My Vital Energy Space/C3 A Night of Ambiguity!
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My Vital Energy Space/C3 A Night of Ambiguity!
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C3 A Night of Ambiguity!

Come up and sleep.

The invitation sent Faang Ming's heart racing to the point it nearly ceased beating.

He steadied his expression and awkwardly climbed into bed. All his life, Faang Ming had been devoid of romantic encounters, much less sharing a bed with a woman.

Once tucked under the covers, the room was filled with the sounds of rain and thunder from outside, accompanied by faint breathing and the rapid pounding of Faang Ming's heart.

The blanket radiated warmth, thanks in part to Chu Ning'er's presence. Faang Ming could even catch a whiff of her delicate scent wafting over, tickling his nostrils.

Chu Ning'er was tense as well. She harbored fears of Faang Ming making an inappropriate move, yet his longstanding upright behavior and his vow to protect her had earned her trust.

True to form, Faang Ming remained honorable, not daring to make a single untoward gesture. Inside, he was a bundle of nerves.

Their mutual silence was palpable, stirring a sense of urgency.

For a novice like Faang Ming, just awakening to the stirrings of desire, expecting more from him was asking too much.

But fortune smiled upon them. As they lay in silence, the sky outside erupted with a succession of thunderclaps so loud they seemed to burst right beside them.

Startled, Chu Ning'er's face drained of color. In a frantic move for comfort, she nestled into Faang Ming, her head resting in his arms, her hands clutching his T-shirt, too scared to budge.

Faang Ming's face softened as he wrapped his arms around Chu Ning'er, soothing her.

The thunder eventually subsided, but they remained entwined.

Too shy to meet Faang Ming's gaze, Chu Ning'er stayed huddled against him like a rabbit, her cold toes brushing against his warm skin.

Holding her close, Faang Ming could feel the softness and elasticity of Chu Ning'er's skin through the pajamas. The sleepwear hung loosely on her, and he caught glimpses of her fair skin as he glanced down.

Chu Ning'er's breath quickened in response to the thrumming of Faang Ming's heart.

As Faang Ming shifted his aching arm, his fingers inadvertently grazed Chu Ning'er's slender waist, eliciting a soft whimper from her.

Faang Ming gulped, closing his eyes, willing himself to remain composed.

In this embrace, cautious of further contact, they drifted off to sleep.

Sleep did not come easily to Faang Ming. Once the storm quieted, Chu Ning'er found peace, leaving him to endure the discomfort of being her human pillow.

Yet exhaustion claimed him, and he too succumbed to slumber.

In his dreams, Faang Ming was plagued by a pesky little ball that no matter how he tried to evade, persistently entangled him. It was soft and pleasing to the touch, and in frustration, he gave it a firm squeeze, which made it behave.

But peace was short-lived. Soon, a water snake coiled around his thigh, its slick sensation immobilizing him. Annoyed, he pushed it away from head to tail, desiring nothing more than a good night's rest.

The night hastened by.

Come morning, Faang Ming and Chu Ning'er awoke simultaneously, groggy and disoriented.

As consciousness returned, Chu Ning'er's cheeks flushed pink, her voice shaky as she murmured, "Faang Ming... could you let go of me, please?"

Faang Ming enveloped Chu Ning'er in his arms with a commanding presence, their thighs entwined, skin pressed flush against each other, his thigh perilously close to Chu Ning'er's most private area.

His right hand, far from behaving, had slipped into Chu Ning'er's pajamas, squeezing her delicate softness.

Chu Ning'er felt a tingling in her chest, her body responding with a numbing sensation to his touch. After toying with her through the night, Faang Ming's own body began to react.

Embarrassed, he couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes, and the two of them sat in awkward silence, faces flushed.

Yet, Faang Ming's hand was trapped. To free it, he would have to lift Chu Ning'er, an action that would only entangle them further.

A tentative pull resulted in a friction that elicited a soft moan from Chu Ning'er. In her nervousness, she curled up, inadvertently tightening her grip on his hand.

"Ning'er... could you move a bit? I need to get my hand out..." Faang Ming muttered, wishing he could disappear.

"Okay..." Chu Ning'er whispered, fighting the numbness as she shifted her body.

Faang Ming exhaled in relief, withdrawing his hand slowly, the memory of her softness lingering in his touch. He wondered how long he had indulged himself throughout the night.

Finally, they untangled their legs.

Chu Ning'er's physique was undeniably stunning—her thighs were long, rounded, and supple; her breasts full and firm, fitting perfectly in his hand.

"What in the world was I dreaming about last night?" Faang Ming chastised himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's time to get up..." Chu Ning'er, cheeks aflame, sneaked a glance at Faang Ming, her eyes lingering on his right hand.

Noticing her gaze, Faang Ming quickly hid his hand behind his back, offering an awkward smile.

"Go wash your hands!" Chu Ning'er urged, her embarrassment reaching new heights.

Caught off guard by her demeanor, Faang Ming blurted out, "I won't!"

Chu Ning'er's face swelled with indignation. "Go wash them now!"

"No!" Faang Ming stood his ground, stubbornly sticking to his declaration.

"Are you going to wash them or not?" Chu Ning'er demanded, her fists pummeling his chest lightly.

"I won't wash them, I won't," Faang Ming retorted, capturing Chu Ning'er's hands in his.

Their eyes locked, emotions stirring within. Chu Ning'er gazed at him, spellbound.

As if drawn by a magnetic force, Faang Ming leaned in, their heads tilting, the space between their lips narrowing by the second.

But just as their lips were about to meet, the sharp ring of a phone shattered the moment.

Chu Ning'er snapped out of the trance and fled, her shyness propelling her to the phone.

The caller was a doctor from the hospital, bearing good news—Aunt Lee was alright, needing only more rest.

Chu Ning'er's relief was palpable; the weight on her shoulders lifted. Her greatest fear had been for Aunt Lee's well-being; without this assurance, she would have been at a loss.

While Faang Ming, now composed, headed to the kitchen to whip up breakfast for Chu Ning'er, a frantic doorbell suddenly pierced the quiet.

"I'll get the door," Chu Ning'er murmured, scurrying to answer it. As soon as she swung the door open, a towering man barged in, spewing curses. "You walking disaster! They say you bring bad luck, and it's true. You've caused the death of so many, and now you're here to ruin my mother's life?"

This was Lee Dafeng, Aunt Lee's eldest son.

Chu Ning'er, in a state of panic, tried to retreat, but the enraged Lee Dafeng lunged forward, his hand raised to strike her.

In the nick of time, Faang Ming intervened, seizing Lee Dafeng's arm with an icy glare. "Hitting a woman? Are you proud of yourself?"

Blocked, Lee Dafeng's eyes bulged with fury. "And who the hell are you? What's it to you if I hit her?"

Faang Ming's anger gave way to a bitter laugh. He couldn't believe the audacity of this man, acting as if violence was his right.

"You're not worthy of knowing who I am. Now get out!" Faang Ming commanded, releasing Lee Dafeng's arm and shielding Chu Ning'er.

Lee Dafeng sneered menacingly. "Oh, look at you, finding yourself a lover so soon? My mom's barely in the hospital, and you're already shacking up with him?"

"I didn't!" Chu Ning'er protested, her lips quivering.

"I couldn't care less. But if you don't cough up five hundred thousand today, this isn't over," Lee Dafeng hissed, his true intentions now laid bare.

"Disgusting!" Faang Ming spat in contempt. Lee Dafeng was masquerading as a son seeking justice for his mother, but he was nothing more than a common extortionist.

"I... I don't have that much," Chu Ning'er whispered, her voice filled with distress, clearly contemplating paying him off.

"Silly girl," Faang Ming sighed, shaking his head. Chu Ning'er was too kind-hearted, feeling guilt over something that wasn't her fault. But Faang Ming was there now, and he wouldn't stand for her being bullied.

"Five hundred thousand? That's rich!" Faang Ming scoffed. "Did you even brush your teeth this morning, or are you always this shameless?"

Lee Dafeng's temper flared. "You're asking for it, kid!" He understood the insult and, rolling up his sleeves, swung a fist at Faang Ming.

"Faang Ming, watch out!" Chu Ning'er shouted.

As the punch neared, Faang Ming sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the blow, and countered with a sharp backhand slap across Lee Dafeng's face.


A slap to the face sent Lee Dafeng into a blind rage. No one, aside from his parents, had ever dared to hit him. He bellowed like a wild boar charging at Faang Ming, intent on mauling him.

Faang Ming just snorted, cool as ever. He dodged another of Lee Dafeng's attacks and delivered yet another stinging slap to his cheek.


Perhaps unsatisfied, Faang Ming firmly grasped Lee Dafeng's arm, relentlessly smacking his face with his free hand.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The sharp slaps stunned Chu Ning'er and left Lee Dafeng reeling, his senses scattered to the wind.

"That was quite satisfying," Faang Ming remarked, shaking out his hand. The repeated slapping had left his own hand aching, not to mention the impact on Lee Dafeng.

Lee Dafeng's face was a pitiful sight. His right cheek, already marked by a deep flush from drinking, was now swollen to the point of resembling a battered, bee-stung bun—utterly grotesque.

After a moment, Lee Dafeng regained his composure and, glaring at the scornful Faang Ming, he seethed, "You... just wait. This isn't over. I won't let this go!"

With that, he fled the scene without a backward glance.

Chu Ning'er watched Faang Ming with concern. "Faang Ming, what now? He's going to come after you. Maybe we should call the police?"

Faang Ming turned to her, his previously fierce expression softening. He reassured the anxious Chu Ning'er, "Don't worry about me. I'm strong. I could take on ten like him without breaking a sweat."

Chu Ning'er couldn't suppress a giggle at his goofy confidence, her anxiety easing slightly. "Always the big talker, aren't you?"

Faang Ming just grinned sheepishly, offering no explanation.

But he wasn't just talking big.

Since acquiring the Spiritual Energy Space a year ago, Faang Ming had been drinking its spiritually charged water. Rich in spiritual force, it had been passively bolstering his strength. Even without formal cultivation, his body had been fortifying as if he had been training, growing stronger with each passing day.

His natural aptitude was solid, he was passionate about fitness, and his reflexes were sharp—all factors contributing to his formidable strength.

The claim of taking on ten men wasn't far-fetched. Against ten ordinary men, Faang Ming genuinely had no fear.

Yet, he kept these details to himself. The existence of the Spiritual Energy Space was far too extraordinary to reveal carelessly.

Meanwhile, after storming out of Chu Ning'er's place, Lee Dafeng sought out his brother, Lee Chenggui.

As Aunt Lee's sons, the elder, Lee Dafeng, was known for his laziness and lack of ambition, a notorious troublemaker in Arrowguard. The younger, Lee Chenggui, was even more vile, having served time for sexual assault and only recently released from prison. He was no stranger to the city's underbelly, often found in the company of his brother.

Upon hearing of Lee Dafeng's humiliation, Lee Chenggui was incensed, vowing revenge on his brother's behalf.

But his intentions ran deeper than mere sibling solidarity.

"I've heard... that widow our mother's been caring for in Autumnhold is quite the looker. Makes you wonder..." Lee Chenggui mused with a malicious grin.

He idly flipped a key in his hand—a key that, unbeknownst to others, opened the door to Chu Ning'er's home.

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