My Stunning CEO/C20 Brain Power Is More Important than Brute Force
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My Stunning CEO/C20 Brain Power Is More Important than Brute Force
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C20 Brain Power Is More Important than Brute Force

"He's a lot smarter than you. "You are brute force, and he is intelligent. No wonder you were tricked by him." Li Jun said as she took a sip of her beer.

Wang Xiaoyan looked at Li Ji in surprise, "Boss, how did you know that I was cheated by that kid?"

Li Jun rolled her eyes, "If I don't know how to be your boss …"

Wang Xiaoyan foolishly rubbed the back of his head, "That's true." He already had the ability to call out the secret of the Wang family, so how could he not see through Gu Jie?

After dinner, Wang Xiaoyan winked at Li Ji and said, "Boss, let me bring you to a good place."

Li Jun nodded in confusion. Where could this brat take her?

Wang Xiaoyan got on the jeep and drove the machine through a few streets before finally coming to a stop at a certain spot.

Li Jun stuck her head out. It was a neon light flashing. Li Jun smiled. So this brat was bringing her to a bar.

Biting a toothpick, Li Jie walked to the door without waiting for Wang Xiaojun to arrive. Just as he was about to enter.

"Wait." The two security guards at the door stopped him. Li Jun raised her eyebrows. What was the meaning of this?

"Do you have a card?" "One of the security guards asked." "What card?" Li Jun asked.

Just as that person wanted to speak, the person beside him spoke up first. He looked at Li Jie with disdain.

"You don't even have a card to go in? "Hmph, country bumpkin."

The thin security guard kindly reminded Li Jie, "We need a membership card to enter."

"Hmph, Liu Zhuang, why are you wasting your breath on this country bumpkin." Liu Zhuang was the thin security guard. At this moment, he was looking at Li Yao with a flushed face.

"How do you know I don't have a card?" Li Jun asked with interest.

"Boss, why didn't you wait for me?" Wang Xiaojun's voice sounded. When Li Jun saw Wang Xiaoyan trotting over, he arrived before anyone could make a sound.

Li Jie didn't reply to Wang Xiaojun's words and instead asked him, "Do you have a membership card."

This question caused him to be stunned for a moment. Only when he saw the two security guards at the entrance did he suddenly realize what had happened. Ye Zichen looked at Li Jie smugly, "Boss, my face is the biggest membership card."

The man who had been rude to Li Jie was already sweating profusely. No matter how he thought about it, he could never have imagined that this country bumpkin person in front of him would actually call him big boss. The security guard was even ready to die.

Li Jun watched with satisfaction as the guard's arrogance turned into caution.

Wang Xiaojun sensed that something was wrong from the atmosphere between the three of them as he widened his eyes. The group of security guards couldn't have stopped their boss, right?

He turned his gaze to Lee, who nodded to show that he was thinking the same thing.

Wang Xiaoyan stared at the two security guards and said, "Why do you two have such poor eyesight? My boss even dares to block them."

The two security guards wanted to cry, but no tears came out. The one who spoke up trembled as he looked at Wang Xiaoyan, "Young Master Wang, we really don't know that he is your boss."

"Forget it, there's no need to bother." Li Jun looked at Wang Xiaojun and said.

"Alright, why aren't you guys thanking my boss?" The two security guards quickly said, "Thank you, Boss."

Li Jun went in with his pockets stuffed. There was no need for him to care so much about the two security guards.

Wang Xiaojun stared at them for a second before following in the footsteps of Li Jie.

When the security guard heard that Li Jie was willing to let him go, he let out a sigh of relief and patted his chest.

After entering, Li Jun found that there was a different world. It was very noisy inside, but it was very quiet outside. It seemed that the isolation effect was very good.

Li Jun looked around. This bar was very high-end. On the huge dance floor, many people were dancing … In Li Jun's opinion, this was a demonic dance. Below the stage, two or three people were seated and chatting at the same table.

"Boss, let's go." Wang Xiaojun whispered in Li Ji's ear.

The two of them went upstairs to a private room. Wang Xiaoyan pushed the door open. At this moment, there were already a few young masters in the room. They were hugging a beauty, flirting, chatting, all of them. Li Jun frowned.

When a person saw Wang Xiaojun enter, he let go of the woman in his arms and walked up to her in large strides.

"Brother soldier, why did you only arrive now? We've already played for quite some time."

Wang Xiaoyan smiled and then pointed at Li Jie. The people beside him also came over. When Wang Xiaojun saw that everyone had arrived, he said proudly, "This is my big brother, Li Ji."

The corner of Li Jun's mouth hooked up into a smile, "Hello everyone." My name is Li Jie. "

Those young masters looked at Li Jie in surprise. The person in front of him who was not very well-dressed was actually Wang Xiaoyan's big brother?

Everyone looked at each other. A person who looked like the leader of the group spoke first.

He looked at Li Jie and smiled, "Hello, my name is Liu Shijie." He was not stupid. How could someone who could be considered a big brother by Wang Xiao Jun be someone extraordinary? Although he was dressed in an unknown outfit, he had a lot of temperament … And a vague aura.

The others reacted as well. One by one, they introduced themselves.

Li Jun had memorized them one by one. He sat down on the sofa and toyed with his glass.

Suddenly the light around him was blocked, and the sofa collapsed. Li Jun finished her glass of red wine in one gulp and pulled out a smile.

Liu Shijie sat beside him, holding a glass of wine as he looked at Li Jie. Young Master Li, I wonder what you're doing now. "

"I'm just a small employee of the company."

Liu Shijie stared blankly for a moment, then asked tentatively, "I don't know where my father is high enough."

Li Jie laughed sinisterly, this was a probe of himself. He turned around and looked at Liu Shijie with a sorrowful expression. "My father is no longer here."

Looking at Liu Shijie's changing expression with satisfaction, Li Jun inwardly praised her acting skills.

He was not wrong. In the 24th century, he was an orphan. Now that he was here, where did his father come from?

Liu Shijie was someone who had experienced many trials and hardships, so he quickly suppressed the displeasure in his heart and raised his wine cup.

"Young Master Li, this is for you." After saying that, without waiting for Li Ji's reaction, he finished the wine in his cup with his head raised.

When Li Jie saw Liu Shijie's actions, he also finished the wine in his hand.

Liu Shijie and Li Jun chatted for a while, but did not get anything out of Li Jie's mouth. Liu Shijie could not help but feel discouraged.

After saying that he went to the toilet, he left.

Li Jun looked at his back and smiled playfully. A trace of helplessness flashed through her eyes. What she said was the truth, so why didn't she believe him?

Just as Li Ji was deep in thought, a woman walked over. She looked tenderly at Li Jie, "Young Master Li, aren't you bored just by yourself?"

Li Jie looked at the woman in front of him. Although her makeup was heavy, there was a hint of purity in his eyes. He looked at the woman as if she was his prey.

"Young Master Li, tell Mei Er to come chat with you."

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