My Sect Is Awesome/C7 Ximen Chuixue's Sword
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My Sect Is Awesome/C7 Ximen Chuixue's Sword
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C7 Ximen Chuixue's Sword

Despite Lee Qing's scolding, Great Devil Xuan Sha remained unflustered, regarding him with a sardonic gaze. His patience was high when it came to his 'nourishment,' and after being sealed for so long, toying with an ant was a source of amusement for him.

Lee Qing's body went limp at the Great Devil's words, his legs shaking uncontrollably. He cursed himself for his loose tongue, wishing he could deliver a couple of sharp slaps to his own face. He had intended to impress, but instead, he had made a fool of himself.

"Great Devil Xuan Sha, I would advise you to depart. Breaking free from your seal was no small feat; it would be unwise to provoke those you shouldn't," Wang Feng said coolly, paying no mind to Lee Qing as he fixed his narrowed gaze on the Great Devil.

"Oh? You're acquainted with me, the Devil?" Great Devil Xuan Sha's interest was piqued by Wang Feng's voice, his face showing a flicker of surprise. He hadn't anticipated being recognized after a millennium in confinement.

"The same Great Devil Xuan Sha who laid waste to the Glorious Sun Empire a thousand years ago? Of course, I'm aware of you," Wang Feng replied with a slight smile, his demeanor calm and detached, which even drew a look of respect from the Great Devil.

At the sound of Wang Feng's words, Ling Feiwu, clutching Lee Qing's hand, shuddered, her eyes reflecting a surge of fear. She might not be deeply familiar with the Great Devil Xuan Sha, but within the Glorious Sun Empire, every cultivator knew of his fearsome reputation.

A millennium prior, Great Devil Xuan Sha had plunged the entire Glorious Sun Empire into an era of darkness. Were it not for the Glorious Sun Monarch's last resort to seal him away, the empire might have ceased to exist.

Ling Feiwu hadn't anticipated that this formidable Great Devil would break the Glorious Sun Monarch's seal and appear within their Immortal Sect. She cast a worried glance at Ye Gucheng, uncertain whether her master could withstand this formidable adversary.

She knew all too well that Great Devil Xuan Sha was at the peak of the Profound Emperor Stage, a full realm above her master. Despite his diminished strength due to the seal, he was still far beyond the reach of any ordinary Marquis Stage cultivator.

"Knowing that I am a devil, does that not instill fear in you?"

A malevolent grin spread across Great Devil Xuan Sha's visage, the Devil Pattern etched across his face quivering slightly, exuding an aura of sheer terror.

"Fear? I have nothing to fear! Make your move, and I'll ensure you relive the agony of defeat!" Wang Feng retorted with a fearless smirk. His expression was serene, yet the unbridled aura emanating from him was unmistakably potent and unhidden.

"Hahaha, how utterly ridiculous! Ants unaware of their own insignificance dare to challenge the heavens. I shall enlighten you on the true extent of power that rivals the heavens themselves!"

Upon hearing Wang Feng's bold declaration, Great Devil Xuan Sha's laughter boomed, a chilling echo that filled the cosmos. Then, with a piercing gaze, he turned to Wang Feng, and an immense, daunting presence erupted from his formidable frame, akin to a supreme Ferocious Beast stirring from slumber.


The fearsome power unleashed by Great Devil Xuan Sha engulfed the world in a heartbeat. A violent tempest obliterated the nearby trees, shrouding the land in dust and debris, while a colossal pressure bore down upon Wang Feng and his companions.


In the nick of time, as the dreadful force neared Wang Feng, Ye Gucheng materialized before him. A sword aura, fierce enough to cleave the fabric of reality, shone forth, cleaving the Great Devil Xuan Sha's formidable might in twain. The sharpness and ferocity of the blade made even the Great Devil Xuan Sha's pupils contract.

"Marquis Stage Peak!"

The revelation jolted Great Devil Xuan Sha. He had not anticipated the presence of a Marquis Stage Peak warrior in this secluded gorge. He had dismissed them as mere ants, easily crushed, yet here stood a lion among them.

Moreover, it was evident to Great Devil Xuan Sha that Ye Gucheng was no ordinary Marquis Stage Peak combatant. The raw, unveiled sword intent was enough to unsettle even him.

"Such prowess alone won't suffice to thwart me. Yet, I must admit, the strength of your modest sect is indeed surprising!" With a forced calm, Great Devil Xuan Sha addressed Wang Feng, his tone laced with mockery.

He was, after all, a formidable power at the pinnacle of the Profound Emperor Stage. Even though his current cultivation had waned to the peak of the Marquis Stage, he was not one to cower before Ye Gucheng.


With Great Devil Xuan Sha's words still echoing, a dense black fog erupted from him, quickly coalescing into an immense claw that lunged at Ye Gucheng. The monstrous claw blotted out the sky, plunging the entire valley into darkness, while the sheer force of its pressure visibly warped the fabric of space itself.

Despite sensing Ye Gucheng's formidable strength, Great Devil Xuan Sha launched an exploratory strike. He needed to gauge Ye Gucheng's true capabilities to determine his approach to this thorny little sect.

He had only just broken his seal. A disturbance too great might alert his arch-nemesis, which would spell trouble for him.


Confronted with Great Devil Xuan Sha's fearsome assault, Ye Gucheng's eyes narrowed, and a soaring sword aura enveloped him. The aura was as elusive as a celestial being yet carried an ultimate edge.

With a swift draw of his sword, Flying Rainbow, a streak of light flashed by, cleaving towards the massive claw with a brilliance that rivaled the heavens. The edge of the blade rent the void, leaving behind a series of slender, elongated fissures in space.


As Ling Feiwu and Lee Qing watched anxiously, the two mighty forces collided, unleashing a torrent of energy that obliterated everything in the valley, splitting even the mountainside.

The sole survivor was the humble straw hut Wang Feng had erected. It might have appeared ordinary, but with the entrance to the headquarters of a small world sect concealed within, it was shielded by the sect's protection.

Not even the clash of two Marquis Stage Peak titans could disturb it, let alone a more formidable force.

Yet, Great Devil Xuan Sha missed these subtle cues, his blood-red eyes fixated on the dissipating sword light, his heart pounding with shock.

In that split second, the sword light had shattered his offensive and was hurtling towards him. Although its power had waned after breaking through his attack, vanishing before reaching him, it left Great Devil Xuan Sha astounded.

That strike may not have been his full strength, but it certainly represented a solid 80% of it. An attack of that caliber would have been insurmountable for an ordinary Marquis Stage Peak, even one slightly stronger. Yet, Ye Gucheng effortlessly shattered that assault, suggesting his might is likely unrivaled beneath the Profound Emperor.

"I must admit, I never expected to find someone of your stature hidden away in this modest valley!" Great Devil Xuan Sha withdrew his hand after his failed strike, his crimson eyes fixated on Ye Gucheng as he spoke with a grave tone.

He had more powerful techniques up his sleeve and was confident he could take down Ye Gucheng, but he dared not go all out. If he did, the old man would surely detect his seal had been broken, forcing him into flight.

To risk such peril for mere scraps? Hardly worth it.

Ye Gucheng remained silent, sword in hand, exuding an air of solitary pride. He stood like a divine sword reigning supreme over all, his demeanor cold and haughty, yet his edge unmistakably sharp.

Beside him, Wang Feng's eyes gleamed with a sharp intelligence. He murmured to Ye Gucheng, "Do you think you can detain this devil for a bit?"

Wang Feng had discerned the devil's desire to retreat from his words. However, he wasn't about to let Great Devil Xuan Sha slip away so easily. Having already clashed and incurred enmity, the only option was to ensure he stayed.

His concern wasn't for the Immortal Sect or himself, but for the disciples who might suffer the devil's vengeance during their travels. It was best to nip the threat in the bud.

If they could just hold out until Ximen Chuixue arrived, with her level of cultivation and formidable fighting prowess, subduing this devil would be a simple task.


At Wang Feng's words, Ye Gucheng remained silent, but the sword aura radiating from him intensified, turning him into the embodiment of a divine sword, his brilliance unmatched.


In the moment Ye Gucheng prepared to engage and delay the Great Devil Xuan Sha, a commanding sword aura burst forth from the void. It descended swiftly, piercing the body of the Great Devil Xuan Sha under his horrified gaze.

As the sword aura penetrated the Great Devil, a figure in a white robe, bearing an ancient-looking black-sheathed sword, emerged abruptly in the void. His presence alone filled the world with an aura of solitude.

With two fingers pressed together as if they were a blade, a single drop of blood hovered at his fingertips. With a gentle flick, the blood drop sank into the earth, vanishing without a trace. This simple gesture revealed his face, as pale as paper, and his eyes conveyed a profound sense of loneliness.

Upon the arrival of this figure, a surge of intense battle will erupted within Ye Gucheng. His sword vibrated uncontrollably as his gaze locked onto the figure. In Ye Gucheng's eyes, the world held no one else—only the solitary figure before him.

"Once you've ascended to the Profound Emperor, we shall battle once more!"

The figure, sensing Ye Gucheng's sword intent, allowed a spark of light to break through the loneliness in his eyes as he spoke softly.

As the words dissipated, the overwhelming sword aura emanating from Ye Gucheng retracted. He gazed intently at the figure, then fell into silence.

"Master, my apologies for the delay," the figure said with a slight movement, materializing before Wang Feng and offering a respectful nod.

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