My Vital Energy Space/C13 Conquering the Black Dragon Gang
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My Vital Energy Space/C13 Conquering the Black Dragon Gang
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C13 Conquering the Black Dragon Gang

With a dull thud, Zhang Yijie hit the ground hard. Despite the searing pain that soaked him in cold sweat, he didn't utter a sound.

Faang Ming watched, a flicker of respect crossing his face.

Chu Ning'er, on the other hand, thought she must be dreaming, because the fight she'd just witnessed seemed more like a scene from a martial arts film.

The others sprawled on the ground were a mix of shock and fear. In their recollection, Zhang Yijie had never been bested.

"With your abilities, you shouldn't associate with scum like Lee Dafeng," Faang Ming said pointedly.

"I owe him a debt. I came here to repay that kindness. It's my own fault I'm not his equal. Now that I've fallen into your hands, do with me as you will!" Zhang Yijie declared bluntly.

"No rush. I've got a few more questions," Faang Ming said, intrigued.

"Don't bother with formalities. I'll tell you anything you want to know."

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Zhang Yijie struggled to his feet. "You're aware Lee Dafeng sent me. He warned me about your formidable skills and suggested I strike at night, to first capture the woman by your side and use her as leverage against you. I'm sure you're aware of the rest."

Faang Ming's expression turned stormy. He had repeatedly spared Lee Dafeng, never expecting him to target Ning'er. Faang Ming could endure much, but he would never forgive anyone who threatened Chu Ning'er. This time, his intent to kill was absolute.

"What role does Lee Dafeng play in the Black Dragon Gang, and where is he now?" Faang Ming demanded.

"He's just a low-level thug with a lot of unsavory connections. As for his whereabouts, I'm not sure," Zhang Yijie responded.

Observing Faang Ming's darkening mood, Zhang Yijie added, "You want revenge on Lee Dafeng? That's easy. But I'd advise you to get out of here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Faang Ming pressed.

"It's straightforward. You've crossed the Black Dragon Gang and sent dozens of our men to jail. They won't just let that slide. They haven't come after you yet because they don't know who you are, but that will change soon enough."

"Why are you telling me all this? Aren't you with the Black Dragon Gang?" Faang Ming asked, puzzled.

"Sure, I'm with the gang, but I operate by my own code. I don't partake in bullying or dishonorable deeds. I'm just trying to make a living. And as I mentioned, Lee Dafeng once did me a favor."

"Interesting! To think the Black Dragon Gang has someone like you in their ranks."

Faang Ming's tone then turned icy, "I will find Lee Dafeng. And as for the Black Dragon Gang, if they're determined to trouble me, I won't sit idly by."

Zhang Yijie, seeing the lethal intent in Faang Ming's eyes, hesitated before seeming to come to a decision. He knelt on one knee and said, "The Black Dragon Gang is vast, and you're outnumbered. I offer my assistance in taking them down, and in return, I'll follow your lead."

"I have no interest in being a gangster, and what makes you think I can trust you?" Faang Ming replied with a cold laugh.

"I only respect those who are stronger and more capable than me," Zhang Yijie declared with an air of confidence. "I have this feeling that by following you, I might achieve even greater things. Believe it or not, that's your choice—I won't repeat myself."

Faang Ming studied Zhang Yijie's face, which seemed honest. His university education had taught him that some people, like Zhang Yijie, were indeed straightforward, acting purely on instinct.

"I'll take you at your word this time," Faang Ming finally said. "But if you're lying to me, you'll regret it."

Faang Ming's decision wasn't based on complete trust in Zhang Yijie, but he knew that tackling the Black Dragon Gang alone was a daunting task. With Zhang Yijie's help, it would be a different story.

Upon Faang Ming's agreement, Zhang Yijie bowed respectfully and said, "Zhang Yijie greets you, big brother and sister-in-law."

Chu Ning'er, who had overheard their exchange, felt her cheeks warm when Zhang Yijie addressed her as sister-in-law.

"Let's not do this, Faang Ming. It's not worth the risk. I don't want you to get hurt," Chu Ning'er urged, concerned for his safety.

"Ning'er, we can't just back down now. I'm willing to take this risk for your safety," Faang Ming reassured her tenderly.

"I know you mean well... but... but..."

Before Chu Ning'er could finish, Faang Ming cut her off. "No 'buts'. Don't you trust me?"

"Fool, my heart has been yours for a long time. How could I not trust you? Today, I've realized just how much I mean to you. Whatever you decide, I'll stand by you. Even if it costs you your life, I won't go on without you," Chu Ning'er declared with determination.

"Okay, Ning'er, there are people around. Go back to your room, and we'll talk more tomorrow," Faang Ming suggested, his cheeks flushing slightly.

Only then did Chu Ning'er become aware of the strangers in their home. She cast a shy glance at Faang Ming and quickly left the living room.

With Chu Ning'er gone, Faang Ming's embarrassment subsided. "What about these guys?" he asked, gesturing to the five men on the floor.

"Don't worry, they're my brothers and they're trustworthy," Zhang Yijie assured him. "Come on, show some respect and greet your big brother."

"Greetings, boss! We swear to follow Brother Jie to the end," the men said in unison as they struggled to their feet.

"If they're with you, I trust your judgment," Faang Ming said. "And from now on, drop the 'boss' title—I'm not a gangster. Just call me by my name."

The men exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to proceed, and all eyes turned to Zhang Yijie.

"What are you looking at me for? He's the boss. His word is law!" Zhang Yijie barked.

"Yes!" they responded in chorus.

"Head back now, and keep your mouths shut. We'll discuss any issues after I've talked with the boss," Zhang Yijie instructed them.

As the five men departed, Faang Ming glanced at Zhang Yijie and queried, "How many reliable people do you have at your disposal?"

"Beyond the five who just left, I have a dozen trustworthy individuals in Arrowguard—twelve to be precise," Zhang Yijie replied after a brief pause for thought.

Faang Ming had only asked out of curiosity, knowing that someone with Zhang Yijie's disposition wouldn't have a large circle.

"Do you have any idea how many are in the Black Dragon Gang?" Faang Ming probed further.

"The current head of the Black Dragon Gang is Wang Meng. He's not particularly skilled, but his seniority in the gang earned him the top spot. His right-hand man, Zhao Hu, seems to have a couple of years of training under his belt, but he's still no match for me."

"Besides, the Black Dragon Gang numbers around three hundred. They run three nightclubs and four casinos in Arrowguard—that's their main source of income. In Arrowguard, the Black Dragon Gang is just a minor player, with no real ties to other powers. But with someone as ruthless as Zhao Hu in charge, no one dares to cross them lightly."

Hearing this, Faang Ming realized the challenge ahead. He turned to Zhang Yijie and asked, "Given your knowledge of the Black Dragon Gang, do you have a plan?"

"I do. Wang Meng frequents a nightclub in Arrowguard, a place he owns. He usually brings no more than twenty people, and Zhao Hu is never among them. Including the Black Dragon Gang members who are already there, Wang Meng will have about fifty to sixty people around him. That's our prime opportunity to strike," Zhang Yijie laid out his strategy methodically.

Faang Ming quickly assessed the situation. Only he and Wang Meng were capable of taking on several opponents each. The rest of their group might not fare as well. Facing sixty with just over a dozen was a significant risk.

"What about Wang Meng's other associates? Won't they rush over as soon as they hear the news?" Faang Ming expressed his concern.

"Don't worry, boss. They all have their own posts to cover, including several casinos and nightclubs. By the time they receive word, we'll have already taken out Wang Meng and made our exit. They'll be powerless," Zhang Yijie assured him.

"Good. Leave your number and head back to Arrowguard to start preparations. I've got some matters to attend to, but I'll reach out once I'm done," Faang Ming instructed.

"Understood. I'll go back and get the brothers ready," Zhang Yijie said, leaving his contact information before departing.

As Zhang Yijie reached the doorway, he paused, turned back to Faang Ming, and implored, "Make sure you come. Don't let me down. I'm counting on you."

Faang Ming responded with a silent nod.

After Zhang Yijie left, Faang Ming peered out the window to see the dawn breaking. With no desire to sleep, he turned and quietly stepped out of the room, leaving Chu Ning'er still in slumber. He began tidying up the remnants of the previous night's chaos.

Time passed before Chu Ning'er awoke, bleary-eyed. She dressed and stepped out to find Faang Ming, apron-clad, placing a delicious breakfast on the table. The living room, once in disarray, was now neatly arranged.

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