My Japanese Star Wife/C4 It's a Problem Whether You Can Go up or Not
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My Japanese Star Wife/C4 It's a Problem Whether You Can Go up or Not
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C4 It's a Problem Whether You Can Go up or Not

The suited man sucked in a breath of cold air, not expecting Tang Fei to be so strong. Seeing that Tang Fei was determined to intervene, he casually picked up the billiard ball and rushed forward without the slightest hesitation.

Tang Fei, who was standing on the billiard stage, bent down and dodged. In a flash, he once again picked up the rest of the billiard balls and threw them out.

Countless billiard balls flew out at that moment, making the man in the suit unable to defend against them.

Tang Fei had been practicing under the Tang Sect since he was young, and he had been losing concealed weapons. His martial arts had been much more adept in recent years. Naturally, it would be easy for him to deal with a small Japanese.

In just a few minutes, his face and body had been through a lot. Two of them hit his eye sockets and swelled up.

"You bird person, a good bird person shouldn't be treated as a panda. Do you really think that everyone loves you?" Tang Fei swung the bat at his opponent's butt.

Hu Zi, the bamboo shoot man, as well as Pig and the others were completely stupefied. The one who was betting with them was actually an expert amongst experts. Wanting to win his money was simply courting death!

The fat pig recalled how it took advantage of the moment of panic to take the 1000 yuan for itself, sweat started to appear on its forehead. Every time Tang Fei attacked, the fat pig would look like it was hitting itself!

The two men in suits were kneeling on one leg, looking battered and exhausted. The bruises on their faces made them look even more unrecognizable.

"Don't give me such a big gift." Tang Fei smiled as he spoke, one hand gently pressing down on the baseball bat's head. With a little bit of force, the man in the suit kneeling on the ground had to bend over quite a bit.

The man in the suit, who had been taught a lesson, struggled to stand up, but he couldn't do anything about it. Tang Fei held both of their hands behind his back with his baseball bat, preventing them from moving.

"I was planning to make you kneel before me, but it seems that I can only crawl now!" Tang Fei sat on the billiard table and placed his foot on the opposite table. With a slight push from his left hand, the sunglasses guy kneeling on the floor bent his waist once again.

Tang Fei picked up another bat with his right hand and casually swung it at the other party's butt. He then laughed brazenly, as if he felt like he was back in Shu bullying others again.

Tiger, Piggy and the bamboo pole looked at each other before carefully standing up. He held a ball pole in one hand and looked at Tang Fei with an enchanting smile. He didn't seem to object to Tang Fei's actions at all.

The three of them now had a bit of courage. They walked over, picked up their bats, and swung them at the man's butt.

"What a cool thing. Didn't I tell you to crawl out!"

"Crawl, crawl!"

One after another, they all began to shout out.

The man in shades who was kneeling on the ground had no other choice. Gritting his teeth, he slowly crawled out from under Tang Fei's crotch under the driving force of the crowd.

When the surrounding crowd saw this, they all began to cheer and clap.

The two men crawled over and helped each other up. They looked at each other with eyes full of resentment as they stared at Tang Fei. Then, they supported each other as they limped out of the arena.


Hu Zi had a charming smile on his face as he carefully stood by Tang Fei's side without the slightest arrogance from before.

"Eh?" Tang Fei raised an eyebrow, "Who's your boss?"

"You are, you are …" Hu Zi said carefully.

"Here's your money, count it." "Here, take a look!" Pig took out the money he had just received from his pocket and carefully handed it over. And this, your fire engine. "

"No, no, there's these too." Hu Zi and the bamboo shoot man also took out a dozen or so coins from their pockets and handed them over to Tang Fei. From the looks of it, they were paying their respects to him.

Tang Fei could not help but shake his head. He did not take it, nor did he take it.

At this time, the chubby girl with large breasts walked towards Tang Fei with small steps. She made a big Japanese bow and raised her head. "Thank you for saving me!"

The coquettish voice made Tang Fei feel even more comfortable. An evil idea ignited in Tang Fei's heart. Wouldn't it feel great if he were to wake up in bed with this voice?

"Beauty, what's your name?"

Tang Fei smiled as he opened his mouth, thinking to himself: "After a hero saves a beauty, will there be a better show for himself?"

The young girl in the pink dress opened her lips, gritted her teeth, and said with a voice that sounded like it came from heaven, "My name is Longze, I'm Japanese, it's our first time meeting. Please take care of me!" As he spoke, he bent down once again, and the huge chest appeared before his eyes at this moment.

"What?" Tang Fei was not in the mood to appreciate the flash of spring light as he instantly cried out, "You're also Japanese?"

Long Zhaoxiang blinked her large eyes and looked at Tang Fei. She nodded and looked at him in puzzlement. Her meaning was clear, what happened to the Japanese?

"Why the f * ck aren't you birds speaking Chinese!?" Tang Fei was furious.

The somewhat lost Chaney, after being stunned for a long time, said submissively, "My mother is Chinese, so I also spoke Chinese since I was young. If you don't like it, I can speak Japanese. "

"Speak your sister!" Tang Fei exploded in anger.

"My sister is still in Japan. I'm the only one who came to China this time, if you want to know her!" Long Ze Xiang clearly did not understand Tang Fei's words as she replied honestly.

"Scram!" Tang Fei suddenly said. If he knew this was going to happen, he definitely wouldn't have saved Tang Fei. How could he let these Japanese Avians get involved? At this moment, Tang Fei's intestines turned green with regret.

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