My Vital Energy Space/C17 Intentionally Making Things Difficult
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My Vital Energy Space/C17 Intentionally Making Things Difficult
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C17 Intentionally Making Things Difficult

"Oh! Right, Miss Lin, there's something I need to ask of you," Faang Ming suddenly said to Lin Yuhan.

Lin Yuhan smiled lightly and responded, "What's the matter?"

"Well, if it's not too much trouble, I was hoping Ning'er could stay at your place for a few days. Would that be alright?" Faang Ming asked, scratching his head with a hint of embarrassment.

"Why? Is there something you need to do?" Lin Yuhan inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Faang Ming had only come up with the idea of sending Chu Ning'er to Lin Yuhan's for her safety the day before, as it would allow him to join forces with Zhang Yijie without worry.

Of course, Faang Ming couldn't disclose the Black Dragon Gang situation to Lin Yuhan. He chuckled and said, "I've got some private business that'll take me out of Autumnhold for a few days. Ning'er doesn't have any family here, so I was hoping you could look after her."

"Oh! I see. You really do care about your Ning'er, don't you?" Lin Yuhan teased with a playful laugh.

Faang Ming gave an awkward smile and pressed, "So, what do you think, Miss Lin? Can you do it?"

"Hmm! Considering our partnership, I suppose I can make an exception for you," Lin Yuhan mused before agreeing.

"Thank you so much. It won't be for too long, and I'll bring her back as soon as my business is concluded," Faang Ming said, visibly relieved by her consent.

Lin Yuhan's eyes twinkled as she tilted her head and giggled, "Since I've agreed, there's no issue. But you owe me one now, don't you think?"

"Absolutely! Just name it, Miss Lin," Faang Ming replied eagerly.

"My request is simple. From now on, you're not to sell the 'Extraordinary Rose' you cultivate to anyone but me," Lin Yuhan stated firmly.

"That's it? I promise," Faang Ming said, relieved it was such a small favor and agreeing without hesitation.

"Great! It's a deal then," Lin Yuhan said, her smile radiating satisfaction.

Just then, Wang Sidao approached and informed Lin Yuhan, "Ms. Lin! All the roses have been loaded onto the truck, and we've tallied the count. Could you please review it?"

Lin Yuhan nodded, took the spreadsheet from Wang Sidao, glanced over it, and instructed, "Manager Wang, I trust your work. Please go ahead and finalize the payment with Mr. Faang."

"Will do!"

Wang Sidao turned to Faang Ming and explained, "Brother Faang, I've done the count. You have a total of 25,000 roses from your ten acres. At our agreed price of 35 yuan each, that comes to 875,000 yuan. Any concerns?"

Despite anticipating the yield from his land, the figure of 875,000 yuan still made Faang Ming's heart skip a beat.

Seeing Faang Ming's dazed look, Wang Sidao worried he'd erred and quickly asked, "Is there an issue, Brother Faang?"

"No, no issue at all!" Faang Ming blurted out, snapping back to reality.

"Haha! Congratulations, Mr. Faang. Once I'm back, I'll have Manager Wang transfer the funds to you," Lin Yuhan said with a warm smile.

"Thank you," Faang Ming nodded, reassured by the contract in his possession.

"It's getting late. Let's head to your place to pick up Ning'er; it's time for her to head out," Lin Yuhan noted, glancing at the fading light in the sky.

"Sure thing!" Faang Ming replied, rising to his feet and heading toward the house.

Wang Sidao wore a look of utter bewilderment, clueless about what was happening. He had no choice but to quickly keep pace with Lin Yuhan.

Upon learning that she had to leave Faang Ming and join Lin Yuhan, Chu Ning'er's tears began to flow.

"Come on, Ning'er! There are so many people around—no need to cry!" Faang Ming soothed her with a gentle voice.

"Exactly! Ning'er, Faang Ming is just going away for a few days. He'll be back before you know it," Lin Yuhan added, trying to comfort her as she saw Chu Ning'er's distress.

Chu Ning'er was well aware of Faang Ming's intentions and what he was setting out to do.

Her fears for Faang Ming's safety were overwhelming; she dreaded the thought of never seeing him again if she left. That's why Chu Ning'er was adamant about staying with him.

"No! I'm not going. I want to stay with you," she insisted firmly.

"Ning'er, I appreciate your concern, but you know you can't help me by staying. You trust my abilities, don't you?" Faang Ming reassured her, placing his hands on her shoulders with a resolute look in his eyes.

"I promise I'll come back for you," he declared with unwavering certainty.

Chu Ning'er gazed into Faang Ming's face, recognizing the truth in his words, yet despising her own helplessness to aid him.

"Remember your promise," she finally conceded in a soft voice.

"Alright, it's getting late. Go with Miss Lin," Faang Ming urged, giving a nod of approval.

"Just let me look at you one more time," Chu Ning'er implored, her eyes lingering on Faang Ming's face before she turned and ran out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Watching Chu Ning'er's retreating figure, Faang Ming was gripped by an inexplicable ache in his heart.

Lin Yuhan, witnessing their exchange, sensed that Faang Ming was embarking on no ordinary task.

"Ning'er, you're a wonderful person. Remember to come back, no matter what," Lin Yuhan advised before she and Wang Sidao departed.

In a moment, Faang Ming was left alone, lost in his thoughts.

Throughout the night, sleep eluded Faang Ming; every time he closed his eyes, he saw Chu Ning'er's tearful departure.

With dawn still a ways off, Faang Ming rose and entered the "Spiritual Energy Space," making his way to where the three seeds were located.

At the riverside within the "Spiritual Energy Space," Faang Ming discovered the seeds had sprouted into three tiny golden plants, no longer inert in the soil.

This unexpected growth filled Faang Ming with elation; the seeds' ability to sprout meant they were far from worthless.

Yet, his curiosity was piqued even more. He couldn't fathom what kind of seeds took a month to germinate, especially ones that shimmered with a soft golden hue—such peculiar flora were beyond his experience.

After a careful examination and watering the plants once more, Faang Ming left the "Spiritual Energy Space."

As daylight broke, Faang Ming, accustomed to the odd temporal shift, paid it no mind. He gathered his belongings, secured his room, and set off for Arrowguard City.

Exiting the "Spiritual Energy Space" later than planned, Faang Ming arrived in Arrowguard City as the evening shadows lengthened.

On the bustling streets of Arrowguard, Faang Ming pulled out his phone and dialed Zhang Yijie's number.

"Who's there?"

"It's Faang Ming! I've arrived in Arrowguard City," Faang Ming responded, recognizing Zhang Yijie's voice.

"Great! The boss is waiting for me at the Gold Seals Hotel. I'll be there in ten minutes." Zhang Yijie quickly ended the call.

Faang Ming then hailed a cab and made his way directly to the Gold Seals Hotel as Zhang Yijie had instructed.

Upon arrival, Faang Ming watched as a steady stream of people entered the opulent Gold Seals, and he couldn't help but remark, "Rich folks sure know how to live it up."

Shaking his head, Faang Ming entered and immediately caught the reception staff's attention. His modest attire stood out in a place frequented by the wealthy and distinguished.

"Good day, sir! How may I assist you?" A young waiter, probably in his twenties, approached with urgency.

"What do you think? It's a hotel, isn't it?" Faang Ming replied with a furrowed brow.

The waiter's surprise was understandable; Faang Ming's appearance didn't exactly scream 'fine dining.'

"So, will you be dining in the lounge or would you prefer a private room?" the waiter asked, his tone laced with condescension.

Ignoring the waiter's attitude, Faang Ming, who was there on business, simply stated, "A private room, please."

"Very well! The standard room is 1688, while the deluxe is 2988. Additional charges will apply separately. Which would you prefer?" The waiter eyed Faang Ming skeptically.

Despite anticipating the steep prices of such a luxurious establishment, Faang Ming was taken aback by the actual figures. Still, he could afford it and decided, "The standard will do."

The waiter then inquired, "Do you have a membership card? Our private rooms are exclusive to members."

At a loss, Faang Ming hesitated. It was his first visit; how could he possibly have a card?

The waiter had anticipated as much, his earlier patience merely a facade to mock Faang Ming.

Upon seeing Faang Ming's discomfort, the waiter burst into laughter. "Country bumpkin! If you've got no money or card, then get lost! You don't belong here."

Just as Faang Ming was about to react, a firm hand landed on his shoulder. He turned to find Zhang Yijie beside him.

Zhang Yijie signaled for silence, then addressed the waiter, "Bring your manager here, now!"

The waiter, recognizing Zhang Yijie, was visibly taken aback, then quickly plastered on a sycophantic smile. "Oh, Yijie! Whatever you need, just ask! If there's been a mistake, I'll—"

Before he could finish, Zhang Yijie grabbed his shoulder and flung him aside.

"I said, get your manager!" Zhang Yijie's voice was stern.

The commotion drew a crowd, and the waiter on the floor realized his error; this unassuming man was connected to the Black Dragon Gang. He knew he was in deep trouble.

The hotel manager, alerted by the noise, arrived to find his employee on the floor. Approaching, he said, "Brother Jie! This kid's new and doesn't know any better. I hope you can overlook this."

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