My Sect Is Awesome/C9 The Most Beautiful Woman in the World!
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My Sect Is Awesome/C9 The Most Beautiful Woman in the World!
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C9 The Most Beautiful Woman in the World!

Having gleaned a bit about the Great Devil Xuan Sha, Wang Feng decided not to delve any deeper. Moderation is key, and besides, there was a whole year ahead.

A year can seem fleeting, yet it's ample time for truth to surface. If Xuan Sha truly embodied evil, it would inevitably come to light.

Wang Feng harbored no doubts about his ability to subdue the Great Devil. Should Xuan Sha regain his peak strength within the year, it would only serve to fortify the Immortal Sect. Wang Feng held steadfast to that belief.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Wang Feng declared, "Let's go!"


"Master, to where?" Ling Feiwu and Lee Qing inquired, their faces etched with confusion. Wasn't the entirety of the Immortal Sect just this humble thatched hut before them?

"I'm taking you to the true stronghold of the Immortal Sect!" Wang Feng replied, casting a glance at Lee Qing and Ling Feiwu, his voice laced with pride. The Immortal Sect was far from a meager establishment; he simply preferred to remain unassuming.

At his words, Lee Qing and Ling Feiwu shivered with excitement, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Were they about to witness the genuine Immortal Sect?

Great Devil Xuan Sha shared their sentiment, his expectations rising. He had inadvertently crossed paths with a venerable, secluded Detached Great Sect. How else could a mere thatched cottage house beings of the Profound Emperor and Marquis Stages?

With a sense of eagerness, Great Devil Xuan Sha was curious to discover the true nature of this so-called Immortal Sect.

Then, Wang Feng ushered everyone inside the thatched cottage. The cramped space quickly filled to the brim as Ling Feiwu, Lee Qing, and Great Devil Xuan Sha looked on, full of hope.


With a focused expression and a powerful shout, Wang Feng revealed a purple-golden token in his grasp, etched with an intricate web of enigmatic runes. Emblazoned on the front were the characters for 'Immortals', and on the back, 'Master's Command'.


As the token materialized, the cottage's very space quivered. Before the astonished eyes of Xuan Sha and the others, a portal to another dimension emerged within the confines of the humble dwelling.

"What exactly is this Immortal Sect, and how can its headquarters be located within a secret realm?"

Great Devil Xuan Sha's face registered shock upon glimpsing the spatial gate, his heart churning with tumultuous waves.

A secret realm! The thought that a sect could establish its headquarters in such a place was daunting. What level of power must this Detached Great Sect wield?

Secret realms were exceedingly rare on the Immortal Continent, accessible only to those of the Profound Monarch Stage or higher. Their emergence always heralded a storm of bloodshed, for they often contained treasures or legacies left by Profound Monarch Stage Experts.

Such prospects could drive any cultivator to madness. Yet, to Xuan Sha's astonishment, the Immortal Sect had claimed an entire secret realm for itself.

This indicated that the Immortal Sect was likely founded by a Profound Monarch Stage Expert, suggesting it held a legacy of that caliber.

For a moment, Xuan Sha's heart pounded fiercely. He began to see his induction into the Immortal Sect not as a disgrace but as a golden opportunity. The chance to inherit the knowledge of a Profound Monarch Stage Expert—if he could attain it, then...

As the spatial gate swung open, Wang Feng stepped through first, with Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue close on his heels. Snapping out of their stupor, Xuan Sha and his companions quickly followed suit.

Crossing the threshold, Wang Feng felt the environment shift. He and Ye Gucheng found themselves on a vast plain.

Wang Feng looked up and was struck with awe. Xuan Sha and the others, arriving behind him, gaped in disbelief.

Before them stood an imposing stone gate, towering hundreds of meters high, adorned with cloud motifs and the words 'Immortal Sect' inscribed in purple-gold. It stood proudly, exuding an air of grandeur.

Yet, it wasn't the gate alone that shook Xuan Sha to his core. Beyond it lay a series of white jade staircases, each one floating higher than the last. Ascending the stairs revealed a splendid palace, shrouded in clouds and mist, a sight to behold.

Upon first sight, the place seemed like a dwelling fit for immortals, a single glimpse enough to leave one utterly awestruck.

Beneath the stone gateway, even the Great Devil Xuan Sha, who had once reached the pinnacle of the Profound Emperor Stage, felt as insignificant as an ant. He gazed upon the Immortal Sect station, akin to a celestial realm, and couldn't help but exclaim with deep admiration, "Immortal Sect, truly living up to its name!"

The only ones unimpressed were Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue. To these two sword-obsessed individuals, everything else paled in comparison to their blades, as ephemeral as passing clouds.

Shortly thereafter, Wang Feng's brow creased in concern. The sect's station, while resplendent, seemed to lack something crucial—Profound Qi. Theoretically, the concentration of Profound Qi within this small world should surpass that of the outside. Yet, Wang Feng sensed that the Profound Qi here was exceedingly sparse, not even matching the levels found in ordinary places beyond its borders.

"System, what's the deal with the Profound Qi in our small world sect's headquarters?" Wang Feng inquired, his frown deepening. For cultivators who rely on absorbing Profound Qi to fortify themselves, its concentration is of utmost importance. If the headquarters of this small world sect had such a meager level of Profound Qi, how could he swiftly advance the development of the Immortal Sect?

[Ding! The headquarters of this small world sect was established by the system and has not integrated a Profound Vein. The secret realms atop the Immortal Continent are typically forged by Profound Monarch Stage Experts, who often seize a Profound Vein and incorporate it into their newly created secret realm to enhance the Profound Qi concentration.]

"To elevate the Profound Qi density within the sect, you may capture a Profound Vein after your breakthrough to the Profound Monarch Stage, or you could win one through the system's lottery and then merge it with the sect."

The dispassionate voice echoing in his mind left Wang Feng rolling his eyes in frustration. Advancing to the Profound Monarch Stage was no simple feat given his current state, which meant he had no choice but to rely on the luck of the draw, hoping to secure a Profound Vein to enrich the Profound Qi at the sect's headquarters.

Darn it, the system was relentless in draining his sect points, one trap after another—it was downright inhumane.

Wang Feng shook his head, temporarily setting aside the issue of the Profound Qi density at the sect's headquarters. He could only hope that his luck would hold up and that he might draw a Profound Vein in the upcoming lottery.

Profound Veins, naturally evolved from the earth, were the quintessence of the world's Profound Qi, brimming with boundless energy. Once merged with a location, they could multiply the density of Profound Qi several times over. Thus, on the Immortal Continent, the mightier the sect, the more—and the higher quality—Profound Veins they possessed.

Indeed, a Profound Vein was the bedrock of a sect's strength!

Leading the way, Wang Feng ascended the white jade staircase with his companions, making their way to the sect's headquarters. Ling Feiwu and Lee Qing were visibly thrilled, their faces etched with solemn reverence, as if on a sacred pilgrimage.

Even the Great Devil Xuan Sha treaded the white jade steps with a hint of restraint. It was as if he were ascending to the abode of immortals, the higher he climbed, the more he felt an intangible pressure that even a rebellious devil like him wouldn't dare defy.

Soon, they were greeted by an awe-inspiring grand hall, nearly a kilometer tall and sculpted entirely from white jade. The walls were adorned with engravings of enigmatic Divine Beasts, commanding respect from all who laid eyes upon them.

Surrounding this colossal palace were numerous pavilions, each less imposing than the hall but equally suffused with a sense of ancient mystery.

"You may choose any of these pavilions for your residence. After settling in, feel free to explore our Immortal Sect station, but be warned not to intrude upon any restricted areas!" Wang Feng instructed, gesturing towards the pavilions as he addressed Xuan Sha and the others.

At present, the Immortal Sect was small in number, and with such expansive headquarters, there was a certain laxity. However, as the sect grew in strength, formal regulations would be established.

"Yes, Master!" came the unified response. Ling Feiwu, Lee Qing, and the Great Devil Xuan Sha promptly bowed, acknowledging Wang Feng's directive.

After experiencing the formidable power of the Immortal Sect, Great Devil Xuan Sha had gradually come to accept, albeit subconsciously, the reality of his allegiance to the sect.

The sect's stronghold was clearly the work of a fearsomely powerful being. How could Great Devil Xuan Sha entertain any ulterior motives?

Subsequently, Wang Feng made his way directly to the towering palace before him.

Once Wang Feng entered the grand palace, Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue vanished in a flash, reappearing in the two pavilions nearest to the palace—one to the left and one to the right—standing sentinel over the palace housing Wang Feng.

Great Devil Xuan Sha and the others were visibly thrilled as they began selecting their respective pavilions.


Upon opening the grand doors of the palace, Wang Feng was immediately enveloped by an ancient and time-worn aura. He surveyed the vast hall, his gaze settling on the resplendent throne at its highest point. Around the hall stood twenty chairs, ten to each side. Despite their size, they filled less than a tenth of the hall's space.

Wang Feng advanced and seated himself upon the highest throne, his eyes sweeping over the hall. A surge of ambition welled up within him; he vowed that one day, the hall would teem with Profound Monarch Stage experts!

"System, activate the random summoning opportunity!" Wang Feng commanded inwardly.

"Ding! Congratulations, host, for summoning the Flower Moving Palace Master Yao Yue. Would you like to view her Attribute Interface?"

The icy voice echoing in his mind sent a shiver through Wang Feng. He hadn't anticipated summoning someone who was both a deity and a specter.

Wang Feng couldn't help but remember a man's description of Yao Yue: a god, a ghost, but certainly not human. Even though he knew that characters summoned by the system couldn't harm him, the prospect of encountering Yao Yue still filled him with a sense of trepidation.

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