My Vital Energy Space/C18 Encountering a Beauty
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My Vital Energy Space/C18 Encountering a Beauty
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C18 Encountering a Beauty

"Manager Lee, this is my friend. We had plans to dine here, but this guy is intentionally giving us a hard time. What's to be done about this?" Zhang Yijie spoke with a chilly edge to his voice.

Upon hearing this, Manager Lee immediately barked at the waiter sprawled on the floor, "Are you out of your mind? Daring to mess with Jie's friend? Get over here and apologize, now!"

The man on the ground didn't dare utter another word. He quickly got to his feet and offered Faang Ming an apologetic smile, "I had no idea you were Jie's friend. I'm sorry for the offense. Please, let's put this behind us."

Seeing the man's complete turnaround, Faang Ming couldn't help but find the situation amusing. "Let's just drop it," he said.

Manager Lee, relieved, turned to Zhang Yijie with a placating grin. "Jie, your friend isn't upset anymore. Why not let this one slide? I'll cover all your food and drinks tonight."

"You know what will happen if there's a next time," Zhang Yijie warned Manager Lee with a dismissive glance.

"Yes! Yes! We'll be counting on your patronage in the future!" Manager Lee, knowing the issue was resolved, quickly shifted to flattery.

"As long as you understand," Zhang Yijie responded.

"What are you waiting for? Go get the private room ready!" Manager Lee snapped at the waiter.

The man sprang into action, promptly inviting Zhang Yijie and Faang Ming, "Jie, this way to room number three, please."

The two followed him into the room, and within minutes, a table laden with a feast of aromatic dishes was presented to them. Shortly after, two attractive young women entered and meticulously filled the empty glasses before Faang Ming and Zhang Yijie, standing by attentively for further instructions.

Taking in the pristine and cozy ambiance, along with the presence of the two women, Faang Ming now understood the steep price tag for the room.

Zhang Yijie gestured dismissively, "You're not needed here. Leave us. I'll call if we need anything."

The girls had been prepped by Manager Lee to cater to the guests' every need. Hearing Zhang Yijie's command, they exchanged a glance and promptly exited.

"Why is Manager Lee so terrified of you? And don't just say it's because you're with the Black Dragon Gang," Faang Ming asked, his curiosity piqued by Manager Lee's demeanor.

"It's not just that. Gold Seals is under our gang's protection. We handle any trouble that comes from other gangs, and in return, they pay us a monthly fee. I'm the one in charge of this place," Zhang Yijie clarified.

"That makes sense," Faang Ming murmured to himself.

"Big brother, eat up! We can discuss business after the meal," Zhang Yijie suggested, glancing at Faang Ming.

Zhang Yijie's reminder made Faang Ming's stomach growl—he hadn't eaten all day. Without further ado, he began to feast on the spread before him, while Zhang Yijie contented himself with just a sip of wine.

After polishing off four plates and downing a glass of water, Faang Ming finally put down his chopsticks.

Zhang Yijie simply smiled, offering no comment.

"Why aren't you eating?" Faang Ming patted his belly, then noticed that Zhang Yijie had barely touched his food, focusing instead on his drink.

"I had a bite before I came over," Zhang Yijie stated plainly.

Faang Ming, not one to beat around the bush, got straight to the point: "So, how are we looking? When do we move, according to your plan?"

Zhang Yijie, seeing that Faang Ming was all business, responded promptly, "Everything's as previously discussed—no changes. Plus, Wang Meng is likely to hit the club tomorrow night. We're good to go on your say-so."

"What about manpower?" Faang Ming inquired, nodding in agreement.

"We've got eighteen solid guys—all brothers I trust completely," Zhang Yijie reassured him.

"Alright, if you've got it all set up, then we'll make our move tomorrow night," Faang Ming decided after a moment's thought.

Zhang Yijie nodded, "You'll stay here tonight. Don't worry about a thing. I'll let the manager know and pick you up at seven sharp tomorrow evening."

"Just handle it," Faang Ming replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, I'll head back and get things ready." With that, Zhang Yijie stood to leave.

"Just remember, don't try to double-cross me. You're aware of what I'm capable of, and getting away isn't an issue for me. You know the consequences if it comes to that," Faang Ming warned, just as Zhang Yijie was opening the door.

Zhang Yijie simply nodded before quietly shutting the door behind him.

That night, Faang Ming couldn't possibly sleep soundly; instead, he stayed alert, listening for any sign of trouble until the break of dawn.

He didn't wake until noon, and after freshening up, he was about to leave his room when his phone began to ring.

Seeing an unknown number, Faang Ming hesitated but ultimately answered the call.

"Hello! Is this Faang Ming?" A familiar female voice asked.

Recognizing the voice, Faang Ming replied with joy, "Ning'er! Yes, it's me. How are you settling in with Miss Lin?"

"Miss Lin has been very kind to me," Chu Ning'er responded gently.

"Don't worry about it! What am I going to do, eat her up?" he joked.

Before Chu Ning'er could reply, Lin Yuhan's voice came through the phone.

"Miss Lin, I really appreciate your help. I'll come by as soon as I wrap things up here," Faang Ming expressed his gratitude.

"Don't rush over; I'm not ready to part with Ning'er just yet. By the way, I've transferred the payment for the roses. Did you get it?" Lin Yuhan asked cheerfully.

"I haven't checked yet. I'm a bit tied up at the moment, but I'll look into it soon," Faang Ming explained.

"Alright, I'll leave you two to your private conversation," Lin Yuhan teased.

"Faang Ming, how are things on your end? I'm worried sick. It feels like I'm on the verge of losing it," Chu Ning'er's voice returned, tinged with concern.

Hearing the worry in her voice, Faang Ming felt a twinge of pain but managed to keep his tone light, "Everything's almost settled. I'll come to see you the moment I'm done, okay?"

"Just be careful," Chu Ning'er implored.

"I will be."

After ending the call with Chu Ning'er, Faang Ming opened the door and immediately ran into Manager Lee.

"I was just about to come find you! We've prepared lunch for you downstairs," Manager Lee greeted Faang Ming with a warm smile.

"Thank you for the trouble," Faang Ming replied graciously.

"No trouble at all! You're a friend of Jie's, which makes you a distinguished guest at Gold Seals. We always take good care of our VIPs," Manager Lee assured him eagerly.

Faang Ming was growing weary of Manager Lee's incessant chatter, so he interjected, "You know, all this talk is making me hungry. How about we grab a bite to eat?"

Without missing a beat, Manager Lee escorted Faang Ming to the VIP lounge downstairs, then said, "I've got to handle some things. If you need anything, just give me a shout."

"Sure thing, go ahead!" Faang Ming responded. Once Manager Lee was out of sight, he let out a sigh of relief and thought to himself, "Man, that guy could talk a blue streak."

Post-lunch, with plenty of daylight to spare, the ever-active Faang Ming had no desire to return to his room for a dull spell of staring into space.

So, after finishing his meal, Faang Ming strolled out of Gold Seals, keen to avoid another encounter with the loquacious Manager Lee.

Faang Ming had intended to enjoy a leisurely walk around town and check on the substantial sum Lin Yuhan had transferred to him. But as he stepped out, he caught sight of a familiar figure.

It was Zhang Ruoyu, the same person who had investigated him before, whom he had caught red-handed. Seeing her approach, Faang Ming panicked and ducked back into Gold Seals.

"Faang Ming?"

Zhang Ruoyu's voice confirmed his fears; she had spotted him. With no other option, Faang Ming turned to face her.

He noticed that Zhang Ruoyu was wearing a form-fitting blue dress that highlighted her elegant figure, and her naturally lovely face made her seem like a different person from the one he remembered in Autumnhold.

"Is that really you?" Zhang Ruoyu asked, surprised to see Faang Ming turn around.

"Yeah, it's me. What a small world!" Faang Ming replied nonchalantly, secretly wishing she would leave quickly. He was on a mission, after all, and couldn't afford to be seen with a detective.

"You're not staying here, are you?" she asked, gesturing towards Gold Seals behind him.

With no way out, Faang Ming nodded and said, "I'm here on some temporary business. I'll be heading back to Autumnhold in a few days."

It was obvious he was about to enter the building, and denying it would only raise more suspicion.

"Wow, you must be loaded! It costs a grand a day to stay here," Zhang Ruoyu said, astonished by Faang Ming's admission.

"It's... it's nothing. Anyway, what brings you here?" Faang Ming quickly changed the subject.

"My dad brought me to the nearby mall to shop for clothes," she said, pointing in the direction of the shopping center.

"Oh, you better hurry back then! Your dad might start worrying if he can't find you," Faang Ming said, feigning concern.

"You look like you've got a guilty conscience. What, did you do something you shouldn't have?" Zhang Ruoyu teased with a smile.

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