My Vital Energy Space/C20 The Beginning of the Mission!
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My Vital Energy Space/C20 The Beginning of the Mission!
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C20 The Beginning of the Mission!

"Who's there?" Faang Ming inquired with feigned curiosity.

"It's me, Zhang Yijie," came the voice from outside the door.

Faang Ming glanced at Zhang Ruoyu again before calling out, "Hold on a sec, I'm just changing my clothes. I'll be right there."

After speaking, Faang Ming quickly returned to Zhang Ruoyu's side and murmured, "Quick, hide in the bathroom. I've got to step out for a bit. Once your clothes are dry, feel free to leave on your own."

Noticing Zhang Ruoyu was about to question him, Faang Ming firmly placed his hands on her shoulders, ushering her into the bathroom, and instructed, "Stay put until I'm gone." He then shut the bathroom door behind her.

Moving swiftly to the entrance, Faang Ming flung the door open wide, a deliberate act to dispel any of Zhang Yijie's potential doubts.

Zhang Yijie was waiting patiently at the doorway. Faang Ming straightened his attire nonchalantly and declared, "Time's up. Let's head out!"

Zhang Yijie, unsuspecting, nodded and escorted Faang Ming from the Gold Seals establishment to a sleek black car.

As Zhang Yijie accelerated westward, Faang Ming inquired, "So, where are we off to?"

"We're heading to a deserted factory on Golden Forest Road to gather some people," Zhang Yijie responded coolly.

"A deserted factory?" Faang Ming echoed, puzzled.

"It's a temporary spot I picked. It won't draw the Black Dragon Gang's attention," Zhang Yijie clarified, noting Faang Ming's confusion.

With a nod, Faang Ming refrained from further questions, instead reclining in his seat to savor the fleeting serenity before the impending showdown.

Time passed, and the car eventually rolled to a stop. Faang Ming opened his eyes and stepped out, following Zhang Yijie.

They approached a large, rusted iron gate. Zhang Yijie pushed it open without hesitation, and Faang Ming followed suit. Inside the factory, a light that had been on suddenly flickered off.

"Who goes there?"

At the challenge, several figures emerged swiftly from the shadows.

"It's me!" Zhang Yijie announced firmly.

"Ah, it's Jie! Light it up and get everyone out here. Tell them Jie's back," one of the men called out to his comrades.

Within moments, a dazzling floodlight flickered on, illuminating the area. A dozen men in sharp suits lined up neatly before Zhang Yijie.

Just as Zhang Yijie had described, eighteen resolute figures stood before Faang Ming, their presence as formidable as a pack of wolves.

Zhang Yijie then bowed to Faang Ming and bellowed, "Salute the Big Brother!"

On cue, the eighteen men echoed in harmony, "Big Brother!"

Caught off guard by the spectacle, Faang Ming's expression faltered. He glanced at Zhang Yijie, seeking guidance with a look.

Zhang Yijie rose, gesturing decisively, and the men snapped to attention.

"Tonight's mission is clear in your minds. Take down Wang Meng swiftly, and retreat. Once we've seized control from the Black Dragon Gang's boss, you'll be handsomely rewarded," Zhang Yijie proclaimed to his assembled crew.

"We'll follow Big Brother to the death!" The voices rang out in unison, reaching Faang Ming's ears.

"Move out!" Zhang Yijie commanded, leading Faang Ming and the others to the car parked outside. Four or five people followed them, while the rest entered the factory, where two cars were already waiting.

As they drove, Zhang Yijie briefed Faang Ming, "I've confirmed that Wang Meng is currently in VIP room 18 at Sleepless Town, the Black Dragon Gang's largest entertainment venue. If anyone questions us, stay quiet and let me do the talking. We'll head straight to room 18, and our brothers will stand guard outside. Our goal is to take out Wang Meng quickly and then make our exit."

Faang Ming nodded in understanding.

"Do you need any weapons?" Zhang Yijie inquired, glancing back at Faang Ming.

"No need. My fists are the only weapons I require," Faang Ming confidently replied.

Zhang Yijie didn't press further; he knew Faang Ming wasn't one to boast.

Fifteen minutes later, the three cars came to a halt. "Ready?" Zhang Yijie asked, turning to Faang Ming.

Faang Ming surveyed Sleepless Town, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the car. At this signal, Zhang Yijie gestured to the others, and all eighteen men disembarked.

With Zhang Yijie leading, Faang Ming and the rest followed. The doorman recognized Zhang Yijie, greeted him with a respectful "Brother Jie," and let them pass without issue.

Inside, Zhang Yijie scanned the area and made a beeline for the 18th VIP room upstairs.

"Hey, isn't that Brother Jie? What brings you here today?" A man with black glasses, flanked by two henchmen, blocked their path.

"Yang, I'm not here for fun. I've got business with the boss," Zhang Yijie responded coolly.

"Oh? Mind sharing what it's about? You know the boss is under my watch. I can't afford any mishaps," the bespectacled Yang prodded, eyeing the group behind Zhang Yijie.

"It's a small matter. Lee Dafeng lost over twenty of our brothers and still couldn't handle that Faang kid. I'm here to deliver a surprise to the boss," Zhang Yijie said, casting a stern look at Faang Ming.

Faang Ming feigned fear upon hearing Zhang Yijie's words.

"So, this kid is Faang Ming from Autumnhold? You're telling me this scrawny guy took down more than twenty of our men?" Yang asked skeptically, looking Faang Ming over.

"Exactly. If you doubt me, go inform the boss. I'll wait right here," Zhang Yijie stated firmly.

Yang internally cursed, thinking, "The boss is having a good time inside. Barging in on him would be suicidal. Too bad Zhang Yijie gets the glory this time."

Despite his resentment, Yang forced a smile. "Just curious, Brother Jie."

Zhang Yijie gave Yang a knowing look and continued upstairs with his group.

"Wait!" Yang called out abruptly.

Zhang Yijie halted in his tracks, a frown creasing his brow. He spun around to inquire, "Is there something else?"

Old Yang, with his characteristic four eyes, didn't mince words. "Jie! Bringing this many people doesn't seem quite right, does it?"

"You're aware that this kid took down over twenty of our Black Dragon Gang members. If I don't bring enough backup and he slips away, are you going to take responsibility?" Zhang Yijie retorted with a tinge of impatience.

Old Yang pondered for a moment, realizing he might be overly cautious. With a quick, apologetic grin, he conceded, "My bad. Go on up!"

Reassured by his words, Faang Ming exhaled deeply.

Without delay, Zhang Yijie ascended the stairs. Spotting the number 18 on the door, Faang Ming knew it was time to act.

Room 18 was conveniently located on the upper floor, the fourth room on the left, accessible by a single corridor, which played to Faang Ming and his team's advantage.

Zhang Yijie gestured to his followers, who dispersed promptly to secure the entrance to Room 18.

After a brief glance at Faang Ming, Zhang Yijie nonchalantly opened the door and stepped inside. Wang Meng was seated at the far end, flanked by five or six henchmen, in a room swirling with smoke. Two stylishly dressed girls were nestled in Wang Meng's embrace.

Wang Meng, taken aback by the sudden intrusion of Zhang Yijie and an unknown young man, exploded, "Zhang Yijie, you son of a bitch, are you looking to get killed? Who gave you permission to come in?"

The henchmen behind Wang Meng closed in, ready to leap at a moment's notice on their boss's command.

Instead of escalating the tension, Zhang Yijie calmly stated, "I've brought you a gift."

"What the hell are you up to?" Wang Meng, confused and irate, demanded.

"This is Faang Ming, the one who sent our Black Dragon Gang brothers straight to the police," Zhang Yijie revealed, gesturing towards Faang Ming.

At Zhang Yijie's revelation, Wang Meng's shock was palpable. He shoved the girls aside, demanding, "Are you serious?"

Faang Ming didn't wait for a response. "Yes, I'm Faang Ming. But today, I've come for your life."

Before Zhang Yijie could even react, Faang Ming was in motion. He seized the wrist of a man in front of him and delivered a ferocious kick to his chin.

Faang Ming had thrown his full force into the move, sending the man crashing onto a coffee table behind him, knocked out cold before he could even utter a cry.

The remaining four were caught off guard by Faang Ming's audacity. As they came to their senses, they lunged at him, intent on taking him down.

In that instant, Zhang Yijie drew a gleaming machete from within his coat. With a swift arc of his arm, he slashed viciously at the attackers.

Two of them, too slow to react, were left with deep gashes across their chests. They screamed in agony, collapsing to the floor, desperately clutching their bleeding wounds.

"God damn it! Zhang Yijie, you dare betray me!" Wang Meng, initially stunned, quickly grasped the situation and erupted in fury.

Zhang Yijie paid him no mind, leaping to block the remaining two. He turned to Faang Ming and commanded, "Finish him!"

"Someone help! Save me!" He watched in horror as his crew dwindled to just two men, and upon hearing Zhang Yijie's words, he couldn't help but shout out in terror.

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