My Stunning Female Tenant/C20 Eye-opener
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My Stunning Female Tenant/C20 Eye-opener
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C20 Eye-opener

"Old Li, although this kid is still young, he actually spoke clearly and clearly about the counterfeiting techniques of antiques." I just don't know, is that right? "

"Yes, in the early days, I heard from the seniors of the martial arts world that these methods were useless. You must have superb skills in order to use these methods to make a common piece of jade into a fake."

"Old Li is right, but I have only heard of some Rainbow Light Grass that this kid is talking about before, but I have never seen one before. As for that Nine-tasseled Grass, it's truly unheard-of. "

"This kid has some skill!"

Everyone wanted to refute a few words, but what they said made sense. Even if they wanted to refute, since you don't even know what kind of plants they are talking about, how could you refute them?

"Boy, you really want to ruin my business, don't you? "Then if you have the guts, let's find an appraisal organization and properly appraise this jade. If it's fake, I'll compensate you with seven million and two hundred thousand for the buyer, but if it's real, you have to cut your tongue off, do you dare?"

However, even if the crowd didn't refute him, it didn't mean that the infuriated inn owner wouldn't refute them. He was determined to prove his innocence.

Everyone immediately looked at Jiang Chen. They knew there was going to be a good show. This was a great event involving more than seven million yuan. Once the truth and falsehood were decided, they could discuss about it later.

"Master, I seem to know quite a bit about this young man's background." The middle-aged man that had been quietly observing the situation asked the old man.

The old man looked at Jiang Chen and shook his head. "I can't tell who my teacher is, but the person who can say the Nine-Eared Grass and how to use it is no ordinary person. Perhaps, this jade pendant was really old. However, how could this be possible? Could it be that my generation of wild geese has never imagined that I would really make the wild geese blind in the end? "

"Master, you are rank 3 on the Earth Board. How could you make a mistake? "I don't believe it." The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Although this young man is right, if we want to prove that this jade pendant is fake, it would be hard to convince the masses just by talking about it."

"No, this brat is most definitely not just talking. In my opinion, although he is young, the feeling he gives others is as if he has been toiling for dozens of years in the world of antiques."

The old man stared intently at Jiang Chen. He wanted to connect him with the few old geezers in the antique industry, but he discovered that there wasn't a single clue about him.

"Shop owner, looks like I can only make you give up." Fine, then I'll open your eyes! "

Jiang Chen knew that if he didn't show it today, the shop owner would not let it go so easily. Thus, he took off a bird jade pendant from his waist.

Gradually, it illuminated the entire room, especially the bird. It was so lifelike that when Jiang Chen let go of it, it would spread its wings and fly high into the sky.

Ever since then, no one dared to underestimate Jiang Chen. Most of them were experts, and some of them had been playing with jade for most of their lives, but they had never seen such a rare and precious jade in their lives. Even the owner's mouth was wide open in disbelief.

"The legendary Fire Emperor's daughter, the elite guard?"

Someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed in a low voice. It seemed that this kind of jade pendant was not very common.


Jiang Chen looked at that person with disdain. It was clear that this guard was not an elite guard.

"Not the words of the elite guards?" What is that? "

"From what I see, it should be the Four Symbols Protector Vermillion Bird."

"No, no, no. This is the Myriad Bird Ancestral Phoenix."

"I think you're all wrong. These are all Golden Winged Peng's birds without a doubt!"

Jiang Chen shook his head. In such a big antique market, no one knows what's good for it.

"Kun Peng?"

However, after just a few seconds, the old man not too far away exclaimed in a low tone.

Jiang Chen turned around, looked at the old man and nodded. However, this caused everyone to shake their heads, because many people in this world believed that the Kun Peng was the Golden-winged Great Peng.

Actually, this was completely wrong. The Golden-winged Great Peng's body was that of a human-faced bird, whereas the Kun Peng's body wasn't. In addition, the changes in the Kun Peng was something the Golden-winged Great Peng couldn't compare to.

"This is a Kun Peng! How can a golden-winged roc compare to it?" "It rises to over 90,000 miles in a single day, splashing water over 3000 miles in a single day, training in a group of 100,000 men …" Jiang Chen held the jade pendant and stood in front of the crowd as if he was a master beyond the mortal realm, causing people to feel deep veneration for him.

"Little brother, you really are an expert. This jade is too rare, it really opens my eyes today." Everyone was impressed and felt that he had broadened his horizons. However, if he could touch it, even if he were to die now, it would be worth it.

Jiang Chen smiled and did not put the jade pendant away. Instead, he put the jade pendant on the ground and said, "Since I have let you guys see, then let's see what will happen." Whoever has tea, bring a cup over. "

Everyone was astonished. The appearance of this jade pendant was already amazing. Why was there something even more mysterious behind it? Everyone felt extremely excited. They didn't know what else miraculous things would happen next, so someone had already brought a cup of tea and passed it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took the tea and put it in his mouth. Then, with a strong force, he sprayed the whole cup on the jade pendant.

Everyone didn't understand what Jiang Chen was trying to do. Until he sprayed the tea on the jade pendant, they didn't see anything wrong with it.

"What is it? Wasn't it pretty amazing just now? He said it so that we could broaden our horizons. And now? Just watch you splashing water? Look at you, kid. You just don't dare to do an appraisal and play around with everyone here! "Isn't it?" The owner seized this opportunity and immediately looked at Jiang Chen with disdain. Then, he mocked and ridiculed Jiang Chen.

"That's right, that's right. Weren't you trying to broaden our horizons just now?" Was spitting saliva really an eye-opener? Are you sure you aren't fooling us? This so-called Kun Peng Jade Pendant is also fake, right? "

The rich second generation also shouted at Jiang Chen along with the owner. This also caused the crowd to be unhappy, as they all suspected that Jiang Chen became a swindler at such a young age. Wasn't this just wasting everyone's time?

"Calm down everyone, let's take a look first!"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man next to the old man stood up and motioned for everyone to be quiet. Even if the old man was a swindler, he had to be the last one.

Jiang Chen didn't care about anyone, he didn't care about what others said, so he bent down and picked up the jade pendant.

Everyone's eyes were fixated on the jade pendant, but there was still no sign of it. Something magical happened, so everyone finally lost their patience and wanted to shout at Jiang Chen for being a swindler.

"Look! Look at the ground! What's that?" Suddenly, one of the people in the crowd pointed at the ground and exclaimed.

When everyone saw this, they immediately turned to look at where the Kun Peng jade pendant had once been.

The area around his palm was filled with crystal clear droplets of water, but those droplets did not scatter. Instead, they gathered together.

What was even more amazing was that the bright water droplets formed the appearance of a Kun Peng jade pendant. After being illuminated by a ray of sunlight, it was even more dazzling than a jade pendant.

There were more and more people gathering. Right now, there were already three layers on the outside, but even with so many people, no one made a sound as they were afraid of alerting the flying Kun Peng.

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