My Vital Energy Space/C10 Troublesome!
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My Vital Energy Space/C10 Troublesome!
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C10 Troublesome!

In the days that followed, Faang Ming was noticeably better behaved, though he still found time to playfully tease Chu Ning'er now and then.

One night, as he watched Ning'er sleep soundly, Faang Ming's mind began to wander. "This spiritual space is a blessing," he mused, "but I wonder if there will come a time when its waters run dry."

Then it hit him. "Ah, the seeds! I got three from Lee Shan's shop and still don't know what they are." It was only now, after days preoccupied with rose cultivation, that he remembered the peculiar seeds.

Careful not to disturb Ning'er, Faang Ming slipped out of bed, tiptoed into the next room, and shut the door behind him. Under the moonlight's glow, he examined the seeds closely. They were larger than typical seeds, with intricate patterns etched into their surfaces, but otherwise unremarkable.

Pulling out his emerald jade, Faang Ming watched as it resonated with the seeds, vibrating just as it had before. Clearly, if they could stir the spiritual space, these seeds were no ordinary find. Compelled by curiosity, he took them straight to the spiritual realm.

Surrounded by the vast beauty and rich spiritual energy, Faang Ming felt a profound sense of ease. He breathed in deeply before heading to a river within the space.

Faang Ming had a plan for the seeds. Knowing they reacted to the spiritual energy, it made sense to plant them here rather than outside. After some contemplation, he decided to bury them between the pond and a stream, where the energy was most abundant. Once the task was complete, he stepped back into the real world.

To his surprise, dawn was breaking. He had only been planting for minutes, yet it seemed hours had passed. Shaking off his confusion, Faang Ming quietly re-entered the bedroom. Seeing Ning'er still asleep, he sighed in relief. If she had woken, no amount of explaining would have sufficed; she might even have seen him as some kind of monster.

'Time in the mountains is different from the world of men,' the old saying goes. Three months had flown by, and Faang Ming's ten acres of roses were sprouting, some already budding, thanks to the pond's water. The speed of their growth took even him by surprise.

The vegetables he planted thrived just as well, yielding large, ripe fruits imbued with spiritual energy. Eating them daily, Faang Ming noticed his skin growing fairer and his strength increasing.

Lin Yuhan, meanwhile, would occasionally send people to check on the roses. Each time, they left at a loss for words, unable to convey the astonishing growth rate to Yuhan. All they could report back was "Very good."

Yuhan had no reason to doubt them; if they were lying, she would've been the first to take action.

Unbeknownst to Faang Ming, a series of troubles was brewing on the horizon.

In a grand house in Arrowguard City, burly men in suits crowded the room. At the center, on a leather sofa, sat a man with a face marred by scars – Wang Meng, the notorious leader of the Black Dragon Gang.

Wang Meng took a harsh drag on his cigar before finally glancing at Lee Dafeng inside the room.

Upon seeing Wang, Lee Dafeng rushed forward, his face streaked with tears and snot, pleading, "Brother Wang! You've got to stand up for me! That punk Faang Ming didn't just beat me up; he also got my brother thrown in jail. And the guys I brought with me? They got a brutal beating too."

After hearing this, Wang Meng took another fierce puff of his cigar, stood up, and with a swift kick, sent Lee Dafeng sprawling to the floor. Clutching Lee's hair in his right hand, he snarled, "You son of a bitch! Don't think for a second that I'm oblivious to the crap you and your brother have pulled. You can't even handle a kid? You're a disgrace to the Black Dragon Gang."

Wang Meng's words struck a nerve, and Lee Dafeng, terrified, fell to his knees, trembling, "Brother Wang! I realize my mistake. It won't happen again, I swear."

Disgusted, Wang Meng commanded, "Stand up!"

"Thank you, Brother Wang!" Lee Dafeng quickly wiped the sweat from his brow and scrambled to his feet.

"In Arrowguard City, it's the Black Dragon Gang that does the bullying—no one dares to challenge us. If this Faang character thinks he can disrespect our Black Wind Gang without consequences, we have to teach him a lesson. Otherwise, how will our Black Wind Gang maintain its foothold in Arrowguard City?"

"Big brother's right. I'll handle this. I'll take care of that kid," a tall, sunglass-wearing man beside Wang Meng offered.

This man, Zhao Hu, was the Black Dragon Gang's top enforcer, valued by Wang Meng for his towering stature and formidable strength.

"Zhao Hu, I'm well aware of what you're capable of. But there's no need for you to personally step in for a mere kid," Wang Meng said, cutting him off with a wave of his hand.

Zhao Hu, hearing this, said no more and silently stepped back into place.

"Lee Dafeng, I've chosen a group of our best men to go with you. If you can't handle that kid, don't bother coming back to see me," Wang Meng said, fixing Lee Dafeng with a steely gaze.

"Yes! Yes!" Lee Dafeng, catching Wang Meng's chilling look, didn't dare utter a word of protest and just nodded in agreement.

Three days went by, and Faang Ming's life remained as tranquil as ever. Today, he and Chu Ning'er were busy watering the roses on their ten-acre plot.

The sound of engines broke the silence as three cars, kicking up clouds of dust, approached his rose garden. Lin Yuhan had recently sent someone to inspect, but these vehicles didn't seem to be his. That was Faang Ming's guess.

As Faang Ming pondered, the cars pulled up, and out poured a dozen men armed with iron rods and machetes. Seeing Lee Dafeng among them, Faang Ming instantly understood the situation.

Chu Ning'er, unaccustomed to such a display, clutched Faang Ming's hand, urging, "Faang Ming, let's not provoke them. We should leave!"

"Ning'er, it's okay. Don't worry," Faang Ming reassured her, pulling her protectively behind him.

Then, with a smile, Faang Ming addressed Lee Dafeng, "What's the matter, Lee Dafeng? Do you miss your brother so much that you want to join him in jail?"

"Damn punk, you think you can just walk away from what happened last time? If I don't break your legs today, my name isn't Lee Dafeng." Despite having witnessed Faang Ming's skills and feeling a twinge of fear, Lee Dafeng, bolstered by his numerical advantage, spoke with brazen arrogance.

"Oh, really? Let's see if you've got the chops to back that up," Faang Ming replied, his face etched with a mocking grin.

"Hmph! Don't get cocky, kid. No matter how tough you are, you won't be able to fend off this many people. Once you're down, I'll have my fun with that whore Chu Ning'er before passing her around to my brothers," Lee Dafeng boasted with confidence.

The group around him burst into raucous laughter, their eyes gleaming as they ogled Chu Ning'er from head to toe.

"You... You're utterly despicable," Chu Ning'er exclaimed, her voice filled with outrage at Lee Dafeng's vulgar words.

"Just wait until I'm done with this little punk, you slut. We'll see if you're still so defiant," Lee Dafeng threatened with a menacing look.

"You're asking for it!" Faang Ming uttered these three words with a grave tone.

Chu Ning'er was his beloved, and he wouldn't stand for any disrespect towards her. Lee Dafeng's remarks had clearly struck a nerve.

Seeing the icy intent to kill in Faang Ming's eyes, Lee Dafeng felt a chill run down his spine.

"Why waste words on this kid, Brother Lee? Let me take care of him quickly so the rest of us can get back to enjoying ourselves," one of the thugs said, charging at Faang Ming with a steel rod in hand.

"Hold on! This kid's no pushover. We should attack together," Lee Dafeng called out, but his warning came too late.

Faang Ming, who had been nourishing himself daily with spirit qi and spirit fruit, was not only nimble but also possessed reflexes and strength several times that of an average person.

Watching the assailant rush at him, Faang Ming merely smiled with contempt. To him, the thug's movements were as slow as a turtle's.

Chu Ning'er, unaware of Faang Ming's capabilities, cried out in alarm, "Faang Ming, watch out!"

But in the blink of an eye, as the iron rod came within a meter of him, Faang Ming swiftly sidestepped and delivered a powerful kick. The sequence, though appearing slow, happened in mere moments.

The thug was now on the ground, the iron rod clattering beside him as he knelt three meters away, clutching his stomach and groaning in agony, his face turning a shade of purple.

The onlookers were dumbfounded by the display of strength.

"Is this guy even human? To kick a man over a hundred kilos three meters away... the strength he must have!"

"Damn it, I knew you shouldn't have gone in alone," Lee Dafeng muttered under his breath, cursing his own advice.

Chu Ning'er, too, was taken aback by Faang Ming's prowess, standing frozen in place, her mind racing with thoughts.

"What are you standing around for? No matter how tough this guy is, he's still just one person. Let's take him down together!"

Egged on by Lee Dafeng, the gang members charged towards Faang Ming with a chorus of shouts.

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