My Vital Energy Space/C15 The Policewoman, Zhang Ruoyu
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My Vital Energy Space/C15 The Policewoman, Zhang Ruoyu
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C15 The Policewoman, Zhang Ruoyu

At that moment, a young woman in her twenties was concealed within the courtyard of Faang Ming's home, overhearing the conversation between two people and catching sight of their affectionate gestures through the window.

"Hmph! Just a lowlife who preys on respectable married women," she fumed silently, her cheeks flushed with indignation.

This was none other than Zhang Ruoyu, who had made her way from Arrowguard City to Autumnhold.

In fact, Ruoyu had arrived in Autumnhold three days prior. To avoid drawing attention, she had found a place to stay before discreetly gathering information about Faang Ming.

After three days of fruitless investigation that only confirmed what the police had already reported, Ruoyu resolved to stealthily watch Faang Ming at his residence. Unexpectedly, she witnessed an intimate moment between him and a woman, which left her red-faced. From their exchange, she gathered that Chu Ning'er might have been married before her husband's death. However, the distance made it difficult for Ruoyu to hear clearly, leading her to the mistaken belief that Faang Ming might have seduced Ning'er.

"Don't! Let's hurry up and finish breakfast. We're supposed to see the roses today, right?" Chu Ning'er, nearly overwhelmed by Faang Ming's teasing, pleaded weakly in his embrace.

"Right! The roses are almost in full bloom. We can have Lin Yuhan arrange for their transport later," Faang Ming agreed, but as he gazed at Ning'er in his arms, he couldn't resist planting a kiss on her chest, licking his lips contentedly afterward. "Alright, I'll spare you for today!"

"You... you jerk, just go by yourself today!" Ning'er retorted, pouting in frustration.

"Sure! I wouldn't want the sun to darken your beautiful skin," Faang Ming replied smugly before turning to leave.

"Hey! You haven't had breakfast yet!" Ning'er called out after him.

"I'll eat when I get back!" Faang Ming's voice trailed off as he left the courtyard.

With a resigned shake of her head, Ning'er turned to enter her room and start tidying up.

Meanwhile, Ruoyu, who had been lurking outside, saw Faang Ming depart alone and muttered to herself, "You scoundrel, I'll confront you today."

With that thought, she quickly followed after him.

Faang Ming had reached the rose plantation, his spirits lifted by the sight of the roses thriving under the sunlight.

"Now's the time to get in touch with Lin Yuhan for the transport," he thought to himself.

Ruoyu, still in hiding, was struck by the beauty of the roses. "So beautiful! Who would have thought such a scoundrel could cultivate roses so stunning?"

"The weather is perfect today! Since you're here, why lurk in the shadows? Come out and admire the roses I've grown," Faang Ming called out, stretching his arms toward the sun in a peculiar gesture.

Ruoyu's heart skipped a beat. "Oh no! Has he noticed me?"

Unable to contain herself, she dashed out from behind a tree and reached out to grab Faang Ming's shoulder, intent on subduing him.

Though Faang Ming's back was to her, a knowing smile played on his lips. As Ruoyu's hand nearly touched him, he spun around, seizing her wrist, and with a fluid motion, pulled her into his embrace.

Zhang Ruoyu was taken aback by Faang Ming's unexpected prowess. By the time she realized what was happening, her wrist was firmly in his grasp, and she was powerless to break free. To make matters worse, her entire body was enveloped by Faang Ming's right arm, leaving her unable to muster any strength.

"Let go of me, you lowlife!" Zhang Ruoyu, who had never before been held so closely by a strange man, felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she yelled out.

Unconcerned by her protests, Faang Ming tightened his grip and demanded, "Who are you? Are you with the Black Dragon Gang?"

"Ouch! That hurts! Let go!" Zhang Ruoyu cried out in pain.

"Not talking, huh? Hehe."

The mischievous grin on Faang Ming's face sent a wave of fear through Zhang Ruoyu, and she cried out in alarm, "What... what are you planning to do?"

"Hehe! What am I going to do? You'll find out soon enough." Faang Ming's words were accompanied by his arms wrapping around her waist, his right hand beginning to wander over her body with a mind of its own, inching toward her chest.

"Stop it, you pervert! I'm Officer Zhang Ruoyu from the Arrowguard City Police Branch. If you dare... my father will not let this slide." In a panic, Zhang Ruoyu blurted out her identity as she felt Faang Ming's hand moving inappropriately over her.

Faang Ming paused, clearly taken aback, before withdrawing his wandering hand. He looked at her with renewed curiosity and asked, "Oh! I'm a law-abiding, educated citizen. Why would a police officer like you be following me?"

Upon hearing his response, Zhang Ruoyu, still fuming over his earlier behavior with Chu Ning'er, retorted, "The people you've been sending to the station—are they not gang members? That's why I doubted your identity. But now, after coming here, I see you're nothing but a scoundrel who preys on married women."

Faang Ming was momentarily stunned, but then it clicked—he realized she must have overheard his conversation with Ning'er at his place.

Faang Ming had indeed noticed Zhang Ruoyu's presence earlier but hadn't been discreet with Ning'er, knowing she was a woman.

Now understanding the misunderstanding, Faang Ming released Zhang Ruoyu and said coolly, "You can leave. I have no ties to the Black Dragon Gang, and my conscience is clear. What does it matter if you're a cop?"

Zhang Ruoyu hadn't expected Faang Ming to release her so readily. "You're lying. If you're not involved with the Black Dragon Gang, why did you ask if I was one of them?" she challenged.

With a furrowed brow, Faang Ming replied, "I've already told you there's no connection. Feel free to investigate. And as for your accusation of kidnapping, why don't you come with me and ask Ning'er yourself?"

With that, Faang Ming turned and strode toward his house, no longer interested in exchanging words with Zhang Ruoyu.

Watching his retreating figure, Zhang Ruoyu clenched her jaw, her pride wounded, and muttered defiantly, "Fine, I'll go."

As they neared his home, Faang Ming glanced back to find Zhang Ruoyu still trailing behind him. He shook his head in resignation.

"Ning'er, I'm home!" he called out as he entered.

"Just a moment, lunch is almost ready," came Chu Ning'er's voice from the kitchen.

Zhang Ruoyu naturally followed Faang Ming as he entered the room.

When Chu Ning'er emerged with a tray of food, she was surprised to see a girl she didn't recognize, alongside Faang Ming. Curiosity piqued, she inquired, "Who is she, Faang Ming?"

"The one who's been defending your honor?" Faang Ming chuckled and settled onto the couch, leaving a bewildered Chu Ning'er rooted to the spot.

"You..." Zhang Ruoyu was so livid she couldn't muster a single word.

Amused by Zhang Ruoyu's fury, Faang Ming teased, "What's the matter? If you have questions, she's right here—feel free to ask!"

Chu Ning'er, puzzled by their exchange, greeted Zhang Ruoyu, "Hello! I'm Chu Ning'er. Are you and Faang Ming friends?"

"Humph! Why would I be friends with someone like him?" Zhang Ruoyu scoffed, giving Faang Ming a scornful glance.

"Is there something you need, or perhaps something I can assist you with?" Chu Ning'er asked, noting Zhang Ruoyu's irritation.

Zhang Ruoyu shot Faang Ming a look before approaching Chu Ning'er, "Can we talk in your room? I need to speak with you privately."

After a brief glance at Faang Ming, Chu Ning'er nodded and led Zhang Ruoyu to her room, which Zhang Ruoyu promptly shut with a firm click.

Faang Ming, uninterested in eavesdropping, decided to call Lin Yuhan instead.

"Hello! Is this Miss Lin Yuhan? This is Faang Ming speaking."

"Oh, it's you! What's up? Is there an issue with the rose cultivation?" Lin Yuhan's melodious voice came through the phone.

"No issues. I was just calling to let you know you can send someone to pick up the harvest," Faang Ming replied with a smile.

"What? Really?" Lin Yuhan gasped in surprise.

"Did I not make myself clear? You can come and collect the blooming roses," Faang Ming repeated, a touch of impatience in his voice.

"It hasn't been that long. Are you saying all the roses are ready for harvest?" Lin Yuhan's voice was laced with disbelief.


"You're not pulling my leg, are you? How could they bloom so quickly?"

"I'm not in the mood for jokes. If you don't send someone soon, and the roses wilt, that's on you," Faang Ming said, half-joking, half-serious.

"Fine, fine! I'll have someone there within two days," Lin Yuhan assured him quickly.

As Chu Ning'er and Zhang Ruoyu stepped out of the room, Faang Ming wrapped up the call with Lin Yuhan, "Alright, it's a deal. I've got to go—catch you later."

Once off the phone, Faang Ming turned to Zhang Ruoyu with a sly grin, "Well, Detective, what's the verdict?"

Chu Ning'er had filled Zhang Ruoyu in on everything—well, everything except the Black Dragon Gang's involvement, that is.

Now in the know, Zhang Ruoyu maintained her stance, "Even if Ning'er agreed to it, you can't wash your hands of the Black Dragon Gang."

Chu Ning'er quickly interjected, "Miss Zhang, as I've already explained, Faang Ming truly has no ties to the Black Dragon Gang."

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