My Vital Energy Space/C1 Spiritual Energy Space
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My Vital Energy Space/C1 Spiritual Energy Space
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C1 Spiritual Energy Space

The sun blazed overhead, and the air in the village was thick with humidity. Faang Ming, carrying a bucket, was diligently watering a field of roses. At twenty-three, he had returned to his ancestral home in Shu Province just two months after graduating from college. Unlike his peers, Faang Ming, who held a degree in Construction and Engineering, chose not to seek his fortune in the city but was instead drawn to the rural lifestyle.

Armed with a newfound knowledge of horticulture, he had purchased rose saplings and began cultivating them on the vacant land adjacent to his family home. In a matter of months, the saplings Faang Ming nurtured had flourished into vibrant blooms, a feat that surprised many. Gardening was no rough task; it demanded meticulous care to ensure the flowers thrived.

"In a few days, these roses will be ready for sale, and that should bring in a tidy sum..." Faang Ming whispered to himself, a smile spreading across his face. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he glanced around to confirm he was alone before revealing his secret.

With a quiet incantation of "spiritual space," Faang Ming stepped into another realm. Here, the light was soft, a stark contrast to the scorching weather of the real world, and the space exuded a refreshing coolness. Before him lay a tranquil pond, about an acre in size, its waters crystal clear and mist rising from its surface, lending an almost ethereal quality to the scene.

This was Faang Ming's secret, the reason for his return to the countryside. Roughly a year prior, he had stumbled upon a piece of jade that unlocked this Spiritual Space, offering him an alternative path in life. True to its name, the space was rich with Spiritual Qi, and just being there made one feel lighter and more vigorous.

The pond's water, infused with Spiritual Qi, was the key to the exceptional quality of Faang Ming's roses. Regular consumption could significantly enhance one's health, and after a year of drinking it, Faang Ming himself had become remarkably fit and full of vitality. On a whim, he had used the water on his plants, and the results were astounding; every flower and plant nourished by the Spiritual Water grew in lush abundance.

After a short while, feeling it was time to go, Faang Ming exited the Spiritual Space. As he did, a figure approached from a distance.

"Faang Ming, are you there?" The voice was clear and melodious.

Turning, Faang Ming recognized the visitor. It was Chu Ning'er, a woman of striking beauty with porcelain skin, her smile warm as she looked at him. Her long, black hair cascaded down her back, and she carried an air of sophistication that seemed out of place in the countryside, more akin to that of a city model.

Chu Ning'er, not yet twenty-five, was already a widow. Her husband, once a well-known tycoon, had tragically died in a car accident shortly after their marriage. Now, she lived alone in the town, save for a nanny.

"Ning'er, what brings you here?" Faang Ming asked, his smile welcoming as he ushered her into the yard.

"Do you wish I hadn't come?" Chu Ning'er teased, her bright eyes playful under the shade of her sun umbrella.

Faang Ming chuckled, a touch of embarrassment in his voice. "Not at all. I'm more than happy to have you."

"Flatterer," Chu Ning'er teased, her cheeks coloring as she walked towards the flower shed. "Faang Ming, I see your roses are in bloom."

Faang Ming nodded with a look of contentment. "Indeed, after toiling away for two months, it's high time to get in touch with the florists in Arrowguard City to arrange a purchase."

Chu Ning'er turned her head just a bit, her lips pursed in a pout. "Is that all?"

Faang Ming, caught off guard, failed to grasp the subtext in her words. "Yes, what else would I do with all these flowers?"

At his response, Chu Ning'er's frustration flared. She couldn't believe how oblivious he was. Stamping her foot, she pointed at herself and leaned in, "Don't you think... to give me a few flowers?"

She might have been a bit embarrassed as she turned her head away haughtily, her fair ears blushing a deep red.

Realization dawned on Faang Ming, and he quickly assured her, "Of course, I'll give you some. This whole flower field was planted with you in mind, Ning'er."

He selected several of the most exquisite blooms, bundled them together, and presented them to Chu Ning'er.

As she reached out to accept the flowers, Faang Ming's fingers brushed against her skin, lingering a moment longer than necessary.

Chu Ning'er shot him a playful glare, her eyes dancing with mirth, yet she left his faux pas unmentioned. "That's better."

"As long as it pleases you," Faang Ming replied, his smile beaming.

Faang Ming had his reasons for knowing Chu Ning'er.

As the newlywed wife of a wealthy local, Chu Ning'er's husband tragically died in a car accident just three days after their wedding. Shortly thereafter, her mother-in-law also passed away. The incidents set tongues wagging.

In a village steeped in old superstitions, many of the elder women labeled Chu Ning'er a curse, a harbinger of doom, claiming that death followed her touch.

It wasn't until she met Faang Ming, a man of higher education, that she found someone willing to engage with her.

Lost in his thoughts, Faang Ming was snapped back to reality by an unhappy Chu Ning'er, who pouted and asked, "What's got you so distracted?"

"I was thinking of you," Faang Ming said, still a bit dazed, his words carrying an unintended hint of intimacy.

Chu Ning'er's cheeks flushed a visible pink, her expression a mix of allure and shyness. "What nonsense are you spouting?"

Faang Ming realized he'd sparked a misunderstanding but, inexplicably, he didn't rush to clarify, instead just smiling sheepishly.

"Dummy..." Chu Ning'er murmured, her voice barely audible as her fidgeting fingers betrayed her anxiety.

Captivated by Chu Ning'er's charm, Faang Ming blurted out, "Ning'er, perhaps we should go inside and sit for a while?"

"Ah?" Chu Ning'er was taken aback, not expecting such an invitation from Faang Ming. She had visited his home several times over the past months, but today's charged atmosphere made her hesitate.

Noticing her hesitation, Faang Ming quickly added, "It's just too hot outside. See, I've even gotten a bit of a sunburn."

Chu Ning'er couldn't help but laugh, her irritation giving way to amusement. "If that's what you call a sunburn, then what hope is there for the rest of us?"

Faang Ming just chuckled, letting the conversation rest.

Perhaps it was just his natural complexion, but Faang Ming's skin was always fair. Even a bit of sun exposure was fleeting, and he'd soon return to his usual pallor—a trait that many girls envied, prompting Chu Ning'er's playful tease.

After ushering Chu Ning'er into the room, Faang Ming finally felt the cool relief of the indoors.

Their family's ancestral home, with its seventy-year history, was a testament to the considerable effort invested at its inception. Even now, in 2015, the mansion retained its robust architectural integrity.

The expansive house was built to accommodate up to four generations, but with only Faang Ming residing there, it felt particularly cavernous.

Once he had prepared tea for Chu Ning'er, Faang Ming settled into a casual conversation with her.

"Ning'er, what brings you my way today?" Faang Ming lounged on the sofa with ease.

Chu Ning'er gave an exasperated eye roll. "I was about to go stir-crazy at home. Aunt Lee isn't much for conversation, so it's just me talking to myself. If this keeps up, I'll lose my mind."

Aunt Lee, her nanny, and Faang Ming were the only ones in all of Autumnhold who treated her as an ordinary person, rather than the calamitous figure others made her out to be.

"Why not visit your hometown then?" Faang Ming inquired, realizing he'd never heard her speak of her family.

Chu Ning'er fell silent, her spirits dampening. "I'm an orphan. My parents died when I was very young, and my grandmother passed two years ago. Now, I don't have any family left..."

Witnessing her sorrow, a pang of empathy struck Faang Ming. He now grasped why Chu Ning'er never defended herself against the village gossip. Orphaned young, bereft of her grandmother later, and widowed after marriage—perhaps she believed she was cursed.

With this in mind, Faang Ming took a deep breath, grasped Chu Ning'er's shoulders, and declared earnestly, "Ning'er, rest assured, from this day forward, you have family in me!"

Tears welled in Chu Ning'er's eyes as she looked up at him. "Silly boy, what nonsense are you spouting?"

"I mean it," Faang Ming insisted, giving her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "You won't be alone anymore."

Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions and feeling utterly aggrieved, Chu Ning'er stepped forward and embraced Faang Ming tightly, her sobs breaking free.

"But someone like me will only bring you bad luck," she said through tears, her body shaking.

Faang Ming tenderly stroked her back, soothing her. "That's not true. You're a good person, a wonderful sister. Fate has just been unkind to you."

Chu Ning'er, unable to contain her grief any longer, wept without restraint, releasing her pent-up feelings.

Eventually, Faang Ming's body began to tingle with numbness from the prolonged embrace. He had been immobilized by Chu Ning'er's hold, his legs growing senseless. Thankfully, she gradually calmed and her tears subsided.

She rubbed her tear-streaked, reddened eyes, only then noticing how long she and Faang Ming had been locked in an intimate embrace, their bodies pressed closely together. The heat from their skin contact made her feel a flush of warmth.

"Ah, I've made a spectacle of myself," she said, her cheeks coloring with embarrassment as she attempted to rise.

But in her haste, she lost her footing and, in a clumsy moment, tumbled down.

"Be careful!"

With swift reflexes, Faang Ming reached out and quickly pulled Chu Ning'er to him, urging her to hold on.

A delicate scent enveloped them, and the softness he felt left Faang Ming momentarily stunned. In his haste, his right hand, which was wrapped around Chu Ning'er, inadvertently brushed against her soft chest. Even through the fabric, the silky sensation was unmistakable.

The warmth from her chest sent a flush spreading across Chu Ning'er's face, extending to her swan-like neck.

Embarrassed, she tucked herself into Faang Ming's embrace like a bashful snail, too shy to meet his gaze.

Now, Faang Ming found himself in a quandary. His hand was trapped by Chu Ning'er's body, and he was uncertain whether to release his hold or maintain it. All he could do was freeze, not daring to make a single move.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Chu Ning'er whispered faintly, "You should... let go of me first."

It was as if a pardon had been declared. Faang Ming quickly released his right hand, but as he withdrew, friction was unavoidable, and she was holding on so tightly. The sensation was like an electric shock, prompting a soft moan from Chu Ning'er.

"Ning'er, are you okay?" Faang Ming blurted out, his voice laced with concern. He was feeling a bit flustered.

"I'm fine..." Chu Ning'er pushed herself up and hastily retreated from Faang Ming's arms.

With Chu Ning'er gone, Faang Ming exhaled a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. He was on the verge of a physical reaction.

After downing a big gulp of water, he finally regained his composure.

"I should head back for today. I'll come to see you again next time..." Chu Ning'er said, her face still flushed. She avoided Faang Ming's eyes, picked up the bouquet of roses he had prepared for her, and quickly left the room, heavy with romantic tension.

Once Chu Ning'er was out of sight, Faang Ming felt a mix of relief and a pang of loss. The physical contact they had shared was a profound experience for someone who had never been in love.

The memory of her soft touch lingered at his fingertips.

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