My Sect Is Awesome/C3 Marquis Changlin's Mansion's Young Marquis
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My Sect Is Awesome/C3 Marquis Changlin's Mansion's Young Marquis
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C3 Marquis Changlin's Mansion's Young Marquis

"System, what exactly is a small world sect headquarters? Are you saying you're going to give me my own sect headquarters?" Wang Feng inquired quietly.

"That's correct, host. The small world sect headquarters includes a complete palace necessary for a sect, located within the small world I've created. This small world is situated atop the Immortal Continent. Please select the entrance to the small world!"

A gleam sparked in Wang Feng's eyes. The system truly understood his needs. He had been concerned about the modest state of his sect's headquarters, and just like that, the system provided him with one!

"I think I'll place the entrance inside that straw hut," Wang Feng mused, finally deciding.

The straw hut held sentimental value for him, as he had built it with his own hands. Despite its humble appearance, it was a testament to the emotions he'd experienced since arriving in this world. Plus, its simplicity was a reflection of his unassuming nature.

Once the entrance to the headquarters was established, Wang Feng turned to Feiwu and spoke calmly, "Now, tell me what's been troubling you."

As a disciple of the Immortal Sect, Feiwu was under his care. As the Master of the Immortal Sect, it was his duty to assist her. He wouldn't allow any of his disciples to feel abandoned.

"At your service, Master!" Feiwu responded, bowing deeply to Wang Feng.

With a fierce determination, she revealed, "My full name is Ling Feiwu, the eldest daughter of the Ling family from the Glorious Sun Empire's Yaofeng City. During my travels for training, I encountered Lin Yunyi, the Young Marquis from Marquis Changlin's Mansion. I mistook him for a refined gentleman, but he turned out to be a predator who tried to assault me. I barely managed to escape with my life!"

"I thought the ordeal was over once I got home. But to my horror, the very next day, Lin Yunyi arrived at our doorstep with a host of Marquis Changlin's Mansion's strongest, intent on annihilating the Ling family because I had rejected his advances. If not for my father's sacrifice, I wouldn't be here today. And yet, Lin Yunyi and his warriors relentlessly pursued me!"

"Every single member of the Ling family, hundreds of them, perished except for me. I don't dare to ask for vengeance, but I do seek your protection from their cruelty. And if the opportunity arises, I vow to seek justice with my own hands!"

"Rest assured, as a disciple of the Immortal Sect, no one can harm you while I'm here," Wang Feng said, his eyes flashing with an intense sharpness.

Wang Feng's heart was ablaze with towering rage. He couldn't believe the Cultivation Realm harbored such vile individuals. To him, Lin Yunyi, the Young Marquis from Marquis Changlin's Mansion, was as good as dead.

He was well aware of the Cultivation Realm's brutal nature. He wouldn't normally interfere in such matters, but when his own disciple was involved, he felt compelled to act. How could he continue to lead as the Master if he did nothing?

Previously, as a mere mortal, he had to tread carefully. But now, with the power of the system, he still needed to maintain a low profile, yet he refused to be anyone's victim.

Ling Feiwu's tension eased upon hearing Wang Feng's words. Her greatest fear was that the mention of Marquis Changlin's Mansion would deter Wang Feng from helping her. His reassurance now gave her complete peace of mind.

Little did she know, Wang Feng was unaware of the Marquis Changlin's Mansion's esteemed status within the Glorious Sun Empire; Ling Feiwu had assumed he knew.

Suddenly, the sound of whooshing broke the silence, followed by a chilling laugh. "Feiwu, did you really think you could get away from me? Come back willingly, and I might just spare you."

Then, seven figures with formidable auras appeared in the valley, their eyes filled with scorn as they gazed upon Ling Feiwu.

"Lin Yunyi, I am now a member of the Immortal Sect. The Master of the Immortal Sect stands before you; curb your arrogance!" Ling Feiwu stepped forward, her voice thundering with anger, her eyes seething with loathing as she faced Lin Yunyi.

If not for him, she would still be the esteemed young miss of the Ling family, not reduced to her current plight.

The seven newcomers, upon hearing Ling Feiwu's furious shout, finally turned their attention to Wang Feng and the others. They glanced at them, their eyes betraying a hint of contempt. To them, Wang Feng, appearing devoid of any cultivation, seemed unworthy of the title Master of the Immortal Sect.

"I never imagined you'd not only possess stunning beauty but also such cunning. Do you really think they can deter me? You're sorely underestimating me!" Lin Yunyi scoffed.

An ordinary man might have been cowed by Ling Feiwu, but he was the Young Marquis from Marquis Changlin's Mansion in the Glorious Sun Empire. In all the empire, there was no one beneath the highest echelons he feared to provoke!

Furthermore, he had his men thoroughly investigate and discovered not a trace of Profound Qi on Wang Feng and the other two. Clearly, they were mere mortals.

"If you don't want their deaths on your conscience, then follow me without fuss. Serve me well, and I might even elevate you to the status of my concubine!" Lin Yunyi declared, looking down at Ling Feiwu with a wild arrogance.

Ling Feiwu turned her hopeful gaze to Wang Feng. She was unaware of the extent of his strength or whether he could withstand Lin Yunyi. For now, Wang Feng was her sole beacon of hope.

Wang Feng stood, hands clasped behind him, his gaze unfathomably deep. He exuded an air of aloof expertise, yet remained motionless. He was weighing whether to intervene himself or let Ye Gucheng take the lead.

The cultivation levels of these seven had all attained the Profound General Stage, with the strongest among them at the pinnacle of that stage. Wang Feng had only recently ascended from mortality to the Image Entering Stage of cultivation. Despite assurances of no adverse effects from the system, he had never before engaged in cultivation and was still mastering his newfound power.

Were Ling Feiwu and the others not present, Wang Feng would have relished the opportunity to test his skills against these seven. But with his two newly acquired disciples watching, sparring on equal footing with a Profound General Stage adversary would be rather awkward.

As Wang Feng pondered, Lin Yunyi grew increasingly convinced that Wang Feng and his companions were nothing more than ordinary mortals Ling Feiwu had scraped together.

"Kill them and bring Ling Feiwu to me!" Lin Yunyi commanded contemptuously, his voice laced with a chilling intent to kill, signaling the end of his patience.

"How dare you affront the Young Marquis? You truly are ignorant of the consequences. Some are beyond the reach of commoners like you!" A figure burst forth from behind Lin Yunyi, positioning himself defiantly before Wang Feng and the others.

"Today, you mortals will witness the true power of the mighty!"

With those words, an intensely fierce aura burst forth from his being. He swung his hand down towards Wang Feng's head, clearly aiming to flatten him into a pancake!

"Ye Gucheng!" Despite sensing the explosive energy from his opponent, Wang Feng remained utterly unfazed. He didn't even spare a glance for the assailant.

As Wang Feng's words trailed off, the sword in Ye Gucheng's embrace quivered. A blinding flash of light followed, prompting all onlookers to instinctively shut their eyes.

When Lin Yunyi and his companions reopened their eyes, they saw the assailant still frozen in the act of striking Wang Feng. Lin Yunyi's brow furrowed as he barked, "Why haven't you slain these people yet?"

As the echo of Lin Yunyi's reprimand faded, the assailant's body shattered into fragments. The cuts were so precise and clean, not a single drop of blood had yet to spill.

Witnessing such an eerie spectacle, Lin Yunyi and the others sharply inhaled, nearly fainting from shock.

A warrior of the Profound General Stage had been inexplicably slain! Surely, not even a master of the Image Entering Stage could achieve such a feat!

"Could he be a Marquis?" Lin Yunyi's forehead beaded with sweat, his voice quivering. He looked at Wang Feng, his eyes brimming with terror.

Only a Marquis could dispatch a Profound General Stage warrior with such ease! And within the vast Glorious Sun Empire, Marquises were the epitome of strength. Even his father, Marquis Changlin, was merely a Marquis.

In that moment, Lin Yunyi wished he could slap himself for his folly. Not even his father would dare to carelessly provoke a Marquis Stage powerhouse, and yet, he had stumbled upon one!

"Senior, please accept my apologies. I assure you, my father will present a lavish gift in recompense!" Lin Yunyi stammered out.

Lin Yunyi's sudden display of deference left Ling Feiwu and Lee Qing bewildered. What had reduced the once haughty Lin Yunyi to such a state of timidity?

Ling Feiwu was merely taken aback by Lin Yunyi's abrupt shift in demeanor. She had some inkling as to why he had become so submissive.

Though she had pinned her hopes on Wang Feng, she had never anticipated that he would effortlessly eliminate a Profound General Stage adversary.

In the Glorious Sun Empire, a warrior at the Profound General Stage was regarded as a cut above the average expert!

"You may not be the strongest, but you're certainly sly! To me, Marquis Changlin is no more significant than an ant!" Wang Feng's eyes were cold and detached, his voice brimming with self-assurance. Then, with a dismissive gesture, Wang Feng signaled to Ye Gucheng to eliminate these individuals.

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