My Super Girlfriend/C9 I finally got a job
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My Super Girlfriend/C9 I finally got a job
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C9 I finally got a job

When Nebula saw the determination in my eyes, she knew that I wasn't lying to him. She pulled me along and said as she walked, "Then let's quickly go take a look!" It might be able to help! "

"Why are you so nervous? It's none of your business. " I asked, puzzled, as Nebula pushed me along.

"Even if you are in the limelight, I can still bask in your glory!" As Nebula said this, he led me to the warehouse.

At that moment, I saw a tall foreign man talking to a man who appeared to be a warehouse manager. The manager frowned. Although he was listening attentively, it was clear that he could not communicate with the foreigner. He could only shrug his shoulders and spread out his hands, shaking his head to express helplessness.

I know it's time to show my talent.

Thus, I straightened my clothes, walked up to the foreigner, and asked in fluent English, "Sir, is there anything I can do for you?" I asked, looking deliberately at my tall foreign friend.

He was a big man, about half a head taller than me, with deep eyes and a nose as strong as any other European beauty's. He looked like an American.

When I heard him speak, I was even more certain that he was American.

He said to me in pure American English, "Hello, I'm so glad to find someone who can understand what I'm saying. I'm here for Manager Li from the Engineering Department, but I don't know how to get to his office. Can you take me there? "

I wasn't in a hurry to answer him. Instead, I turned to the Nebula beside me and whispered, "Do you know Manager Li from the Engineering Department?"

"I do!" Who in this factory doesn't know him? " Nebula immediately nodded.

"Do you know where his office is?" I asked.

"I know, I know!" Nebula nodded repeatedly with excitement on his face, as if he had done a great deed and said, "I'll bring you there!"

After hearing what he said, I felt relieved. I turned around and said to the foreigner, "No problem. We'll bring you to him right now!"

Very quickly, under the lead of Nebula, we arrived at the toy factory's engineering department. Finally, Nebula led the foreigner to Manager Li's office. I didn't go in, after all, I wasn't an employee of the company.

After a while, Nebula came out of the engineering office. I immediately went up to him and asked, "How is it? Is it done?"

"Done. Manager Li is very happy. This time, I'm proud!" Nebula said with a face full of joy.

"That's really great. It looks like you're about to get promoted." I laughed.

"Tsk, I haven't even finished middle school yet, how can I still have the chance to get promoted? It would be nice if the company could help me raise my salary. " Nebula said.

"So it's like that …" Even though I knew that his education wasn't that high, I still just found out that he hadn't even graduated from junior high yet. Of course, I didn't look down on him in my heart. After all, I hadn't graduated from high school and I wasn't much better than him. I couldn't help but shake my head and sigh.

At this moment, Nebula suddenly clapped his hands, and something seemed to suddenly sound out. He happily said to me, "I remember, recently the company is recruiting for a position, so there's no need for any of the conditions. As long as it's good in English, I think you can give it a try!"

"Really?" I asked, looking at him doubtfully.

"Of course it's true!" At this point, Nebula suddenly frowned and added in a suppressed voice, "There seems to be another requirement. It requires one's personality to be cheerful, one's proficiency in expression, communication, and the like."

I couldn't help chuckling to myself when I heard this, because this condition isn't anything to me at all. If I were to say that I'm not good at socializing, then there wouldn't be anyone else in this world who can socialize. No matter what, I was a rich second generation who spent money like dirt before!

I patted my chest and said, "There's no problem with that!" Why don't you take me to apply? "

"Sure!" Nebula immediately agreed, and then said, "But we'll just wait until the afternoon, and then we'll go home to eat. Since it's lunch time, no one will bother with you."

I thought it was right, and I was hungry, so I went back with him.

When I got home, I saw that Xingyue was also there. I was always happy to see her, so I greeted her with a smile, "Xiaoyue, it's time for you to leave school!" Even though I was the same age as Xingyue, I still thought that I was older than her. Therefore, it wasn't inappropriate for me to call her Xiao Yue, and she willingly called me Big Brother Zhen.

"Yeah, I just got back." Star-moon looked at me in surprise, then at her brother. "Why did you come back together?"

"Yeah, your brother even introduced me with a job!" I laughed.

"Really? What is it? " Xing Yue looked at me joyfully and asked in anticipation.

"I don't know the specifics either. I haven't applied for the job yet!" I found a chair and sat down. "They need a good English speaker," I said.

"You speak English?" Xing Yue pointed at me with a face full of disbelief.

"That's right!" Before I could reply, Nebula quickly replied, "Ah Zhen spoke so much English that I was dumbfounded."

"I didn't expect you to be so amazing. You can help me with my English." Xingyue smiled.

"That's a good idea!" I immediately clapped my hands in celebration. If he could really get me to learn English for Xingyue, then it would be such a blissful thing for me to be in close contact with her. Just thinking about it made me happy.

Xingyue frowned and said, "Not so good. It's said that girls have good liberal arts. I'm the opposite, but science is very good. Most of the time, English is only passable for a little bit."

"So that's how it is. But it doesn't matter, I can help you improve your English." I confidently said, "Firstly, you have to say more and listen more. Secondly, you have to practice and write more."

"I know that too, but who should I tell?" Xingyue said.

"Of course it's to tell me!" I immediately replied, "You can always speak English with me and say whatever you want to. You don't have to worry about grammatical errors, just say whatever you want. If you say anything wrong, I will correct you."

"Is that okay?" Xingyue's expression was still filled with suspicion.

"Absolutely. Now try to speak to me in English." I encouraged her.

As a result, Star-Moon always stuttered and stuttered as if she was a different person, like a kid who had just learned how to speak. She was a bit nervous.

I had expected this, too, encouraging her, teaching her the correct pronunciation and grammar, and gradually she was able to say some complete sentences.

In the afternoon, Nebula took me to see the head of the company's personnel department. The person in charge of recruitment was a woman in her thirties. Her surname was Wang, and for the time being, she was referred to as Lady Wang.

After chatting with me for a while, Ms. Wang seemed to be very satisfied with my performance. I felt that the most important thing was that she had taken a fancy to me as a person who returned from the sea. Of course, I didn't tell her that I was once a fuerdai. When she asked for my name and family, I told her that my name was Zhen Zhen. I came from Dragon Harbor because my wallet was stolen and my ID card was lost.

Finally, when I asked Ms. Wang if she needed a bank card to get into the job, she said: "You can't get a bank card without an ID because the company is in urgent need of people, so don't do it for now. I'll just find you the money, Nikkei!"

Hearing such an answer, I was naturally very satisfied. If she said that I had to get my identity card before I could get into the office, then I would have no other choice. Thus, I asked tentatively, "So, how do we calculate the salary?"

Ms. Wang said, "Let's give it a try for a while. I'll give you a salary of 200 yuan a day for a short period of time. What do you think?"

When I heard that I could get two hundred dollars a day, I was overjoyed. I don't know why I would be so interested in such a small amount of money. After all, two hundred yuan wasn't even enough for a single meal. But today is different from the past. I am no longer a son of the Wealthy Class. I have to rely on my own work to earn money. That's what I thought at the time. Most importantly, with a decent amount of income, I could buy some nice clothes for Xingyue and dress her up, making her even more beautiful. That way, I would be happy.

I had no objection and agreed to Ms. Wang's proposal. In the end, we shook hands and said our goodbyes. Before she left, she told me to come to work tomorrow and not be late.

When I told the Star Moon and Nebula that I had successfully applied for the position, they were happy for me. For this reason, Nebula even intentionally added some dishes and drank a few drinks with me in the evening as a celebration.

So, for the time being, I went to work at the toy factory. My job is actually very easy, it is to deal with a few foreign clients every day, they are mostly American, and they speak to me very amiably. With my perfect tongue, I have managed to recruit a lot of business for the company, and I have also won the high trust of American clients. Slowly, my position stabilized, and my boss told me to straighten me out as soon as my ID card was fixed, and double my salary, which was four hundred dollars a day.

Now the question is, how do I get an ID card?

I couldn't think of a way for a long time, and I couldn't tell anyone about it, so I was worried about it for a long time.

A month had passed, and I had a lot of cash on my hands. These days, I went to work during the day, and occasionally gave Xingyue supplementary English lessons at night.

It is false to say that I am not tired at work, but as long as I can see the stars and the moon every day, most of my fatigue will be gone. Especially when I was helping her with her English, I was sitting next to her, smelling the faint fragrance of her hair, and my whole body felt like I was drunk on honey. My heart was sweet and happy, just like my first love.

I don't know if I'm in love with Star-Moon, but I know that if I can't see her, I'll feel sick all over, and if I see her, whatever the trouble is, it'll be gone. She is a beautiful and optimistic girl, she gave me the motivation to live, and she is also my benefactor. Of course, there is also her elder brother Xingyun, they are all my benefactors. I kept swearing to myself that he would repay me if I could make it.

I knew that the world was full of dinners, but I didn't expect us to end up like this, and I was the one who brought it to an end.

That night, when I came back from work, I found a hole in the wall near the bathroom!

The hole was the size of a thumb, but it was hidden by the mirror hanging on the wall.

I only discovered it by chance. At that time, I suddenly had a very evil idea.

That's right, peeping.

I'm not afraid to say it, because I did.

As I've said before, since I was young, my heart has been filled with lust, and my mind is filled with women. So much so that when I grow up, I have no ambition and become a useless person who only indulges in beautiful women.

Of course I'm not willing to become like this, but it won't be that easy to get rid of this evil.

Impulse was like the devil inside me, baring its fangs and claws, luring me to do something evil.

That night, Nebula did not come back from working overtime, and there was only me and Xingyue at home. When Xingyue went to take a bath, my heart was pounding. I wanted to take a peek at her, to let me have a peek at her, to satisfy my curiosity about her body.

Strange to say, even though the structure of the human body is similar, but I just want to see countless beauties' bodies. It's like an artist appreciating a work of art, or a composer appreciating a masterpiece, which makes one's heart surge.

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