My Vital Energy Space/C14 The Threat of the Black Dragon Gang
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My Vital Energy Space/C14 The Threat of the Black Dragon Gang
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C14 The Threat of the Black Dragon Gang

"Wow, has the sun decided to rise in the west today?" Chu Ning'er teased, sticking out her tongue as she watched Faang Ming set the table with dish after dish.

"After wrapping up the talks with them, dawn had already broken. Luckily, I just had to tidy up a bit and whip up some breakfast for you!" Faang Ming replied, his smile warm.

Suddenly, Chu Ning'er recalled the previous night's events and hurried over to Faang Ming, concern etching her features. "Faang Ming, you're taking on the Black Dragon Gang? Are you sure you've thought this through?"

"Don't worry, Ning'er. Let's focus on breakfast first," Faang Ming said, deftly steering the conversation away to ease her worries.

"Faang Ming, I'm scared. Take me with you. We can go somewhere else and start anew. I can't bear the thought of losing you." Chu Ning'er's eyes revealed her understanding of Faang Ming's thoughts.

With a resigned sigh, Faang Ming pulled Chu Ning'er close and reassured her, "Ning'er, I've promised to protect you and keep you from harm in this lifetime. If I back down now, even if you don't mind, I'd never be able to live with myself."

"Don't talk about yourself like that. I know you have your reasons, but..."

"What's this 'but'? You wouldn't want me to be a timid, shrinking turtle, would you?" Faang Ming cut her off with a chuckle, not wanting her to worry further.

Realizing Faang Ming's resolve, Chu Ning'er knew she couldn't sway him. Silently, she offered up prayers for his safety.

As he gazed at the dazed Chu Ning'er in his arms, Faang Ming couldn't resist; he captured her lips in a fierce kiss.

Chu Ning'er, caught by surprise, felt Faang Ming's eager tongue and responded with a gentle bite.

"Ouch! Are you trying to murder your own husband?" Faang Ming yelped as he recoiled, his tongue smarting from the bite.

Chu Ning'er's previously tormented chest finally stilled. She glared at him, half-annoyed, half-amused. "You're talking nonsense. We'll see if you ever dare to tease me again!"

"Okay, okay, you win. Let's just eat," Faang Ming conceded with a sigh.

"By the way, when did you learn martial arts? You've never mentioned it before," Chu Ning'er inquired, curiosity piqued as she took a bite of her breakfast.

Faang Ming had anticipated this question, yet he hadn't quite figured out the best way to explain. "Martial arts? I've never taken any lessons!" he bluffed.

"Don't give me that! With your slight build, how could you possibly take on so many? Come on, spill the beans," Chu Ning'er pressed, not buying his act for a second.

"Dear, I swear I've never formally studied martial arts. It was just some random moves I picked up as a kid. Who knew those thugs would go down so easily? That's not on me!" Faang Ming played the innocent card to the hilt.

Chu Ning'er couldn't help but burst into laughter at his feigned innocence. Catching her breath, she teased, "Fine, you're naturally strong. Happy now?"

"Exactly!" Faang Ming replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Keep talking, and you'll be out of breath too. Now eat up!" Chu Ning'er retorted with a playful roll of her eyes.

Ring, ring, ring...

In the middle of their meal, the sharp sound of a ringing phone cut through the air.

"Could be Aunt Lee again. Let me get that!" Faang Ming stopped Chu Ning'er, who was reaching for the phone, and got up to answer it.



Curiously, Faang Ming called out twice into the receiver, but no one on the other end responded.

"Who's calling?" Chu Ning'er asked nonchalantly from the dining table.

"Not sure, there's no response. Maybe a wrong number," Faang Ming mused. He was about to hang up when a voice suddenly emerged from the other end, "You're Faang Ming, aren't you?"

The voice was deep, unfamiliar to Faang Ming. He pressed, "Who is this? Speak up or I'm hanging up."

"Hmph! You hurt one of our Black Dragon Gang brothers, and you're asking who I am?" came the ominous reply.

Realizing he was dealing with someone from the Black Dragon Gang, Faang Ming feigned ignorance, "Black Dragon Gang? Black Dog Gang? You must be out of your mind. Wrong number, perhaps?"

The person on the line lost their patience at Faang Ming's act, raising their voice, "Kid, cut the act. You've sent my guys straight to the police station. We've dug up your info. It won't be long before you face the wrath of the Black Dragon Gang."

"You sure you've got the right person? I haven't sent anyone to the police station. I'm a duck farmer, actually, and I do send plenty of ducks to the slaughterhouse. Interested? I could arrange a trip for you too," Faang Ming bantered, phone in hand.

"Kid! You're in for it now," the caller spat before abruptly hanging up.

"Is Faang Ming with the Black Dragon Gang?" Chu Ning'er, who had overheard the conversation, inquired after the mention of the gang.

"No, just a mix-up. Someone looking for ducks and chickens," Faang Ming lied, trying to keep Chu Ning'er from worrying.

"Oh," was all Chu Ning'er replied, nodding. She had her suspicions but chose not to press further, understanding Faang Ming's intention to spare her any concern.

Time had flown by, and over a month had passed without further trouble from the Black Dragon Gang.

Life seemed to have returned to its peaceful routine, yet Faang Ming was aware that this was merely the calm before the storm.

He was conscious of the advantage in striking first against the Black Dragon Gang, but his priority was the imminent harvest of his roses. He planned to wait until the roses were sold before seeking out Zhang Yijie in Arrowguard.

Currently, Faang Ming found himself in the Spiritual Energy Space, which he hadn't visited for a while due to various distractions. Now, he was finally checking on the three seeds he had planted.

As Faang Ming approached the small riverbank where the seeds were sown, everything appeared as it had been, with no sign of life from the seeds.

A whole month had passed with constant watering, yet not a sprout in sight. Faang Ming couldn't help but wonder if his jade had simply quivered, leading him to believe these seeds were something precious.

As Faang Ming contemplated his situation, a wave of discouragement washed over him. He gave the seeds one more sprinkle of water before leaving the Spiritual Energy Space, unaware that the ground where he had planted them quivered the moment he stepped out.

Emerging from the Spiritual Energy Space at daybreak, Faang Ming felt surprisingly refreshed, without a hint of tiredness. Chu Ning'er awoke shortly after and, noticing that Faang Ming was already up, she quickly dressed and joined him.

"Wow! You're up so early! Did you make breakfast again?" Chu Ning'er playfully teased, approaching Faang Ming who was lounging on the sofa.

"In your dreams! Today, you're on breakfast duty, or you'll turn into a little lazy pig," Faang Ming replied with a chuckle.

"Hmph! Calling me lazy? Sounds like someone doesn't want breakfast," Chu Ning'er retorted with a pout.

Faang Ming swiftly rose and embraced her, whispering apologetically, "No, no, I'm sorry! Can't a big sister make a mistake?"

"Fine! You're always so serious. Now let me go; I've got breakfast to make," Chu Ning'er said with a playful roll of her eyes.


With a nod, Faang Ming scooped up Chu Ning'er and headed for the kitchen.

"Will you put me down already?" she protested as they entered the kitchen.

The morning sun streamed through the window, illuminating Chu Ning'er's face and leaving Faang Ming momentarily spellbound. He gently kissed her cheek, murmuring, "Ning'er, you're truly beautiful."

Chu Ning'er blushed deeply at Faang Ming's earnest compliment, her heart fluttering.

"Faang Ming, I was married for less than three days before my former husband died. The villagers all say I bring bad luck to my husbands. I'm terrified that you might...," Chu Ning'er's voice trailed off, but Faang Ming understood her fears.

"Ning'er, you're worrying over nothing. No matter what anyone says, you are irreplaceable in my heart," Faang Ming reassured her, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"But I was once another man's wife. Faang Ming, can you truly accept that? I'm so afraid you'll one day leave me," Chu Ning'er confessed, her voice tinged with insecurity.

"Sister Ning'er, what's gotten into you today? That scoundrel's death was fate's way of bringing us together. If I had any reservations, I wouldn't be with you. Don't you know how I feel by now?"

"I'm sorry, Faang Ming! It's just that I care about you so much, I'm scared of losing you," Chu Ning'er quickly explained, seeing the concern in his eyes.

"There's nothing to worry about. Just stop overthinking, okay?"

With that, Faang Ming leaned in for another kiss, his lips meeting Chu Ning'er's in a tender embrace. This time, she didn't pull away but responded with equal passion, her breath quickening as their tongues danced together.

Chu Ning'er's rapid breathing caused her chest to brush against Faang Ming inadvertently, igniting a warmth in his body. His hands slipped beneath her undergarments, caressing her full curves.

Chu Ning'er let out a soft moan under the firm touch of Faang Ming's hands.

Lost in their passionate embrace, neither Faang Ming nor Chu Ning'er were aware that their intimate moment was being secretly observed.

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