lose money, lose money, compensate for my losses!"

In an instant, the restaurant was in an uproar. Tang Fei took advantage of the moment when he wasn't paying attention to throw his plate on the ground. With a crash, he smashed the pot!

Many customers picked up their own plates and smashed them on the floor. The breakfast shop was in a mess. The customers were like ants on a hot pan, running around randomly.

Tang Fei took advantage of the chaos and ran out. "Hur Hur, this time, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

However, to Tang Fei's surprise, not long after they ran, the bamboo shoot man and the fat pig caught up with them again, although the fat pig was panting and sweating profusely.

Originally, Tang Fei thought he was smart. These bamboo sticks and fat pigs that had roamed the world in this generation were not bad either.

"Hey, what are you guys trying to do? I don't need you all to like me," Tang Fei turned around and spoke without any trace of politeness, "The most important thing is, you guys are men. I have no interest in men!"

"Boss, you!" You! It's a misunderstanding! " The fat pig panted heavily. It took a lot of effort before it managed to finish its sentence.

"Stop," Tang Fei waved his hand impatiently. "I'm not your boss, so don't call me. You guys aren't afraid of losing your lives, I'm still afraid!"

"Old!" "No, no, Hu Zi said that in the future, the Wolf Hunting Gang will listen to your orders. Today is your first day to report for school, Hu Zi has already gone to the school to arrange for you. We are waiting for you here!"

Tang Fei felt a headache when he heard this. Why was there a forward?

"Stop!" Tang Fei once again impatiently said, "Remember, you're the two of you and I'm me. We have nothing to do with each other!"

Seeing that Tang Fei didn't seem to be joking, Piggy and Bamboo Pole looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Also, call that Hu Zi or whatever he's called. Hurry up and tell him to get the hell back. Also, get rid of all that nonsense. If I can see him again when I go to school later, you guys are dead!" Tang Fei gritted his teeth as he spoke.

Tang Fei finally understood that when dealing with these hooligans, he must not be soft-hearted or else troubles would arise. Just like three days ago, these hooligans came looking for him again three days later due to their lack of support.

Tang Fei couldn't be bothered with this kind of person and waved his hand impatiently, "Alright, alright, stop standing here. It's not your fault for affecting the city's appearance and being so gentle, but it's your fault for always coming here and there!"

How could Pig and Bamboo Pole man dare to leave? It wasn't because they didn't want to leave, but because they couldn't complete the mission. How could they leave? When the two brothers returned, there was no way for him to explain himself!

Seeing that Piggy and Bamboo Pole were not leaving, Tang Fei glared at them. "F * cking hell, do you want me to beat you up before you leave?"

What made Tang Fei surprised was that this fat pig and bamboo pole did not just nod their heads with all their might. They even said with a smile, "Big brother, I beg you, just hit me!"

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