My Super Charming Little Aunt/C16 Koyanagi
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My Super Charming Little Aunt/C16 Koyanagi
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C16 Koyanagi

There are many reasons why I don't want to reveal my identity in the school, not only do I want to play the pig to eat the tiger, these little tricks don't mean much to me, the Mu Xiu is not a peerless powerhouse in the Great Sun City, the Li family is not one of the best families in the city, and there are many wealthy and hidden families. I didn't want to reveal my identity in the school, so I didn't want to establish my own circle, but now that someone knows who I am, it doesn't matter, it's better that my identity isn't revealed, so when this guy appears in front of me, I'm a little worried, but hearing him say this, I feel relieved.

However, this was equivalent to giving me a warning. In the future, I have to keep a low profile and take care of these fuerdai.

"You seem to be well-informed."

"That's true. There are very few things I don't know about schools."

I was just about to investigate how many fuerdai there are in the school. If this guy really has the ability to be so well-informed, he might even be able to ask for his help?

"Are you really that powerful?" "You know everyone's background in our school." Even though he was full of his words, I still didn't quite believe him. After all, why would the people who came to school ask about such useless information all day long?

The bespectacled man pushed the frame again. This time, I didn't feel any envy, I only felt that it was very familiar. I only heard him say, "Since I was young, I have always liked detective novels and comics, so when I had nothing to do, I liked to ponder about the unknown relationships in our school."

"Fuck, Conan?" No wonder I felt that this action was very familiar. Wasn't it that comic book kid who died wherever he went?

"Do you believe me now? But my name is not Conan. My name is Ko Yizheng. "

Even your mother's surname is Ke. I suddenly have a bad premonition that the one who will die in the next moment won't be me, right?

However, cartoons were cartoons, so there shouldn't be anything so strange in real life.

"If you really know everything, I want you to do something for me. Do you want to help me or not?" If I let him join, he would be the number one person in my circle. As for his status, I don't really care, as long as he can show his worth.

Ke's interest was piqued when he heard me say this. "What is it? I was just worrying about not having a subject to study recently."

I don't know why, but hearing him say that, I felt my scalp tingle. Could it be that he has already researched it?

"Can you help me see how many rich kids there are in our school?" It's fine if they have a little bit of money, but they're worth at least over ten million. " Since I want to establish my own circle, I need a certain number of columns. I don't know how much money the Li Group has yet, but I feel that the columns are already very high in the tens of millions.

"Come, follow me." Ke Yizheng told me in a mysterious tone.

I walked to the sandpit. Ke Yi picked up a branch and smoothed out the sandpit. He spoke to me like a sand table.

"Currently in the first grade, there are five people who have met your requirements. However, all five of them are relatively low-key. One of them probably has over a hundred million yuan in wealth, and then in the second grade …"

As I listened to his endless chatter, cold sweat unconsciously formed on my forehead. Every grade, every class, what's the name of the class, and what's the family doing? This guy has a lot of assets, and it doesn't seem like he's just randomly talking.

After he was done talking, I asked guiltily, "How much do you know about me?"

Ke Yizheng smiled mysteriously. He did not say much and only shouted out three words, "Director Li."

Damn, now I believe everything he said is true. Luckily, he was discovered by me, if it was anyone else, they would not have been able to clearly investigate his family background. It was too scary, just like those mysterious intelligence organizations.

"So many people. How many do you know?"

"I'm not interested in knowing them. I'm only interested in investigating them, so I don't know anyone other than you."

What a weirdo, he likes to think about such useless things. I told Ke Yizheng my plan to bring him into my circle anyway, so there's no need to hide it so I can exchange it for sincerity.

"Are you paving the way for the Li Group? Now that the Li Group has developed quite well, you don't have to waste your energy, right? "

It was a pity that he was not smart enough. The Li Group had indeed developed well, but that was thanks to the efforts of the old man, now that he was dead, not to mention that everyone was out of date, their previous partners would eventually waver. In addition, if Cao Desheng was misled by me behind the scenes, they would definitely obstruct the development of the Li Group, but with my own circle, even if my former partners ran away, I could still inject some new blood into the Li Group.

Of course, there was no need to tell him that. It was his job to find out who was worth trying to win over.

"You don't need to worry about that. Help me check out these people's hobbies and habits. If we're all from the same side, then try to rope them in." I suddenly realized that I seemed to have some business sense, though I didn't know exactly how useful it was, but at least it was moving in that direction.


Ke Yi Zheng's answer was straightforward. My little circle has officially been established. Although it's only two people, it's still a good start.

Ke was on the playground, talking about some insignificant topics, and also talking about his family's situation. A small fortune family, living well, not rich but not poor, just like those other weird things that he specializes in all day long. Currently, this guy is still writing mystery novels on the internet, but he said that he's a street flopper and can't get into the great hall, so I didn't ask him about it, which is why I didn't understand him.

We talked all morning before I left.

There were many pretty big sisters, and if it was summer, it would definitely be a different scene for them. Unfortunately, there was still some time before the weather became warm, and if they wanted to see that kind of scene, they would have to wait until the next semester.

After the meal, I found a place to sit down. Xue Kai and the others had all gone to take refuge, so there weren't many friends in the school. Looking at the other three groups of five, I was a little envious.

"Can I sit?"

Just as I was lamenting about how lonely she was, Fang Qi actually walked over to my side. I already knew that she wasn't that cold last time we went to the dorm, but I didn't expect her to take the initiative to greet me.

"Of course." With a beauty accompanying me to eat, how could I possibly refuse such a good matter? However, when Fang Qi sat down, I noticed that quite a few fiery gazes were fixated on me.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was planning to keep a low profile this morning, but I didn't expect to fail so quickly.

"You left today, but it really infuriated Teacher Zhou." After sitting down, Fang Qi said with a smile.

Teacher Zhou should be that old-fashioned man. I didn't care about his attitude since he didn't want me to enter anyway. It can't be that I have to kneel down and beg him.

"Fang Qi, there should be a lot of people who like you in school, right?" I lowered my voice to Chee's, because I'd already noticed so many hate stares that were almost identical to those of Xue Kai's group.

Fang Qi pouted, "No, no one chased me, and they didn't dare."

"What? Do you know how to eat people or do you know how to eat tigers? Do they not dare to?" I joked. Fang Qi was indeed beautiful, and the more I looked at her, the more comfortable she felt. At first, she was breathtaking, but the longer she looked at her, the more infatuated she became.

"How should I know? Go and ask them."

"Forget it, I'm afraid of being beaten to death. At least dozens of people in this canteen want to strangle me to death right now. Although I am unrivalled in this world, my manpower has always been exhausted."

Fang Qi laughed after hearing what I said. I didn't joke with her again, what did that mean?

"I didn't expect you to be so humorous, but if they knew who you were, they definitely wouldn't dare to cause you trouble."

I don't know who I am, but I do know, and I don't dare to make trouble for me. From what Ke Yizheng said this morning, I can probably guess that my reputation has already spread far and wide, but there aren't many people who have seen me, so they've only heard my name.

"Then you have to help me keep a low profile. If those little sisters knew I was so brave and wanted to marry me, I wouldn't have the time to chase after you."

For some reason, after Fang Qi heard those words, he actually glared at me with his green eyes and glared at me, wishing that he could kill me with his gaze.

Afterwards, I ate in silence. Then, I simply left, leaving the monk at a loss.

The afternoon class wasn't that old-fashioned boss, so I successfully entered the classroom as well. However, I continued to listen to the Book of Heaven and started to wander around my spiritual world. Ke Yizheng should be doing things reliably, and if everything went well, the number of students in the small circle would slowly increase.

As for the Dragon Tiger Society not coming to cause trouble for us, I am not too worried about them right now. Wang Yao is only relying on the smelly money at home to show off, and he definitely doesn't have the ability to do so. However, if we can rope in such a person, it's best to rope him in.

After school was dismissed, I originally planned to return home, but that kid, Wang Gun, appeared again. However, he didn't bring anyone with him this time and came alone.

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