My Sect Is Awesome/C5 Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body
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My Sect Is Awesome/C5 Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body
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C5 Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body

Wang Feng's eyes twinkled with curiosity as he silently pondered, "How can one acquire sect points?"

Whether his goal was to summon mightier champions or to broaden the reach of the Immortal Sect, accumulating sect points was essential. Wang Feng held the conviction that someday, he would elevate the Immortal Sect to become the Cultivation Realm's sole sanctuary, revered by all other sects across the land.

"First method: Fulfill tasks issued by the system to randomly earn sect points. The more challenging the task, the greater the reward of sect points," the system explained.

"Second method: Defeat any intruders. The mightier the foe vanquished, the heftier the haul of sect points."

"Third method: Recruit exceptional talents or extraordinary experts with unique abilities to gain sect points. The more formidable the recruits, the more sect points you'll secure."

The crisp, detached voice in his mind clarified everything instantly. Wang Feng hadn't anticipated the variety of methods available to gather sect points.

"System, Ling Feiwu reached the Psychic Stage's peak at just eighteen or nineteen years old. Surely, she qualifies as a top genius, doesn't she?" An idea struck Wang Feng, and he quickly voiced his thought.

Though Wang Feng was new to this world and still grasping the intricacies of cultivation, he was well aware of the sheer difficulty in achieving the Psychic Stage's peak at such a young age.

In the Cultivation Realm, it was common for people to hit the Foundation Stage by ten, then proceed with their cultivation journey. Given that Ling Feiwu was the Ling family's eldest daughter, her cultivation spanned at most fourteen or fifteen years. Reaching the Psychic Stage's peak, she was undeniably a prodigy among prodigies.

"Ling Feiwu may have decent potential, but she lacks a special constitution and hasn't grasped the essence of the realm, falling short of a top genius's benchmark," the system's voice echoed in his mind, sending a jolt through Wang Feng. Ling Feiwu wasn't considered a top genius after all!

"System, what about me? Do I qualify as a top genius?" Wang Feng, now an Image Entering Stage expert and barely in his twenties, wondered if he met the criteria for being an unparalleled talent.

"You could just about pass for a prodigy!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wang Feng's face shifted subtly, his voice taking on a grave tone.

"Ordinarily, your talents are average, but as the master of the system, you qualify as a supreme prodigy!"

At this, Wang Feng was momentarily taken aback.

After a moment's thought, he inquired silently, "And Lee Qing's talents?"

Currently, Lee Qing was merely a mortal, yet he was the premier disciple of the Immortal Sect, which bore significance for the sect's reputation. Wang Feng needed a thorough understanding of Lee Qing to devise a strategy for his empowerment. It would be a disgrace for the Immortal Sect if their eldest senior brother were outmatched by disciples from other sects.

"To assess Lee Qing's talents, it will cost 100 sect points. Would you like to proceed with the investigation?"

A hundred sect points to evaluate a mere mortal?

"Proceed with the assessment," Wang Feng commanded decisively.

"Lee Qing is a supreme prodigy!"

The thought that the plump fellow was a supreme prodigy left Wang Feng with a face full of incredulity.

"The system is infallible. Lee Qing possesses the Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body; it simply hasn't been awakened yet!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng was momentarily dumbfounded. His very first disciple turned out to be a prodigy!

"What exactly is the Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body?"

"The Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body is a top-tier special constitution in the world, endowed with the powers of absolute defense and limitless lifespan!"

"A person with the Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body, if not slain, will enjoy an infinite lifespan and possess exceptionally strong defensive capabilities!"

The system's voice echoed in his mind, prompting Wang Feng to draw a sharp breath, his eyes widening in astonishment. He hadn't anticipated that Lee Qing would harbor such a formidable constitution. If Lee Qing could cultivate the Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body to Great Completion, he would achieve immortality.

The sole downside was the risk of Lee Qing being killed, but with the formidable defense of the Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body, his safety was largely assured. His offensive might not be overwhelming, but with an endless lifespan, he could gradually enhance his cultivation level!

"System, what's the method for activating Lee Qing's Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body?" With this in mind, Wang Feng, struggling to contain his excitement, inquired.

He was resolute in his decision; come what may, he was determined to nurture Lee Qing. As Wang Feng's gaze landed on Lee Qing, who was diligently sweeping the ground in the distance, a fiery enthusiasm blazed in his eyes.

"Through a good thrashing!"

The succinct voice that echoed in his mind left Wang Feng dumbfounded.

"The Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body requires impact to awaken. Continuous external strikes will constantly stimulate the bloodline within him, leading to the full awakening of the Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body!"

With the system's explanation, Wang Feng couldn't help but chuckle. Searching for some legendary treasure to activate Lee Qing's Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body might be beyond his reach for now, but all he needed to do was give Lee Qing a thorough beating!

Wang Feng had already devised a series of plans to activate Lee Qing's unique constitution. For instance, he could have Ling Feiwu spar with Lee Qing! As long as Lee Qing wasn't beaten to death, his formidable Profound Spirit Turtle Immortal Body should ensure he comes out unscathed, right?

Lee Qing, sweeping in front of the thatched hut, pulled his clothes tighter around him. For some inexplicable reason, he felt a sudden chill. Shivering, he quickened his sweeping to ward off the cold.


Wang Feng stole a glance at Lee Qing from afar and nodded in approval. He had been concerned that Lee Qing might not be up to the task of being the Immortal Sect's senior disciple. But now, it seemed his worries were unfounded.

Considering Lee Qing's robust constitution, coupled with his guidance, Wang Feng could already envision the heights Lee Qing would reach in the future!

While Wang Feng was lost in his contented musings, the void around them began to quiver. He furrowed his brow and cast his eyes toward the thatched hut, his pupils suddenly gleaming with excitement.

Though his knowledge of cultivation was limited, as a practitioner of the Image Entering Stage, he recognized the signs of a breakthrough.

He hadn't anticipated that as Ye Gucheng was healing Ling Feiwu, she would make a breakthrough!

At that moment, Profound Qi from the surrounding air surged toward the thatched cottage, swirling into a colossal vortex overhead.

Startled by the phenomenon, Lee Qing ceased his sweeping and hurried over to Wang Feng, asking anxiously, "Master, what's happening?"

"You don't need to worry. Feiwu is on the verge of a breakthrough!" Wang Feng reassured with a dismissive wave of his hand and a light chuckle.

A flicker of envy passed through Lee Qing's eyes. Feiwu had joined the Immortal Sect not long ago, and in such a short time, she had taken Elder Ye as her master and was now on the brink of a breakthrough. Yet, he remained a mere mortal.

This thought weighed heavily on him, and he hung his head in dejection, fearing that he might soon lose his status as the eldest senior brother.

"Don't be disheartened," Wang Feng said, his eyes holding a meaningful glint. "Tomorrow, I'll start teaching you the ways of cultivation. With dedication, you could even outpace Feiwu!"

"Master, thank you for your comforting words. Rest assured, I will put in the effort!" Lee Qing's eyes sparkled with unexpected joy as he heard Wang Feng's promise, and he quickly thumped his chest in assurance.

Seeing Lee Qing's newfound optimism, Wang Feng simply smiled and held back further comment, now genuinely curious about Lee Qing's future progress.

As the two conversed, a fearsome Profound Qi storm had already taken shape above the thatched cottage, causing the very fabric of the void to tremble. It was a clear harbinger of Ling Feiwu's imminent ascension to the Profound General Stage.

Unfamiliar with the finer points of cultivation, Wang Feng was unaware that the phenomena accompanying a cultivator's breakthrough could easily alert more powerful beings.

As they awaited Ling Feiwu's successful breakthrough, a streak of light flared across the sky, spanning five hundred miles of the valley in an instant.

The light descended upon a small hillside, revealing a burly middle-aged man clad in a red robe. His face bore a mysterious pattern that lent him an air of dread.

"I never imagined that upon awakening, I'd find a Profound General Stage cultivator to feast upon. It's been ages since I've savored such a delicacy. The anticipation is thrilling," he said, a chilling smile spreading across his face. After slumbering for centuries, his luck in finding such a "delicious" welcome was indeed fortuitous.

"Her flavor will be at its peak once her breakthrough is complete. For a cultivator of the Profound General Stage to serve as my sustenance is a privilege for her," he mused with a sanguine gaze toward the valley, his lips curling into a faint, expectant smile.

No sooner had his words fallen than he stamped his foot, transforming into a streak of light that sped off toward the valley. The small hill beneath him crumbled thunderously under the force of his stomp, sending rocks tumbling down.

He was eager to feast. As a formidable Great Devil, he was unencumbered by concerns. Should the cultivator at the Profound General Stage dare to put up a fight, he was resolved to show her the full extent of his fearsome power.

Ling Feiwu, on the verge of her breakthrough to the Profound General Stage, was already his prey in his eyes. She was his to claim, and he would brook no competition. Anyone bold enough to challenge him for her would meet a swift end. In fact, he relished the prospect of someone attempting to thwart him—it would simply mean more prey for him to devour.

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