My Stunning CEO/C16 Flirt
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My Stunning CEO/C16 Flirt
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C16 Flirt

Huo Chengjun looked at him in surprise. How could an ordinary friend make such a concession? But Li Jun didn't want to say that she didn't want to force him either.

"All right. What about our actors and productions? " Huo Chengjun said worriedly.

Li Jun had a confident expression on her face as she said, "Don't worry, I've thought it through." Let me handle the actors. "

Huo Chengjun nodded. The group of people had already left when Li Jun said that they were ordinary friends with Third Uncle of the Southern Sect.

There were only two people in the conference room, Li Jun and Huo Chengjun.

Li Jun revealed a sly smile and calmly approached Huo Chengjun, but Huo Chengjun didn't know anything about it. She was immersed in joy. He was completely unaware of Li Jun's actions.

At this moment, when Li Jun placed her hand on Huo Chengjun's back, he finally felt something strange. She tilted her head. "You." Li Jun giggled as she looked at Huo Chengjun.

Huo Chengjun looked at Li Jun's face and couldn't help blushing. Li Jun realized that Huo Chengjun was always blushing. Li Ji wanted to tease her a little bit, so he raised Huo Chengjun's chin with his hand, causing her to look up at him. Huo Chengjun looked at Li Jun in shock.

Li Jun leaned forward slightly. Huo Chengjun's mind went blank and he closed his eyes. She waited for a long time, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes. He saw Li Jun looking at him with a smile.

"Wife, did you close your eyes just now because you thought I wanted to do something?" Li Jun joked. Huo Chengjun quickly pushed him away. "N-no."

Then he straightened his back and arranged the non-existent bangs on his forehead. Looking at her movements, Li Jun burst out laughing. Huo Chengjun glared at him.

Her cheeks were slightly red as she glared at Li Jie as if she was teasing him. Li Jun couldn't help but lean forward. Huo Chengjun thought he was going to try it again and sneered.

Suddenly, a thin, cold lips touched hers. Huo Chengjun's mind went blank. He stared blankly at the enlarged version of the computer in front of him.

"Close your eyes, idiot." Li Jun suddenly said. Huo Chengjun closed his eyes. Li Jun let out a stifled laugh. The taste of Huo Chengjun's mouth just now had made him unable to stop.

When Huo Chengjun realized what he wanted to say, Li Jun kissed him. The two of them seemed to have met a dewdrop in the desert as they fought each other over it. Li Jun's big hand touched Huo Chengjun. Huo Chengjun said, "Oh." She opened her eyes and pushed Li Jie away.

Li Jie looked at her, his brother clamoring to take her while his wife pushed him away. Brother, oh brother, I guess you can only bear with it for now.

Huo Chengjun looked at Li Jun with a flushed face and said in a low voice, "Not yet." Then he went out. Li Jun said angrily as she watched Huo Chengjun leave.

After Huo Chengjun came out, he covered his face and went to the bathroom. He put his hands on the stage and looked at himself in the mirror. There was still a flush on his cheeks. Huo Chengjun washed his face and let out a long sigh before finally relaxing.

After this experience, she finally understood that she had a good impression of Li Jie. As for why she pushed him away, even Huo Chengjun didn't understand. Maybe she was being conservative, or maybe she didn't think it was the right time yet. Huo Chengjun washed his face with cold water and left the room. Looking at the door of the meeting room, Huo Chengjun suddenly revealed a confused expression and left while shaking his head with a smile.

At the same time, Li Jun was comforting her huge brother in the meeting room. If she went out with this, it would attract a lot of criticism. He smiled helplessly.

When it gradually disappeared, Li Jun heaved a sigh of relief. He saw that Huo Chengjun hadn't come back for a long time. Li Jun smiled. She was probably shy. Just as he walked out the door, he heard a ringing sound and took out his cell phone. "It's from Huo Chengjun." I still have some work to do. You can go back first, and drive away. "

Huo Chengjun smiled. His wife was probably hiding from him. As a man, how could he let his wife take him home alone? He smiled. Arriving at the chairman's office.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, he thought of letting his wife calm down. He was afraid that she wouldn't want to see him right now. He turned back to his secretary's chair.

When the secretary saw that Li Jun had arrived, he stood up nervously. "Bo … Boss' wife." However, after saying that, he felt like laughing again. The boss's wife.

Li Jun looked at the colorful face of her secretary and helplessly said, "Don't worry, I'm not looking for you to do bad things." With that, he placed the key on the table.

The secretary looked puzzled, "Give the key to Director Huo when she comes out." The secretary nodded and Li Jie left. Looking at the back view of Li Jun and then at the keys on the table, the secretary felt like he had discovered a great secret.

Just as he was about to turn left, a few jeeps stopped in front of him. He looked at the license plate and raised his eyebrows. It looked like it was a military license plate.

Don't doubt how Li Jun found out. The second day after he arrived here, he sneaked into the center of the building to have a look inside. Naturally, he knew that this plate was military, and its position was not low either. Who would be looking for him? Does it look like he was looking for trouble? Seriously, letting someone rest for a day is fine, it's tiring to slap your face every day!

Li Jun had her arms around herself as she raised her eyebrows at the car in front of her. If it wasn't to find her, then it was to find trouble with her wife. If he could find trouble with his wife, then Li Jie's eyes would darken, and he would never be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Just as Li Jun was thinking about this, a dozen or so commandos with guns came down from the jeep and surrounded Li Jie. Lee Chang looked at them with interest.

Suddenly, two of them took a few steps back and a man in camouflage clothes came in. After staring at Li Ji for a minute, he opened his mouth and said, "You are Li Jun?"

Yo, they really came to cause trouble for me. I really don't know which one of them is not afraid of death. Li Jun faintly shook her head. However, the man opposite her didn't seem to be Li Jie.

Just as he was about to leave, Li Jun called out to him, "I am Li Jie."

"If you are Li Jun, then why did you shake your head just now?" The man had an angry expression. Li Jun giggled and said, "I was thinking which unafraid of death would come looking for me. I was giving my silent condolences to all of you, so I shook my head silently."

Although Li Ji was smiling, those people thought that he was just provoking them and raised their guns. When Li Jun saw this, she hugged her arm in fear. "I'm so scared!"

"Damn, this brat really deserves a beating." The camouflage guy looked at Li Jie.

Li Jie innocently waved his hand. "I don't need a beating."

"Fuck, let's do it." "One of the men couldn't hold it in anymore and said to the group of commandos." "Ai, wait." Li Jun quickly said.

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