My Sect: Gathering Heroes Across Worlds/C3 Untamed Tribe
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My Sect: Gathering Heroes Across Worlds/C3 Untamed Tribe
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C3 Untamed Tribe

The scent of blue autumn grass filled the air, stirring a sense of unease in Su Chen's heart. The village was vast, and Su Chen felt weary from the walk. No. 1, the man ahead, continued at his unhurried pace, seemingly impervious to fatigue. Su Chen couldn't help but admire the remarkable stamina of the locals.

All of a sudden, No. 1 halted, and Su Chen, caught off guard, bumped into his back. It was like hitting an iron plate rather than a human back!

"Little friend, whence do you come, and whither are you bound?" An elderly voice rang out beside Su Chen.

"From whence I came, to where I must return," Su Chen responded instinctively.

This was a reflex born from his addiction to novels and his membership in some rather eccentric groups. His reply carried an air of grandeur, though in the circles of the Gods, it would be deemed rather pedestrian.

Su Chen once had the fortune to witness an introduction by a fellow member that spanned from the creation of the world by Pan Gu to 70,000 years into the future, a self-introduction of over 10,000 words. Now that was the mark of a true God.

"Wait a moment." Something clicked for Su Chen as he turned sharply towards the source of the voice. He saw an old man with a long beard reaching his waist, his face etched with wrinkles, and a hunched posture. The old man appeared taken aback by Su Chen's words.

In just a couple of strides, Su Chen was face-to-face with the elder, surprise etched on his features. "You speak my language?" Su Chen had distinctly heard the old man speaking fluent Mandarin.

The old man offered a slight smile. "I don't actually speak your language, young one. What you heard was merely a simple application of psychic force."

"Psychic force." Su Chen's composure shattered. It was real. Having witnessed the extraordinary physicality of these so-called barbarians, Su Chen had suspected the existence of supernatural forces in this world, but he hadn't expected to encounter them so soon.

"You're a cultivator."

Su Chen retreated from the old man even faster than he had approached, maintaining a distance of ten meters. Despite his fear, a surge of excitement was almost too strong to contain. The path of cultivation, the promise of eternal life, the power to end worlds or grant everlasting existence—these were the dreams of every avid reader!

"I'm not familiar with the term 'cultivator' that you speak of. Perhaps you're referring to a fellow traveler on the path of seeking knowledge," the elder mused, gently stroking his beard as he scoured his memory for any information on cultivators. To his surprise, despite over a century of life experience, he found nothing. He sighed inwardly, acknowledging his own lack of worldly knowledge.

"Close enough," Su Chen thought, feeling a wave of relief. It seemed these people meant him no harm, and he could afford to linger a bit longer. "Greetings, elder. My name is Su Chen. I'm not sure how I ended up in this forest, but thankfully, this kind gentleman found me and brought me here. May I inquire as to our current location?"

Su Chen reviewed his words carefully, satisfied that he had struck the right balance between the formal tone of ancient times and modern diction. He had successfully established rapport while keeping his circumstances vague—a flawless execution.

Upon hearing this, the elder gave Su Chen a once-over and responded, "You are on the outskirts of Untamed Ridge, at the southwestern frontier of the Brilliant Empire. If you wish to travel to the nearest town, some of our clansmen will be heading there in two days to purchase salt. You're welcome to join them."

The Brilliant Empire, Untamed Ridge—Su Chen furrowed his brow. The elder's response seemed innocuous, but it subtly suggested that Su Chen should move on.

"Thank you kindly for your assistance," Su Chen replied.

With two days until the clansmen's departure, Su Chen resolved to stay in the village, unabashedly taking advantage of their hospitality.

After Su Chen had gone, a middle-aged man emerged from the inner sanctum of the Ancestral Hall, dressed in slightly more civilized attire than the wild men outside, his upper body wrapped in fur. "Patriarch, this stranger has a mysterious origin and his arrival was peculiar. Why have you allowed him to remain?"

The elder simply chuckled, not directly addressing the middle-aged man's concerns. His face betrayed an excitement he could barely contain.

"Patriarch, Patriarch."

The middle-aged man was startled. It was rare to see the Patriarch display such emotion; he had always been the epitome of calm, wisdom, and control.

"Shou Kun!" Realizing his own lapse, the elder's smile faded as he spoke, "Shou Kun, do you recall the High Priest's prophecy?"

"Of course, I remember. How could I forget?" As a member of the Untamed Tribe, the legend had been ingrained in him since childhood, passed down through generations.

"Ten thousand years later, Celestial Descent, Defiance of Destiny." This very legend had been the beacon of hope for the Untamed Tribe for countless generations. The excitement it stirred in him as a boy was indescribable! Why the excitement? Well, that delves into the history of our people.

The Barbarian Tribe once dominated an era, commanding respect from all. The vast Untamed Ridge didn't earn its name without reason. Though ages have passed, the mere mention of the tribe's past glory still sends a thrill through Shou Kun.

This prophecy, bequeathed by the last High Priest during that golden age, has been the tribe's guiding light, with each generation awaiting the Celestial Being's arrival.

Shou Kun had shared this anticipation. Yet, with age and experience, his perspective shifted, leading to a nuanced interpretation of the prophecy.

It was a lie, a benevolent deception to give his people the will to endure. But today, the patriarch he revered revealed that the figure from the lie had emerged within their tribe. Shou Kun had even secretly observed this individual, a weakling who seemed incapable of besting a three-year-old child in their midst.

"Chief, it's about the constitution, the constitution," Shou Kun exclaimed suddenly.

"You've come to understand," the old man replied, his smile returning with a hint of satisfaction. "On the Frontier of Eternity, myriad races exist, each with unique constitutions. But have you ever encountered one as singular as this?"

"No," Shou Kun affirmed, shaking his head. He had never even heard of such a frail constitution, let alone seen it. Indeed, it was as feeble as an infant within their tribe.

This is just one aspect; the young man's peculiar attire and language also stand out. The craftsmanship is so fine that even the nobility of the Imperial City can't compare. The style of his clothing is completely at odds with the Frontier of Eternity. Coupled with his unusual language, this young friend might not be from this realm."

"If he's not from this realm, then there's only one other possibility." Shou Kun lifted his gaze to the heavens, "He must be from beyond the skies. A Celestial Being, a Celestial Being, a person from beyond. Chief, could he truly be the one foretold in the prophecy?"

"It's highly likely."

"Then why would the chief send him to the town?" A Celestial Being! This is a being to be revered. We're afraid he might slip away right under our watch.

"We cannot dictate the actions of a Celestial Being; we must leave it to the will of the heavens! Besides, isn't it two days before our people head into the city? Two days should suffice for us to learn more about this Celestial Being."

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