My Sect: Gathering Heroes Across Worlds/C12 Can I Cultivate the Solar Mantras?
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My Sect: Gathering Heroes Across Worlds/C12 Can I Cultivate the Solar Mantras?
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C12 Can I Cultivate the Solar Mantras?

With a satisfying crunch, the sweetness burst forth, a flavor absent from modern fruits. Su Chen mused on the uniqueness of the spiritual fruit—it truly was in a class of its own.

"Master, I've made a breakthrough," Zhang Cuishan exclaimed, his voice tinged with astonishment. He had been stagnant in the early period of the Innate stage for years, but today, fortified by the essence of the spiritual fruit, he soared into the middle period.

"Brother Shan, Susu has broken through as well," Yin Susu declared joyfully.

"I've broken through too," Zhang Wuji chimed in quietly, raising his hand with a grin. "And I feel like the chill in my body has greatly diminished."

Su Chen sat down cross-legged, feigning meditation. Minutes ticked by without any sign of progress.

"Master, how are you feeling?" Zhang Cuishan inquired, noticing his master stirring from his contemplation.

"Haha, I haven't made a breakthrough," Zhang Sanfeng admitted with a chuckle. "But my vital energy is more refined, and my Qi and blood have been replenished." It was clear he had reaped considerable benefits.

Su Chen felt like he was on the verge of an internal explosion. It was maddening—everyone else had gained something, but what about him? Aside from quenching his thirst, it seemed utterly useless.

"Alright, enough of that. We've eaten the peach and acquired the Solar Mantras; it's time to move on," Su Chen declared.

"Su Chen, we've all made progress. Have you exhausted all your martial prowess?" Zhang Wuji asked with naive curiosity.

Su Chen couldn't help but snort with laughter. Oh, Zhang Wuji, you're learning some sly tricks! But I'll let it slide for now—you're still young. Just wait until you're older; then you'll witness the full extent of my skills.

Zhang Wuji shuddered involuntarily. Was it the cold? Could the chilling energy of the Shadowed Void Strike be flaring up again?

"Haha, how could your brother Su not have made a breakthrough? It's just that the potency of this peach was insufficient. But let's not dwell on it. We should hurry on our way!"

The group made their way back to Wudang. As for the Zhu family, Su Chen decided against visiting. He was no killer, and the Zhu family possessed only the Solar Finger Thrust—a technique Zhang Sanfeng would never stoop to steal. So, without further ado, Su Chen and his companions returned to Wudang.

"Sage Zhang, am I able to cultivate the Solar Mantras?" After returning to Wudang, Su Chen sought out Zhang Sanfeng's residence and posed the question directly.

"Yes," Zhang Sanfeng responded, though he was curious about Su Chen's interest in the Solar Mantras, he chose not to inquire further.

"Sage Zhang, considering my abilities, how long would it take me to achieve Great Completion?" Su Chen asked. In the world of the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre, the Solar Mantras were akin to a game-changing power-up. Zhang Wuji, since practicing the Solar Mantras, no longer suffered from fatigue. He could effortlessly ascend five flights of stairs and in just a couple of hours, he had mastered the first seven levels of the Cosmic Quantum Shift, propelling him to the pinnacle of his life.

"With the aid of the Spirit Peach, Su Chen could attain early success in three years and reach Great Completion in thirty," Zhang Sanfeng estimated.

Su Chen had anticipated the challenge and managed to keep his composure. "Is there a shortcut available?"

"There is," Zhang Sanfeng admitted reluctantly, "Su Chen, the world operates on certain principles. While shortcuts exist, they come at the cost of personal harm, and it may become exceedingly difficult for you to advance further in the future."

"Ah, I see," Su Chen acknowledged. He understood that shortcuts in martial arts training came with inherent risks. Yet, he was confident that any such costs could be mitigated. If not in this world, then perhaps in another—exhausted potential or hidden injuries could all be remedied with a single elixir.

Zhang Sanfeng, recognizing Su Chen's resolve and knowing he had his own considerations, refrained from further dissuasion. "There are numerous shortcuts, each with its own price. I could use a century's worth of my vital energy to forcibly open your Eight Extraordinary Meridians, aiding you in your cultivation of the Solar Mantras. However, since this wouldn't be an achievement of your own, reaching higher realms would be a hundred times more difficult for you than for others."

"In other words, there's still a chance for me to ascend to an even higher level," Su Chen concluded.

"Yes, but the next stage will be a hundred times more difficult than the last. Su Chen, your foundation is shaky, and you've already fallen behind. Please think it over carefully."

"I get it, it's not a big deal," Su Chen said, dismissing the concern with a wave of his hand.

"Very well! But Su Chen, there's one more thing I must tell you. The Solar Mantras are top-tier Pure Yang techniques, best practiced by those who are pure. You must not break this purity before achieving Great Completion, or all will be lost."

"Goodbye, see you later." Su Chen turned and walked away quickly. It turns out it's Pure of Heart Training! He definitely couldn't practice that martial art!

After a few steps, Su Chen paused and added, "Join me in two days for a trip down the mountain. We'll check out the Order of the Tomb." Su Chen couldn't pass up the chance to meet potential masters like Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü.

"Naturally," Zhang Sanfeng replied, smiling and stroking his beard.

"Also, the injury of your third disciple, Yu Daiyan, is closely related to your fifth disciple's wife. You need to address this personally. These are minor injuries; I can heal them, and so will you in the future. Let's not damage the harmony between us." In the original story, Zhang Cuishan committed suicide over Yu Daiyan's injury. Su Chen didn't want to see that happen over something so trivial when a box of Black Jade Replenishing Ointment would do the trick.


Two days later, word spread that the mysterious box had vanished. Apart from the Wudang Sect, the other five major sects suffered severe losses, and many smaller sects had numerous casualties. Eventually, even the Yuan Dynasty and the Cult of Enlightenment intervened, resulting in a fierce battle that left rivers of blood. Ultimately, the box was stolen by an unknown party, and calm returned to the martial world.

Su Chen felt no remorse for the deaths of the warriors; they had brought it upon themselves, and there was nothing he could do. At that moment, Su Chen was focused on leading Zhang Sanfeng to the ancient tomb. Recruiting new members was his priority.

But as Su Chen made his way to the ancient tomb, he was stopped. Upon reaching the base of Wudang Mountain, they found themselves targeted by a line of ready ballistae.

"Not good," Zhang Sanfeng muttered, his brow furrowed as he surveyed the rows of Egrinid soldiers. The Wudang Sect had been encircled by the Imperial Court's army without any warning, a fact that naturally caused him concern.

"We of Wudang Mountain have always coexisted peacefully with the Imperial Court. Why then have they chosen to besiege us?" inquired Zhang Sanfeng. As he spoke, a defiant aura radiated from him, and he faced the distant Egrinid army with resolve.

"Awesome," Su Chen couldn't help but think, giving a mental thumbs-up. A single man standing against an army was the epitome of a boss! It was best for him to stay behind this powerhouse and shiver in fear.

"Sage Zhang, please calm your anger. Our forces mean no harm. The Emperor, upon hearing of the Immortal's arrival, was filled with admiration and has sent me to extend an invitation to the Immortal to visit the palace for a conversation," explained a man clad in the official garb of the Yuan Dynasty, stepping forward from the ranks to address Su Chen and Zhang Sanfeng with respect.

"Invite me?" Su Chen was initially puzzled, but then it dawned on him that Zhang Sanfeng wasn't the only clever one; others would soon come to the same realization.

"What if I refuse? Will you resort to force?" Su Chen asked, eyeing the chilling array of arrowheads, feeling that even Zhang Sanfeng's protection might not be enough.

"Please don't take offense, Immortal. We are merely following orders and are left with little choice," the soldiers replied.

"Can we win in a fight?" Su Chen inquired bluntly, not shying away from the Egrinid official's gaze.

"If I choose to leave, they won't be able to stop me. With you, there's a fifty percent chance of success," Zhang Sanfeng stated.

"Got it," Su Chen acknowledged, realizing they were at a disadvantage. "Lead the way, then! I'm curious to see why this mortal emperor is so eager to meet with me." His tone took on an air of haughtiness, especially when he spoke of the 'emperor.' After all, as immortals, they were entitled to a certain level of pride.

"The Immortal is most welcome," the Yuan Dynasty official responded, unfazed by Su Chen's lofty demeanor. Immortals, after all, were expected to carry themselves with a certain gravitas.

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