My Sect: Gathering Heroes Across Worlds/C20 Omniverse Sect Is Established
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My Sect: Gathering Heroes Across Worlds/C20 Omniverse Sect Is Established
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C20 Omniverse Sect Is Established

"Sigh, Little Su! I'm not trying to nag, but you're not getting any younger. It's time to think about your future instead of fiddling with broken computers and phones all day. Finding a job is better than anything else."

"Zhang Zhen, you're right. I'll consider it for the future." Su Chen felt moved, yet with the Goldfinger already in his possession, the thought of job hunting didn't appeal to him.

"Well, as long as you understand." Seeing that Su Chen wasn't taking his advice to heart, Zhang Zhen stopped pushing and went off to busy himself in the kitchen.

Watching Zhang Zhen's retreating figure, Su Chen had a sudden realization: the noodles didn't taste as good anymore. Before, as an orphan who only had to feed himself, he never gave it much thought. Without a girlfriend, he just took each day as it came. But after his experiences in different worlds, and prompted by Zhang Zhen's words, Su Chen knew he had to take action—not for himself, but to live up to the expectations of others and to make his life count.

He finished his noodles; they might not have been as tasty, but they still needed to be eaten.

Feeling full and content, Su Chen headed back to his dormitory with a satisfied smile. Where else could he go? Shopping? The idea of Su Chen shopping alone was laughable. It couldn't compare to the comfort of lying in bed and scrolling through his phone.

"Five words drift through the sky, they're not a concern. And if they are, just lie down for a while, and soon there'll be nothing to worry about." Humming a tune, whether the lyrics were right or not, Su Chen strolled toward the dormitory.

Suddenly, a shadow darted by him, swift as lightning. Su Chen barely caught a glimpse—probably just a rat. He had no interest in finding out.

Back at the dormitory and seeing it was still early, Su Chen powered up his computer and began catching up on TV series. With the world of Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre already a reality, it wouldn't be long before other novels and movies followed suit.

The local news station reported that Ekranbu was experiencing frequent rat infestations, with several citizens already infected with the plague. They urged residents to secure their doors and windows and to disinfect promptly to prevent infection. Su Chen scoffed at the report. In this day and age, a rat plague, especially in the city, seemed unbelievable. Dismissing the news, he turned off the broadcast and began watching a movie.

At Wudang Mountain, Soong Yuanqiao, who had been dispatched to the Order of the Tomb, had just returned. He stood with reverence to the side of the hall. In the center, an elderly couple with white hair yet unwrinkled skin stood side by side. Their mere presence commanded such respect that Soong Yuanqiao, the Eldest Senior Brother of Wudang, hardly dared to breathe.

"Is there really such a thing as an immortal in this world?"


Across from them, Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard and smiled, a living testament to the claim.

"Seeing you now, I'm inclined to believe it."

"Then, welcome to our organization, old friend."

"Hehe, who would have thought we'd see the day we became immortals? It's quite the twist of fate."

"Could you describe what the Immortal Sect is like?"

"Well..." Zhang Sanfeng hesitated. How could he describe the Immortal Sect when he was new to it himself? "I've only been a member for a couple of days and don't know much about it. You should ask Su Chen when he arrives."

"That seems reasonable." Yang Guo pondered. It made sense that Zhang Sanfeng, a recent initiate, wouldn't be familiar with the Immortal Sect.

"Do you know if there are many other reclusive experts like yourself?"

With a slight sigh, Yang Guo replied, "The old friends have all passed on. Now, it's just my wife and me, living in seclusion."

Zhang Sanfeng shared in the sigh, changing the subject to reminisce about the past. As centenarians, they found plenty of common ground in their memories.

When Su Chen arrived at the Wudang Sect a day later, he hadn't expected Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü to be there so soon. He had barely set foot on Wudang Mountain when he was immediately cornered by the couple. If not for Zhang Sanfeng's timely intervention, Su Chen might have had to make a hasty retreat.

"Yang Guo, along with his wife, pays his respects to the Immortal," Yang Guo said as he bowed respectfully to Su Chen.

Su Chen was taken aback. It was quite unsettling for two individuals, whose combined ages exceeded two hundred years, to bow before him—it felt like it would shorten his own life. He glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, conveying a silent message, 'You didn't inform them about my situation.'

Zhang Sanfeng returned the glance with a silent reply, 'No.'

"Please, both of you stand. You're going to give this young man a heart attack. From now on, we're all family here, no need for such formalities," Su Chen said as he quickly helped the Condor Heroes to their feet.

"Immortal, you flatter us. It's our honor to be recognized by you," they responded.

Su Chen felt a twinge of embarrassment. He had managed to coax Zhang Sanfeng and two other formidable experts to join his hollow organization. Wasn't his conscience pricking him?

"May I inquire, Immortal, where the Immortal Sect is located, and what is our sect's name?"

Why the insistence on knowing the sect's location and name? Nevertheless, it was time to choose a name with a bit more gravitas. They were already more than twenty chapters in, so there was no rush to establish a location.

He glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, then at Yang Guo and his wife. "What if we call our organization the Omniverse Sect? It's memorable and has a certain prestige. Though, it might be a bit too generic, lacking a unique character."

Zhang Sanfeng pondered, seemingly weighing the merit of Su Chen's suggested name.

Yang Guo and his wife looked perplexed. What was the Immortal implying? How could they, who had lived for over a century, be so confounded?

"If that doesn't suit, how about Ascension Sect, Cross World Sect, Gate of Heaven, or All Beings Sect..." Su Chen rattled off a series of names he thought had an impressive ring to them.

"The decision is entirely yours," Zhang Sanfeng finally said after a long deliberation, passing the responsibility back to Su Chen. So much for all that contemplation.

"Let's settle on the Omniverse Sect then!"

"Alright, let's call it the Omniv—"

Su Chen was about to finalize the decision when he noticed something amiss with the voice—it was unmistakably feminine. Given that Xiaolongnü was the only woman present, he turned to look at her and saw that she was smiling warmly, her expression as gentle as the kindly neighbor next door.

"Long'er, please refrain from being impolite," Yang Guo chided gently. They were newcomers and still trying to grasp the situation. Caution was the best approach.

"Very well, we shall name it the Omniverse Sect. I shall serve as the Sect Master, with Zhang Sanfeng, Yang Guo, and Xiaolongnü as the elders. We will initially limit our number to four, and we can address additional members in the future," Su Chen declared, appointing the Three Elders and himself as the Sect Master with a grand gesture.

"So, what you're saying is that our Omniverse Sect currently consists of only four members?" Yang Guo asked, astonished. It appeared they had stumbled into an unexpected scenario.

"Indeed, Elder Yang, there's no need to worry. Disciples and members will come in time," Su Chen replied nonchalantly. With enough confidence, the rewards will come. Everything will fall into place.

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