My Stunning CEO/C13 Exclusive Driver
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My Stunning CEO/C13 Exclusive Driver
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C13 Exclusive Driver

The next day, the sun shone down on the bed of the Li machine, and the Li machine slowly woke up.

After washing up, he drove to the Sunlight District to pick up Huo Chengjun. When he arrived, he had contacted Huo Chengjun, so she had been waiting downstairs early.

When Li Jun saw Huo Chengjun's outfit today, she rolled down the window and whistled at him. Huo Chengjun was wearing a Chanel OL suit, which made her look even more youthful. The suit was wrapped around her perky butt, and the long, white legs beneath it made Li Jie's mouth go dry.

Huo Chengjun saw that Li Ji had taken liberties with him early in the morning, so he rolled his eyes at him and was about to open the car door. Li's mechanism stopped. She looked at Li Jun with a strange expression, revealing a puzzled expression.

Li Jun giggled. "Let me help you drive it." Huo Chengjun was standing at the side. Li Jun quickly got out of the car and went to the front passenger seat. He opened the car door and placed his left hand on the roof, letting Huo Chengjun get in.

Huo Chengjun looked at Li Jun and a smile appeared on his face. He didn't expect Li Jun to be so attentive.

When Li Jun saw Huo Chengjun get on the car and close the door, she ran to the driver's seat. When Huo Chengjun saw this, he joked, "Did you turn into a driver now?" "Your chauffeur." Huo Chengjun's face turned red.

He thought to himself, I'm not a 17-18 year old girl, why would I blush so easily? This situation was not seen by Li Yao.

"Have you had breakfast?" Li Jun, who was driving, asked. Huo Chengjun shook his head. Suddenly, the car stopped. Huo Chengjun looked at him and Li Jun said, "Wait." He went out.

Huo Chengjun saw Li Jun getting off the car in a hurry and a trace of doubt flashed across his eyes.

Not long after, Li Jun returned to the car. He held out a bag of bread and a bottle of milk to Huo Chengjun. Without waiting for Huo Chengjun to ask, Li Jun said, "It's for you to eat. Didn't you just say that you didn't eat breakfast?" Li Jun smiled innocently.

Huo Chengjun looked at him with a moved expression. No one had ever cared so much about him before. When Li Jun saw Huo Chengjun's expression, she smiled mischievously, "My wife, don't be too touched. If you want to repay me, then I will do something."

Huo Chengjun made a bold gesture and kissed Li Jun's cheek. Then, he lowered his head and said, "Thank you." Li Jun was stunned for a moment before she revealed a foolish expression. She did not expect that Huo Chengjun would actually kiss her.

Li Jun stepped on the accelerator and started reading. As Huo Chengjun was eating his bread, a trace of regret flashed across his heart. Why was he so impulsive?

As the two of them walked in silence, Huo Chengjun felt a little awkward. He secretly looked up at Li Jie, who was driving, and bit his lips. You, did you eat breakfast? "

When Li Jun heard Huo Chengjun's question, she drove the car and looked at him, "No, I'm not hungry." Then he turned his head. Suddenly, a piece of bread was placed next to his mouth.

He looked at Huo Chengjun in astonishment. Huo Chengjun himself didn't know why he would do such a thing. But they did. Huo Chengjun looked at him arrogantly and said, "Are you going to eat or not?"

A trace of a smile flashed across Li Jun's face as she looked at Huo Chengjun's proud face. She innocently said to her, "I'm driving. How do I eat?" Huo Chengjun's beautiful eyes widened, "Then do you want to eat or not?"

A trace of craftiness flashed across Li Jie's eyes, "Wifey, feed it to me." Huo Chengjun was helpless and could only give it to him.

As Li Jun ate the bread that Huo Chengjun had fed her, her face revealed a trace of satisfaction.

The two of them came to the company in an ambiguous manner. As soon as Huo Chengjun arrived at the parking lot, he told Li to stop. Li Jun looked at her doubtfully. She had wanted to stop the car and let her off.

Huo Chengjun coughed unnaturally, "I'll go up to the company first, so that those people won't see me." Li Ji immediately understood what was going on. He pretended to look at her with a pained expression and said, "You will abandon me once you've used me."

Huo Chengjun stammered as he looked at Li Jun, "I …" "What are you afraid of?" Those people have to call me their boss's wife when they see me. "

"" Huo Chengjun frowned as he looked at him, and in the end, he was defeated. " "Then hurry and park the car." Li Jun revealed a smile, but Huo Chengjun didn't see it.

After the car was parked, the two of them came to the company together. The front desk staff's surprised look made Huo Chengjun a bit uncomfortable. She stared at Li Jie and quickly walked away.

Li Jie rubbed his nose. It looked like he had a long way to go in chasing his wife.

Li Jun looked at the front desk and smiled. The front desk was the same girl who had received Li Jie before. At this moment, a surprised expression appeared on her face. Yesterday, her words had already reached her ears. The man in front of them had actually taken down their strong woman.

She had a look of admiration on her face.

Li Jun didn't care about a person at the front desk, Little Jiu Jiu. When he arrived at the security room, Xiao Bao was practicing his martial arts.

When he saw that Li Jun had arrived, he quickly stopped what he was doing and looked at her with a terrified expression. Li Jie touched his face. Was he that scary?

"Captain." After all, his wounds from the beating by Li Jie the other day were still faintly hurting.

Li Jun waved her hand and said, "You're still the captain, you don't have to worry so much about me."

Xiao Bao had a serious expression on his face. "A loss is a loss." "Fine." Li Jun had no choice but to feel helpless.

It was unknown what Li Jun was thinking as she sat at the side. Xiao Bao stole a glance at him and voiced out his doubts.

"You're so skilled, why did you only come here to be a small security guard?" Xiao Bao asked curiously. Actually, he wanted to ask the previous question the most.

Li Jun stared blankly for a moment before laughing out loud, "Because I'm afraid of trouble and don't need an interview for this one, so I decided to come directly."

Xiao Bao sighed. It seemed that he wouldn't be able to find out who Li Jun's master was.

At this moment, the HR Department came to find Li Ji. Upon seeing Li Ji, he said with a flattering smile, "Boss' wife, the boss has transferred you to the General Manager's side to sit as an assistant."

Li Jun drank some water as she was addressed, as if she was the one who had asked them to call her that. Li Jun was worthy of admitting defeat.

He stood up and looked at Xiao Bao. "You are still the captain of the security team. I hope that you will know that there is always someone stronger than you." Actually, Li Jun didn't do it out of good intentions. But he was the security of his own wife, and only if he was able to be skilled would he not be injured.

Xiao Bao looked excitedly at Li Jie. He had not expected Li Jie to treat him in such a manner after insulting him previously. A hint of shame flashed through his heart.

He watched as Li Jun's body walked away. The determination in his eyes grew.

The HR manager looked at Li Ji with a fawning expression. Li Ji, on the other hand, had a faint expression on his face. Huo Chengjun had said yesterday that he wanted her to be his assistant.

So today, Li Jun did not show any sign of surprise. That was why he had refused Xiao Bao's offer to be the team leader.

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