My Super Charming Little Aunt/C17 Talk to your aunt at night
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My Super Charming Little Aunt/C17 Talk to your aunt at night
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C17 Talk to your aunt at night

"Gun Wang, are you crazy?"

After two beatings and under the condition of having helpers, when a single person came looking for trouble with me, I really feel like his brain has been crushed. Otherwise, I can't be this foolish, right?

Wang Niao took out a pack of cigarettes. They were not bad. It turned out to be Zhonghua. He took one and lit one for me. Something was wrong with this guy today.

Taking a deep breath, this feeling of puffing smoke was really comfortable. It was a pity that I didn't dare to smoke at home, after all, in the eyes of mother Qi and the others, I was still just a child.

"Brother Yao, I'm looking for you to turn our hostility into friendship."

Wang Yao had a fawning face as he flattered her. He looked like a weasel paying its respects to a chicken; he was obviously plotting something.

"Cut the crap, why are you looking for me?" I am your enemy after all. "

I had thought that the enmity between Wang Yao and I would at least last until he graduated, but I didn't think that this fellow would come so quickly to make peace. Of course, I wasn't an idiot, I reckoned that this kid had something he wanted me to help with.

"Brother Yao, there are indeed some small matters that I need your help with."

"Say it, it looks like you have no good intentions, did you offend someone?" You need me to step in? "

In the future, he would have to have his boss change the taste. In any case, he wasn't lacking in money right now, so he had some face even if he took it out.

"Brother Yao, there's a guy called Yuan Hua who's always been at loggerheads with me. He often stirs up trouble. Do you want to help me and teach him a lesson?"

As he spoke, he took out a stack of money.

If it was in the past, I would definitely accept the money without any hesitation, but now, I am really not lacking. Moreover, with Yuan Hua's identity and family background, I have to think about it.

"We'll see."

Throwing away the cigarette butt, I took a few deep breaths. Smoking in the school is a well-written rule, so I don't want to cause trouble for the principal. Even though I still have the status of a supervisor, I can't be lawless.

I don't know what Wang Yao's reaction would be like after he left, but I remembered Yuan Hua. I'll look at the situation first, if he doesn't get into my circle, I can also teach him a lesson, after all, this young master has already experienced it twice.

After all, this incident had had a huge impact on me. I didn't want to be so kind to the two sisters, so I had to let them know that I was not to be trifled with so that they wouldn't cause me any more trouble in the future.

After dinner, I went back to my room as usual. Today, I started to think about some ways to chase girls, which was pretty tricky, but I still felt that it wasn't very practical, not to mention wasting a lot of money, and I didn't even know what the result would be. Many of them are still in places with many people.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, just as he was about to turn out the light and go to bed, someone came knocking on the door.

Mama Qi?

An aunt?

Opening the door, it was something I had never expected, Qing Hai.

"Don't tell me you have some sort of special habit by not sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Qing Hai rolled his eyes at me and walked straight into the room before closing the door.

"What are you doing? I would rather die than submit."

"I want to talk to you about the Lee family."

Qing Hai didn't care about how I crossed my arms over my chest. He immediately found a chair and sat down.

About the Li family?

It must have something to do with the two sisters.

"Cao Desheng is still sending people to follow him?"

Since this is the case, I won't joke about it. Although those two sisters are heartless, but I have thought it through. It's impossible for me to keep holding a grudge with them.

Qing Hai nodded and continued, "The people he has hired recently are getting more and more powerful, not only did he not want to give up, but he is also getting more and more generous. I can see that he will not rest until he reaches his goal.

I had expected that Cao Desheng would not give up, but I felt that as long as there was someone to protect the two sisters, there shouldn't be any problems.

But the fact that Cao Desheng is one of the board members of the Li Group has nothing to do with him. There were quite a few small fights and bloodshed in Azure Dragon Lane, but if we were to talk about killing people, that would be against the law. I didn't want to get into such a big trouble.

"What do you think we should do?"

If I want to kick Cao Desheng out of the board, it won't be that simple. After all, he's been in the company for so many years, and he also has a group of loyal people under his command. Let's not talk about how we can get him to scram.

"I think it's very simple. You can kill him, but you definitely won't dare."

It was really simple, but it was easier said than done. This was not an ancient time where people could just casually find a place to bury their lives. Even the officials did not have the means to find any clues.

"Do your job first. I have to think about it."

In business, I still have to consult my aunt. I don't dare to make decisions without authorization. I know some things about manpower, but in the end, Azure Dragon Lane and the Li Group can't be compared in the same way.


"Oh right, if I were to find your master and ask him to become my disciple, how high would the possibility be?"

Qing Hai walked to the door and I asked tentatively. Even though I knew the chances were slim, I could still try it out.


It's not a surprise, so I'm not disappointed, anyway, there's still a lot of opportunities in the future, but I'm afraid we can't drag this matter out any longer. If Cao De Sheng doesn't solve it, then the Li family villa will only be peaceful for a day, and now it's just two sisters.

Although there were bodyguards at home, no one could be sure that Mama Qi and Aunt Qi were always under their protection.

Looking at the time, it was almost eleven-thirty, but since I couldn't sleep with this matter on my mind, I got up and went to find my aunt and settle the matter.

"What do you want?"

He knocked on my aunt's door and introduced himself, but she didn't intend to open the door for me. She just asked me from inside, afraid that I would be in the same situation as last time.

"Little Aunt, don't worry. I'm very normal. I didn't eat anything strange. I wanted to talk to you about the company."

Once bitten by a snake, I was not successful that night, so there was no need to be so afraid of me.

My aunt opened the door a crack and peeked at me through the crack. She looked so cautious that I was really speechless. When I saw that there was nothing unusual with me, she opened the door.

The aunt was probably going to bed. She was wearing a nightgown and didn't know what was inside.

"What do you need to discuss now?" My aunt looked me over before she opened the door.

"Let's talk inside. It's a bit troublesome."

He was thinking about the scenery inside his aunt's nightgown, but on the surface, he could only look at his surroundings, not daring to make any mistakes.

My aunt didn't say much, probably because I looked serious, so she thought I was here to talk business.

Of course, I'm here to get down to business, and that's right.

"Just now, Qing Hai came to find me. He said that Cao De Sheng had secretly sent people to follow the two sisters and the people who came were getting stronger and stronger. I don't think he will give up."

Cao Desheng was smart enough to know that Mama Qi had a bodyguard left behind by an old man, and Aunt had her own people, so she picked the softest persimmon. Of course, I don't know if he had any other ideas.

After listening to my words, my little aunt's expression also became serious. While she was thinking, I had the chance to take a good look at her. It was a pity that her nightgown was too thick, and it was completely wrapped up.

"What are you going to do?" the aunt asked after a moment's thought.

"Of course I want to drive Cao Desheng out of the board, as long as he is not involved with the company and has made a clear cut with us, if he still comes looking for trouble with us, then things will be much easier. We can find some random people and go straight to Cao Desheng's house and see if he dares to mess around."

I often do menacing things, I don't know if Cao Desheng is useful yet, but it's worth a try. However, the prerequisite is that Cao Desheng is kicked out of the company, this is the only way to prevent him from causing trouble for me in the company. After all, some underhanded actions will not be as peaceful as now.

I have to protect the two sisters and make sure that the Li Group won't be in too much of a mess.

"You think about things thoroughly. If you completely lose all decorum with Cao Desheng right now, he could make a small move in the company that would cause you to be extremely anxious. However, Cao Desheng has a lot of shares, so it would not be easy to drive him out of the company."

"Of course, I know it's not easy. Otherwise, how could I have found such a beautiful and clever aunt for me?"

My aunt glared at me.

Don't say such nice words, I am immune to them, but in this matter, I can give you some advice. Recently, Cao Desheng is in charge of a transnational project of the company, I heard that he has made a lot of benefits from it, although the accounts are perfect, but in the end, he has still done some things that break the law. As long as you find the evidence, you will be able to deal with Cao De Sheng.

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