My Super Girlfriend/C11 Wolf's mouth to save beauty
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My Super Girlfriend/C11 Wolf's mouth to save beauty
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C11 Wolf's mouth to save beauty

Because I didn't have an ID, I found a cheap rental house with great difficulty. Furthermore, the landlord didn't need my ID card to let me stay there. The rent was only a few hundred yuan a month, so I could earn it back in a few days.

The landlord trusted me. She said that I was like an honest person and took care of me. From time to time, she would offer me some personal belongings, such as a wardrobe, a computer table, and so on.

I proposed to the landlord that the computer table, after all, in this network era, water and grain can not be cut off. It didn't take me long to earn enough money to buy a high-performance laptop and install a web cable. From then on, I could surf the Internet at home.

I was going to search online to see if I could find a fake ID service, but then I thought about it and felt that it wasn't right. Because even though I don't know my own background, I'm not a fugitive, and I haven't done anything illegal either. Why do I have to hide myself so stealthily that I feel like I'm in the dark? In the end, I decided to let the matter of the ID card go for now. Unless it was urged by the company's superior, I would then think of a way to do it locally.

Furthermore, I met a person called Zeng Daji in the company. He was the assistant to the manager and had some interaction with my work. After getting along with him for a long time, we gradually got to know each other.

Zeng Dajun was a few years older than me. He was a local, had an average appearance, a slim figure, and was relatively weak compared to me. He also said that he envied me for my robust physique.

Of course, I knew that he was joking, because even though I was tall, I lacked exercise and was mostly fat. I couldn't see any muscles, and I was often worried that I would get fat. I feel that my body is just right for now. As long as I exercise a little, I can turn all the fat on my body into muscle. I think I can go to the bodybuilding competition and maybe even win a championship.

It was a Sunday, and the army asked me to go out to play. I had nothing better to do, so I readily agreed.

First we had lunch together, then we went bowling, and then we went to the pool room to play some more snooker rounds. His billiards skills were not bad, but they were still lacking compared to mine. After all, I had practiced them before, and they had all sorts of entertainment facilities in the mansion I used to live in, including the billiard table. I started to play billiards in junior high school, and I've been playing billiards for years.

Because I won a few games in the army, he was a little unconvinced and offered to compete with me in the street.

When I heard him challenge me, I was stunned. I asked him curiously, "Competing with the street? "How do we compete then?"

To tell the truth, I don't have much research on the game. At most, I just play mobile games occasionally, but I don't know much about street consoles, consoles and even PC games. So when the army offered to compete with me in street games, I didn't have any confidence at all.

"Let's compete with the King of Fighting!" "Don't tell me you've never played it before. It's a popular game of an era!"

"I've never played it before, but I've heard of it before!" "No," I said honestly.

Dajun seemed a little disappointed, but in the blink of an eye, he excitedly said to me, "It's alright, it's very simple. I'll teach you then. We'll spar again after you're familiar with each other."

I thought to myself: This kid must have wanted to see me make a fool of myself and beat me up. Alright, I'll listen to what you say first and let you act cocky for a while. Thinking of this, I didn't object to it and nodded my head reluctantly.

Soon, we entered a arcade. The environment here made me feel a little smoky. There was smoke everywhere, and the sound of buttons being pressed. The army traded the money for a pile of game coins, then gave me half of it. Finally, they sat me down in front of a console in the corner.

This is the first time I have come in contact with this game. At the start, it was a little unfamiliar, but under the guidance of the army, I slowly started to play.

Not only did he teach me how to attack, he also taught me some simple combo moves.

After about half an hour, Dajun offered to fight me one-on-one. The losers would be invited to dinner.

Of course I didn't refuse, I agreed immediately.

At the beginning of the first game, the three people I chose were: the Eight Gods, the Kobayashi and the Gateways. I only learned these names later. When they first started practicing, they also picked these three people.

The first two who were chosen by the army were the same as me, while the third was Class 2, Tang Hong Wan.

The details of the battle weren't detailed, but of course, I lost the match. However, I also managed to finish off two people from the army until the final match.

We play for 5, and whoever wins five first wins.

The final result was 5: 1. The army had won.

I could still accept the result, but I didn't expect that I would still be able to beat him.

"Dajun, you wouldn't have gone easy on me when I won your match, right?" I asked the army tentatively.

"How can this be? Where on the battlefield would I find someone to throw water? If it's not you, then it's me." "By the way, is this really your first time playing this game?"

"Yeah, there's no need for me to lie to you, right?" "No," I said.

"I know you didn't lie to me. I have to say, you have talent, but you actually beat me in a match." "Do you know how good I was playing this game all those years ago?"

"How powerful?" I asked casually.

"He is a god who kills gods, and buddhas who kills buddhas. Wherever he goes, not even an inch of grass grows!" Dajun said with an exaggerated expression, "I've even won the champion of the king level fist competition held in the city. Calling me a prince isn't just for show."

"In other words, I really do have some talent." I joked.

"Isn't it? In time, you will definitely surpass me. " The army seemed to admire me and gave me a thumbs-up. I thought to myself, isn't this guy a schemer? Why are you boasting about me? Could it be that you have a request for me?

Sure enough, my guess was right. He quickly said, "In another month, the new Fist King Competition will begin again. At that time, you can also go and participate. Maybe you'll be able to become the champion."

When I heard this, I hastily waved my hands and said, "No, I don't have that kind of ability. I can't even beat you, so how can I be the champion?"

"Didn't I just say it? As long as you practice more, you can definitely defeat me in time. " the army said.

"I don't understand what you're saying." I looked suspiciously at the army. "Wouldn't it be fine if you were the defending champion yourself? Why did you drag me into this? "

"Sigh!" Dajun suddenly sighed and said dejectedly, "You sound so relaxed. I guess this year will be the hopeless championship."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"This time, a god-like opponent also joined in. He is Asia's number one mechanical god, nicknamed Little Hai." the army said.

"Is this Little Hai really that powerful?"

"Of course, he swept the arcade in his teens without meeting his match. Then he went to Japan and consecutively defeated ten top Japanese fighters. His reputation rose like a celebrity. He is invincible!"

"Wow, that's simply a god!" I secretly admired him. "You think I can defeat such a powerful person?"

Dajun immediately shook his head, "I don't know, but I think we can give it a try."

"I'm not interested." I went straight to the point, and walked out of the arcade.

The army immediately caught up to me and pestered me, "Do you know what the prize for the championship is?"

"How much?" I asked casually.

"One hundred thousand!" The army shouted.

A hundred thousand! Honestly speaking, this number isn't considered shocking to me at all. In the past, my allowance might have been far more than this amount. But now, I can't help but feel a little tempted.

"Is there really that much?" I looked suspiciously at the army.

"It's absolutely true. Because this year's competition has a lot of sponsors, the prize money pool will naturally be bigger." The army replied in all seriousness.

"Well, you can think about it." I was thinking.

"Don't think about it. Let's decide on that. I'll help you register. After you win, the most you can have is seven. I'll take three!" Dajun couldn't wait any longer, he seemed to be afraid that I would reject his offer, and he immediately offered me a condition that didn't seem bad.

"But I'm not a sure winner. The god-like opponent you were talking about is definitely after money. He definitely wouldn't give me some water, right?" "No," I said.

"Don't worry, I will train you. As for whether or not you can win the championship, that will depend on your luck." As the army put it, he seemed quite confident in me.

In the end, I agreed. He was also very happy and even paid for the dinner I was supposed to be treating him to. It looked as if his thirty thousand yuan was definitely worth it.

In the days that followed, almost every day after work, the army would drag me to the arcade and train me in the devil's way. Gradually, I improved a lot and started to be able to get on good terms with him.

One day, Manager Li invited employees to dinner for his birthday, so I asked Dajun, "Dajun, what does Manager Li like? Or does he have a hobby? Should I give him something? "

Dajun frowned and thought for a while before saying, "About this …" I'm not too sure either! "

"You're the manager's assistant. You've been by his side for so long, yet you haven't even noticed this?" "No," I said.

"The manager and I usually interact at work, so why would we interfere in his private life?" Dajun said as if it was a matter of course. After a while, he suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "But I know that he really likes young girls, especially those with a sweet appearance."

"This... What kind of hobby is that? " I couldn't help but wonder, "Isn't this the same as all the men in the world?"

"Sigh, you don't understand. If you could introduce some young girls to him, he would definitely be very happy." the army said.

"Is the manager not married yet? Aren't you afraid that his wife will know? " I asked curiously.

"Of course he's married. These things can't be made public. Which successful man doesn't have a few young lovers behind him?" The great army said.

"Then forget it. If I know a pretty girl, why don't I enjoy it myself and give it to him?" I said scornfully.

"Isn't it?" Dajun didn't express any objections, he then touched my shoulder and asked tentatively, "Hey, do you have a girlfriend?"

"It's a big deal!" I glared at Dajun in exasperation, not wanting to answer the question.

"I'm just asking, why are you so stingy?" The army was slightly displeased.

"No!" I said simply, thinking that this was not a shameful thing, but temporary, as long as I put all my firepower into it, even if I was poor, I could still get a lot of girls. Who told me to be a playboy?

"Then do you want me to introduce one to you?" the army said.

"No need." I said and thought to myself: The girl you are introducing, no matter how good she is, she isn't even one in ten thousand of Xiao Yue. I might as well think of a way to capture Xiao Yue's heart.

"Why not? "Don't worry, the girl I introduced you definitely won't be ugly." The great army said.

I became a little impatient and glared at Dajun. "I say, why are you so gossipy?" Are you married yourself? "

"No!" "Like I said, I like being single. Freedom!" Dajun said with a nonchalant expression on his face.

At this point, let's not talk about the two of us. Near eight o'clock in the evening, I ambled out of the house to attend Manager Li's birthday party.

The banquet began at eight o'clock. The reason I left so late was that the banquet was held near where I lived, only a few minutes walk away.

I didn't prepare a gift. I didn't plan to drink a few drinks and say a few pleasantries to make my boss happy. I'm not an official employee of the company anyway, so I could be fired at any time before I'm able to get back on my feet.

Just as I was about to arrive at the hotel where the party was held, I suddenly saw a black bridgehead parked in front of the hotel. I recognized the manager's Mazda at a glance, and then I was horrified to see someone get out of the car.

The first to get off was Manager Li, and what surprised me was that the one who got off after him was Xiao Yue!

"Why is she here?" I couldn't figure it out, because logically speaking, Manager Li and Xiao Yue shouldn't have had anything to do with each other, so how did they get to know each other? The only possibility I could think of was a Nebula bridge, but I don't know why.

When I saw Manager Li leading Xiao Yue into the hotel, I knew that nothing good was going to happen. I secretly made up my mind not to attend the dinner and secretly followed them to monitor them.

Just as I was about to enter the hotel, someone suddenly patted me on the back. I turned my head in surprise and saw that it wasn't anyone else but the army.

"Why do you look so sneaky? Are you a thief?" the army joked.

I shushed him and told him to be quiet. Then I pulled him into a small alley by the side of the road. After confirming that there was no one around, I said seriously, "Dajun, do me a favor."

"What kind of help?" "Do you want to drag me here to talk about what happened to the light that disappeared?"

"Of course not!" "I just saw Manager Li bringing in a girl. She's my friend, Xiao Yue."

"Oh, it can't be your girlfriend, right?" the army asked suspiciously.

"No!" I said.

"Then why are you nervous? It's not like the manager will eat her! " The great army said.

"Listen to me!" I stared at Dajun in anger and said seriously, "You know that Manager Li likes young girls. He can have other women, but Xiao Yue can't let him ruin her!"

"She …" Who are you? " When the army saw my serious expression, it seemed to be a little scared, and its expression also started to turn grim.

"She is my savior!" "And she's a very pure girl, you know what I mean?"

"I understand …" "Understood …" Dajun was obviously surprised as he nodded his head, "Then how do you want me to help you?"

"I'm not going to the dinner tonight. Watch over my friend for me. If you find out that the manager is doing anything to her, contact me immediately. Do you understand?" I said seriously.

"Even if I do notify you, what can you do?" the army said.

"I have my ways!" "No," I said.

"Good …" "Well, I'll do it." Dajun paused for a moment before asking again, "Where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay here and wait for your news." "No," I said.

Dajun didn't say anything else. Maybe it was because he wanted something from me, so he didn't dare to go against my wishes. I also trusted him, and after spending some time with him, I felt that he was a reliable person.

Not long after, I received a message from Dajun with a photo of Xiao Yue, confirming that my friend was her. I immediately gave him an affirmative answer, and he sent me another message, saying that he would definitely help me look after Xiao Yue, reassuring me.

From the photo, he could clearly see Xiao Yue sitting beside Manager Li. Her expression was somewhat dejected, as if she was not used to the unfamiliar faces around her.

I paced back and forth on the path near the hotel, waiting for news from the army. In my boredom, I used my phone to browse the news. I inadvertently saw something about this year's college entrance examination. I was suddenly enlightened. The college entrance examination had already ended half a month ago!

Who knew which university Xiao Yue had enrolled into? A question arose in my mind, and I guessed that with her grades, she should be admitted to a very good university. I wished her well in my heart, but the thought that she might leave here when she went to college and that I might never see her again filled me with melancholy.

By the time it was 9 PM, I received another message from the army. He said that he saw the manager leaving with Xiao Yue, who was half-drunk. As for where he went, I was unsure.

I was shocked and immediately ordered him to follow me, we had to make sure that we knew where Xiao Yue was. After I sent the message, I rushed into the hotel myself. Along the way, I had to be careful not to let anyone in the company see me.

After a while, Dajun replied that he saw the manager bringing Xiao Yue into a room on the second floor. He even gave her the room number.

I was both surprised and happy that Xiao Yue could be attacked at any time. I was happy that I found out where she was, at least I didn't have to run around like a headless fly.

I ran up to the second floor and met the army in the hallway. I grabbed his hand and asked anxiously, "Are you sure they went into that room?"

"Ten thousand times for sure!" "I risked my life to be your spy. You have to reward me!"

"Don't worry, if I win, I'll give you all the prize money!" I answered him quickly, and walked angrily to the room at the end of the hall.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Dajun quickly pulled me back.

"To save people, of course." I flung off the army's hand impatiently and said indignantly.

"They might just be discussing some matters. Is it really good for you to barge in like this?" The army advised.

"What's so good about a man and a woman alone in a room?" I said, "You don't need to worry about this matter. You've completed your mission. You can go back first!"

"Are you really going?"

"I have to go!"

"Then... "I won't bother with you then. I'll be leaving first. You can look for the manager yourself, but don't get involved with me!" The army begged me bitterly.

I said, "Don't worry, I'll bear all the consequences! You can go! " After saying that, I gave the army a push. Before he could respond, I had already trotted out.

I soon reached the room at the end of the hall, but I could not enter without a key card, and the door was so soundproof that I could not hear a sound from inside.

Just as I was feeling extremely anxious, I suddenly saw a cleaning lady pushing a small car over.

An idea suddenly occurred to me. I immediately waved towards the woman and said, "Auntie, I left my card inside. Can I trouble you to open the door for me?" I knew that there was definitely a universal Carmen card on her body, so I wanted to test it out myself. I didn't think that she would actually believe it. She didn't even ask before obediently coming over and using the card to open the door for me.

I quickly thanked him, then quickly pushed the door open and slipped inside.

Inside, I closed the door behind me and saw a shocking but unexpected sight.

He saw Xiao Yue lying on the bed with red cheeks, trying to push Manager Li away with her weak and weak hands.

The fat pervert was already immersed in the allure of beauty, to the point that he didn't even notice me coming in.

I immediately shouted, "Stop!" Then he rushed up and dragged Manager Li off the bed.

"Xiao Yue, are you alright?" I didn't bother to look at that fat pig that I fell on, the first thing I did was to reach out to help Xiao Yue up.

"Zhen Zhen Zhen? How did you get in? " Manager Li staggered to his feet and pointed at me in surprise and anger.

I ignored him, picked up the half-drunk Xiao Yue and prepared to leave.

Naturally, that fatty wasn't willing to let me off so easily. He extended his hand to stop me before fiercely saying, "You have to be clear with your words. How did you come in?"

I was also furious, I glared at Manager Li and said: "It doesn't matter how I got in, the most important thing is what you did to Xiao Yue."

"Who told you to meddle? It was all her own will! " Manager Li actually said what he said without any hesitation. This made me even angrier.

I immediately retorted, "Impossible! You are clearly trying to force yourself on it! "

"You dare to use such a tone to talk to me?" Manager Li glared at me. I could feel his lungs about to burst.

"You dare to treat Xiao Yue like this, even if I have to beat you up, I still dare!" I replied unabashedly.

"You … You... Good! You don't have to come to work tomorrow, you're fired! " Manager Li was flustered and exasperated. He was finally using his power.

I said, "I don't care! I feel disgusted just thinking about it! " With that, he took Xiao Yue out of the room without giving the fatty a chance to respond.

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