My Sect Is Awesome/C4 Defeated Lin Yunyi
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My Sect Is Awesome/C4 Defeated Lin Yunyi
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C4 Defeated Lin Yunyi

Before Lin Yunyi could even register his shock, he and his henchmen were overwhelmed by a massive force erupting from Ye Gucheng. The profound and oceanic aura pressed down on them, leaving them gasping for air.

"Senior, please forgive me! I never meant to offend you," Lin Yunyi pleaded, truly terrified. He had never experienced such formidable pressure, which now threatened to choke the life out of him. His father's name, which had once allowed him to act with impunity, held no sway over this man.

"Feiwu, come here," Wang Feng said coolly, barely giving Lin Yunyi a glance as he beckoned Feiwu over. "Lin Yunyi will answer to you for destroying the Ling Family. Consider it a down payment. When we visit Marquis Changlin's Mansion, I promise to help you claim your justice."

Hearing Wang Feng's promise, Ling Feiwu's eyes brimmed with tears, her body quivering with barely contained emotion as she fixed her gaze on Lin Yunyi and his men. She would not be worthy of her title as the Ling Family's young miss if she failed to exact her revenge.

Lin Yunyi and his men blanched at Wang Feng's declaration, their bodies shaking uncontrollably. They desperately tried to muster their inner strength to resist the crushing pressure, but to no avail.

"Lin Yunyi, did you ever imagine this would be your fate when you annihilated the Ling Family?" Ling Feiwu's voice thundered with rage, her usually sweet tone now raspy with fury, her eyes ablaze with a terrifying desire for vengeance.

Lin Yunyi had once taken pleasure in tormenting her, but she had endured. Now, with the tables turned, it was a moment of sweet retribution.

With a grim determination, Ling Feiwu picked up a tree branch and plunged it into Lin Yunyi's heart, then yanked it out, repeating the action over and over. Lin Yunyi's robe became saturated with blood.

In that moment, Ling Feiwu was the furthest thing from the demure woman she was expected to be. She wielded the branch like a weapon of madness, channeling all her pent-up rage and hatred into each vengeful strike.

The sight of Ling Feiwu's actions startled Lee Qing, who stood behind Wang Feng. He never imagined that the ethereal beauty would engage in such wild behavior.

"Let her release her anger," Wang Feng murmured as he watched, sighing deeply. He had no intention of intervening.

Lin Yunyi eventually collapsed to the ground.

Ling Feiwu, seizing the moment, yanked out the branch. With Lin Yunyi's henchmen watching in horror, she methodically dispatched them. These once-formidable figures, who had their way in the lesser cities of the Glorious Sun Empire, were now effortlessly slain like mere insects.

After executing Lin Yunyi and his followers, Ling Feiwu composed herself. She then approached Wang Feng and Ye Gucheng, dropping to one knee with reverence. "Master, Elder Ye, I am eternally grateful for your aid in my quest for vengeance. Joining the Immortal Sect is a decision I will never regret."

Ling Feiwu had always considered her survival a stroke of luck and never dared to dream of revenge. Yet, to her astonishment, she had barely joined the Immortal Sect before the Master himself avenged her.

She was convinced that with diligent cultivation within the Immortal Sect, the day would come when she could lay waste to Marquis Changlin's Mansion and exact retribution for the Ling Family. After all, without the consent of Marquis Changlin's Mansion, would Lin Yunyi have dared to obliterate the esteemed Ling Family?

"Dad, Mom, by some fortune, I've joined the Immortal Sect and received the Master's support. I pray for your blessings in my cultivation, that I may one day avenge our family."

Observing Ling Feiwu kneeling before him, Wang Feng let out a soft sigh. He extended a hand to lift her up. Such a young soul should not bear such deep-seated enmity. Having crossed paths with her, how could he possibly remain indifferent?

"Host, congratulations! Your disciple Ling Feiwu has slain a warrior of the Profound General Stage, earning you three hundred sect points!"

The system's emotionless voice echoed in Wang Feng's mind following the demise of Lin Yunyi and his men, but Wang Feng momentarily set it aside.

He gazed at Ling Feiwu with earnest intensity, "I can offer you an excellent platform for cultivation, but becoming a true powerhouse is up to you. Remember, now that you're part of the Immortal Sect, we've got your back. The Immortal Sect fears no one. Even if your enemy is the emperor himself, I'll stand by you!"

Ling Feiwu remained silent, yet her heart swelled with warmth. She had been with the Immortal Sect for less than an hour, and had known Wang Feng for just as short a time, but already she felt a profound sense of belonging and reliance.

"You're a practitioner of the sword?" inquired Ye Gucheng, his voice cool and detached as his piercing gaze settled on Feiwu.

"Yes, Elder Ye!" Ling Feiwu responded quickly. In contrast to Wang Feng's warmth, Ye Gucheng's aloof demeanor intimidated her, though she held him in high regard. Without his assistance, she wouldn't have been able to defeat Lin Yunyi and his cohort with such ease.

"Would you take me as your master?" Ye Gucheng's question not only startled Ling Feiwu but also took Wang Feng by surprise.

Wang Feng had been thrilled to summon Ye Gucheng, yet he hadn't anticipated that the notoriously reserved Ye Gucheng would offer to mentor his disciple.

But now, the typically haughty Ye Gucheng was actually proposing to take on a disciple himself?

Noticing Feiwu's stunned silence, Wang Feng couldn't help but urge her, "What are you waiting for?"

An opportunity like this, with Ye Gucheng volunteering to mentor, was exceedingly rare. And yet, Feiwu stood there, rooted to the spot in shock.

"Greetings, Master!" Ling Feiwu finally snapped out of her reverie at Wang Feng's prompting. She dropped to her knees and bowed deeply, fearing Ye Gucheng might change his mind.

Ye Gucheng gave a nod and with a gentle flick of his wrist, a soft energy swept over Ling Feiwu, lifting her to her feet.

Lee Qing, who stood behind Wang Feng, watched with envy. He had seen Ye Gucheng's formidable power firsthand.

Though he didn't fully grasp the significance of the Profound General Stage within the Cultivation Realm, Ye Gucheng's effortless suppression of seven cultivators made it clear to Lee Qing that Ye Gucheng was a force to be reckoned with.

This woman, who had joined the sect after him, had already become Ye Gucheng's disciple. How could he not feel a twinge of envy?

"Come with me; I'll tend to your wounds."

With that, Ye Gucheng cast a brief look at the forlorn figure of Ling Feiwu. He didn't wait for her response and headed straight for the thatched cottage.

Ling Feiwu caught Wang Feng's eye and, upon receiving his nod, she painfully followed Ye Gucheng, dragging her wounded body behind her.

Wang Feng watched their departing figures with a sense of satisfaction. With Ling Feiwu under Ye Gucheng's tutelage, he was eager to see how far she would progress.

"Master, should I take my leave as well?"

Lee Qing's naive voice snapped Wang Feng out of his reverie. He shot Lee Qing a glance and dismissed him with a gesture, "Go tidy up around the thatched cottage. It's the Immortal Sect's dwelling now."

Lee Qing couldn't help but feel sidelined ever since Ling Feiwu's arrival. The Master had once valued him as a prized asset, but now he was being relegated to sweeping duties.

"System, what's the purpose of sect points?"

Once Lee Qing was gone, Wang Feng's gaze sharpened as he inquired. He had been meaning to ask the system earlier, but the timing hadn't been right. He had an intuition that these sect points would be pivotal in growing the Immortal Sect.

"Sect points can be exchanged for lucky draw opportunities. One thousand sect points allow for one lucky draw chance. Moreover, sect points can be used to upgrade the system. Ten thousand sect points will elevate the system to level two. Upon upgrading, the sect's level will automatically rise to level two as well!"

Wang Feng nodded at the system's cool-toned response, then pressed on, "What benefits come with upgrading the system and sect levels?"

"Upgrading the system level enables you to summon stronger warriors and divine weapons. Additionally, a higher sect level allows for the recruitment of more disciples. You can access the Immortal Sect's Attribute Interface for more details."

"Access the Immortal Sect's Attribute Interface," Wang Feng commanded without a moment's hesitation.

The Immortal Sect's Attribute Interface appeared as follows:

Sect: Immortal Sect

Sect Level: Level 1

Master: Wang Feng (Image Entering Stage)

Elders (Maximum of five): Ye Gucheng (Peak of Marquis Stage)

Disciples (Maximum of ten): Ling Feiwu (Peak of Psychic Stage), Lee Qing (Mortal)

Sect Headquarters: Minor World

"Can I surpass the limit if our sect's rank doesn't advance?" Wang Feng scrutinized the Immortal Sect's Attribute Interface, his brow creasing as he posed the question.

"You cannot. Strive to acquire sect points to elevate both the system and sect ranks!"

A cool, detached voice echoed in Wang Feng's mind, prompting a fleeting look of resignation to cross his face. Bound by such constraints, he knew he must relentlessly gather sect points.

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