My Vital Energy Space/C16 The Blossoming Roses
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My Vital Energy Space/C16 The Blossoming Roses
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C16 The Blossoming Roses

"Sister Ning'er, there's no need to explain anymore. If she's so capable, she can go investigate on her own," Faang Ming said as he took a seat at the dining table.

Chu Ning'er, ever the kind soul, noticed Zhang Ruoyu's huffing anger and quickly offered, "Miss Zhang, since you're here, why not stay and finish your meal before you go?"

"See? Sister Ning'er knows how to be a gracious host," Zhang Ruoyu said, shooting a glance at Faang Ming.

"Your relationship is moving at lightning speed, isn't it? And you're not shy about it either," Faang Ming remarked, his face a picture of bewilderment.

"Why not? Ning'er is a bit older than me. Isn't it only right that I call her sister?" Zhang Ruoyu retorted, clearly irritated with Faang Ming.


"Enough! Let's just eat," Chu Ning'er interjected, cutting off Faang Ming before he could continue.

"Fine. I won't stoop to arguing. Just eat and then leave, like a good guest," Faang Ming said.

"Of course, I'll leave. What, did you think I'd squat at your place indefinitely?" Zhang Ruoyu shot back defiantly.

"This town isn't Arrowguard, Miss Zhang. There's no need for formalities here," Chu Ning'er said with a polite smile.

"Not at all! The food is wonderful. This guy gets to eat your cooking every day – he's lucky to have such a blessing from his past life!" Zhang Ruoyu complimented Chu Ning'er, while taking a jab at Faang Ming.

Worried they might start bickering again, Chu Ning'er quickly changed the subject. "Miss Zhang, are you planning to return to Arrowguard today?"

"Yes! Since neither of you will give me a straight answer, I have no choice but to head back. What else can I do?" Zhang Ruoyu mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"I hope once you're back, you'll stop looking into Faang Ming. He's really not a bad guy," Chu Ning'er said, her concern evident that Zhang Ruoyu might continue her secret investigations.

"You're so worried. Relax, if he hasn't done anything illegal, I won't touch him," Zhang Ruoyu reassured her with a smile.

"That's a relief."

"Well, it's time for me to head out. Thank you for the hospitality. If you ever come to Arrowguard, make sure to look me up," Zhang Ruoyu said as she stood up to leave.

"Of course! Let me walk you out," Chu Ning'er replied, accompanying Zhang Ruoyu out the door, leaving Faang Ming behind with a resigned smile.

The day after Zhang Ruoyu's departure, Lin Yuhan sent someone to pick up the roses. To Faang Ming's surprise, Lin Yuhan arrived as well.

As Faang Ming waited at the town's edge for the rose collectors, he was taken aback to see Lin Yuhan step out of a white sedan, accompanied by Wang Sidao.

Caught off guard, Faang Ming managed to say, "Miss Lin, I never expected you to come collect the roses in person."

Lin Yuhan gave Faang Ming a playful look and teased, "Am I not welcome?"

"Not at all! You're an esteemed guest. How could you not be?" Faang Ming replied with a hearty laugh.

"Brother Faang, we've heard about your success in cultivating ten acres of roses in such a short time. President Lin found it quite astonishing and wanted to see for herself," Wang Sidao chimed in.

"Ah, I see! Well, you're more than welcome to have a look. Let's go now," Faang Ming said, eager to show off his work.

Glancing up at the sky, Wang Sidao addressed Faang Ming, "Brother Faang, it's already noon. Surely you wouldn't have us tour your rose fields on empty stomachs, right?"

Faang Ming scratched his head and chuckled, "How could I not offer? If it's not too much trouble, why don't you join me at my place for lunch first, and afterward, we can head out to the fields to see the roses. Sound good?"

"That would be perfect!" Wang Sidao replied with a smile.

Lin Yuhan simply nodded in agreement, and they both followed Faang Ming.

Faang Ming's home was just a short distance from the town's entrance. They had barely finished their conversation when they arrived in his courtyard.

"Ning'er! We have guests!" he called out as they entered.

At the sound of Faang Ming's voice, Chu Ning'er quickly emerged from her room. She greeted Wang Sidao and Lin Yuhan with a warm smile, gesturing for them to make themselves at home.

"This is Miss Lin Yuhan, my sponsor," Faang Ming introduced, "and the gentleman here is Manager Wang."

Wang Sidao offered a polite nod upon meeting Chu Ning'er.

Lin Yuhan, on the other hand, was visibly taken aback by Chu Ning'er's stunning presence. Recovering, she teased, "Mr. Fang, you're quite fortunate to have such a beautiful wife by your side!"

Chu Ning'er blushed at the comment and hurriedly clarified, "Miss Lin, you're teasing—I'm not..."

But before she could finish, Faang Ming playfully cut in, "Just because it's not the case now doesn't mean it won't be in the future!"

Chu Ning'er shot Faang Ming a sharp look, clearly unamused by his joke in front of guests.

Regaining her composure, Chu Ning'er addressed them again, "You've traveled far. Let me go prepare the meal."

"We really appreciate it," Lin Yuhan responded graciously.

"Don't mention it!" Chu Ning'er replied before heading to the kitchen.

Wang Sidao then turned to Faang Ming, "Brother Faang, I hope you don't mind my curiosity, but I've got a question for you."

"Ask away, Brother Wang," Faang Ming encouraged with a smile.

"I gathered that you're not yet married to the young lady we just met. What's the story there?" Wang Sidao inquired directly.

Wang Sidao had noticed Lin Yuhan's reaction and decided to probe further, using the keen observational skills that had served him well in his managerial role.

Lin Yuhan listened intently, her expression one of anticipation, confirming Wang Sidao's suspicions.

Faang Ming, unaware of Wang Sidao's thoughts, pondered for a moment before succinctly explaining the situation, which was, after all, nothing secretive.

"Oh, I see! I apologize if my question was a bit forward. Please, don't be offended, Brother Faang," Wang Sidao said, slightly embarrassed.

"Not at all!" Faang Ming replied nonchalantly.

Lin Yuhan's expression quickly normalized as she processed the explanation, her thoughts remaining her own.

Soon enough, Chu Ning'er had the meal ready and served it up.

"Please, enjoy your meal! I hope it's to your liking," Chu Ning'er said modestly.

Lin Yuhan tasted the food and set down her chopsticks, smiling, "Miss Chu, you're far too humble. This is truly the most delicious meal I've ever had."

"Indeed, it's excellent!" Wang Sidao chimed in, eager to echo Lin Yuhan's praise.

Chu Ning'er blushed at their words and turned to Lin Yuhan, "I'm glad you're enjoying the meal! And please, Miss Lin, just call me Ning'er."

"Mmm! I agree, 'Miss Chu' does feel a bit formal. How about I call you Ning'er?" Lin Yuhan said with a smile.

"Sure!" Chu Ning'er replied, her face brightening.

"Then you mustn't call me Miss Lin anymore. Just Yuhan will do."

"Oh! But that doesn't seem right! You are..." Chu Ning'er began, glancing at Faang Ming.

Faang Ming quickly interjected, "Ning'er, there's no issue. Miss Lin may be a major client, but she's very approachable!"

Convinced by Faang Ming's assurance, Chu Ning'er nodded in agreement.

The four spent a delightful time together, filled with laughter and conversation. After lunch, Faang Ming took Lin Yuhan to see the rose plantation.

"I wouldn't have believed you could cultivate such stunning roses in so little time if I hadn't seen it myself," Lin Yuhan remarked, gazing across the sea of roses, deeply impressed.

"How did you manage this? It's truly incredible," she inquired of Faang Ming.

Faang Ming couldn't reveal that it was the water from the spiritual space that did the trick, so he vaguely attributed it to the climate, suggesting, "Perhaps the roses bloom earlier here than in other places."

Lin Yuhan didn't buy Faang Ming's explanation, suspecting he had a secret he wasn't sharing. But she chose not to pry further.

Wang Sidao then spoke up, "If everything is in order, I'll start getting the roses loaded onto the truck."

"Yes," Lin Yuhan nodded with a smile, then addressed Faang Ming, "Once all the roses are loaded, I'll have them counted and settle the payment with you."

"Sure, that's only fair," Faang Ming replied promptly.

"Oh, and Miss Lin, with winter approaching, we might have to wait until it passes before we can cultivate such a large batch of roses again," Faang Ming mentioned.

Puzzled, Lin Yuhan asked, "Why? Can't they be grown in a greenhouse or a flower shed during winter?"

Faang Ming, anticipating the question, spun a tale, "You're quite knowledgeable, Miss Lin. While it's true that flowers can be grown in sheds during winter, for some reason, they don't thrive nearly as well as the current batch."

"I see! No worries, we can collaborate again after winter," Lin Yuhan said, fully trusting Faang Ming's expertise, especially after witnessing the rapid growth of his roses.

Faang Ming's reasoning was simple; once the rose deal was settled, he needed to make a trip to Arrowguard. Zhang Yijie was waiting for him there, and continuing to grow roses would only complicate matters.

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