My Vital Energy Space/C4 Troublesome.
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My Vital Energy Space/C4 Troublesome.
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C4 Troublesome.

Indeed, Lee Chenggui had the key to Chu Ning'er's house in his possession.

He had stealthily taken the key from his own mother, Aunt Lee.

Once, while accompanying Aunt Lee to Autumnhold, he had caught a glimpse of Chu Ning'er and was immediately smitten. But considering the wealth of the family she was to marry into, he suppressed any improper thoughts.

Now, however, with Chu Ning'er's husband deceased, she was a vulnerable widow alone in her chamber...

The thought sent a surge of eagerness through Lee Chenggui.

He managed to distract Lee Dafeng and, at the stroke of midnight, slipped into Chu Ning'er's house undetected thanks to the key.

Quietly, he located Chu Ning'er's bedroom door.

An obscene smile crossed his face as he felt a physical response, his mind consumed with the thought of the lovely woman inside, driving him with wave after wave of impulse.

Chu Ning'er, deep in slumber, was oblivious to the intrusion, sleeping peacefully.

But when Lee Chenggui could wait no longer and lunged at her, she awoke in terror.

"Help! Who are you?!" she cried out, her voice laced with panic. She tried to fight back, but her strength was no match for Lee Chenggui's brute force. He pinned her arms down, immobilizing her completely.

With a rip, her pajamas were torn, revealing her delicate skin beneath.

In utter despair, Chu Ning'er closed her eyes. It was the dead of night, and the housekeeper who usually stayed was absent—there was no one to come to her aid.

"Faang Ming!" His name echoed in her mind, her only beacon of hope.

Suddenly, a thunderous crash sounded, and Lee Chenggui's advances were abruptly halted. The forceful blow knocked him unconscious.

The rescuer was none other than Faang Ming, who lived close by.

After Lee Dafeng's departure the previous day, Faang Ming had looked into Aunt Lee's sons. Discovering the elder was a thug and the younger a criminal, he had been on high alert.

Knowing neither brother was to be trusted, he anticipated they would not rest until they had troubled Chu Ning'er once more.

He hadn't expected trouble to strike so swiftly.

Earlier that day, Faang Ming had discreetly installed two surveillance cameras—one in the living room and another at the front door—to guard against another encounter like the one with Lee Dafeng.

What unnerved Faang Ming was that he hadn't foreseen Lee Chenggui obtaining Chu Ning'er's house key, rendering the security cameras practically useless.

Had Faang Ming not stayed vigilant throughout the night, monitoring the cameras, he wouldn't have witnessed the chilling scene unfold.

Thankfully, he lived close enough to Chu Ning'er to arrive swiftly; otherwise, he didn't dare contemplate the consequences.

"Scumbag!" Faang Ming spat, still feeling unsatisfied, and delivered another kick to Lee Chenggui.

It was a stroke of luck that he had installed the cameras, providing ample evidence of Lee Chenggui's crimes.

"Faang Ming!" Chu Ning'er's eyes were misty with tears, not even concerned about her state of undress as she clung to him, sobbing, "What have I done to deserve this... why are they doing this to me?"

A wave of compassion washed over Faang Ming. Perhaps her only fault was being too gentle, too beautiful.

Once he had soothed Chu Ning'er and her emotions had settled, Faang Ming turned his attention to dealing with Lee Chenggui.

He started by snapping a series of photos with his phone for evidence before tying Lee Chenggui up.

Then, with a cold sneer, he doused Lee Chenggui with a bucket of icy water. "Time to wake up!"

The shock of the cold water jolted Lee Chenggui awake. Shivering, he felt a chill spread through his body.

"Who are you? Where are my clothes?" Lee Chenggui demanded, his voice a mix of shock and rage. He was stark naked except for a pair of underpants.

"I'm your dad. Now call me 'daddy,'" Faang Ming taunted, waving Lee Chenggui's clothes, clearly enjoying the moment.

"You son of a bitch! Untie me and give me my clothes, or you'll regret it!" Lee Chenggui threatened venomously.

Faang Ming narrowed his eyes, his voice icy. "You want your clothes? And you think they'll look good on me?"

His demeanor turned frosty as he delivered a brutal kick to Lee Chenggui's arm, instantly fracturing it.

"You do have a good look about you," Faang Ming said with a slight smile. His tone was moderate, yet it sent shivers down Lee Chenggui's spine.

The kick had nearly numbed Lee Chenggui's arm. Beyond the initial searing pain, all he felt was swelling, throbbing, and numbness.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" Lee Chenggui screamed hysterically. He had grown up defiant, never repenting even after being jailed for rape. Instead, he became even more ruthless, joining Lee Dafeng's gang.

His brutal nature saw him rise quickly through the ranks, becoming a significant figure in the Arrowguard Black Dragon Gang, even surpassing his brother.

He was usually brash and surrounded by his cronies, with everyone calling him 'Brother.' Now, here he was, bound and beaten, a far cry from his usual self.

"Oh? And who might you be? Enlighten me," Faang Ming said coolly, discreetly activating his phone's voice recorder.

"Hmph, you'd better listen closely," Lee Chenggui panted, "I'm the boss of the Black Dragon Gang's Golden Hall. Mess with me, and you're signing your death warrant!"

Despite his broken arm, he was tough, refusing to cry out. Yet, he wasn't being entirely truthful; he wasn't the boss of the Black Dragon Gang's Golden Hall and had barely seen the gang's actual leaders.

But in that moment, he was dead set on talking tough.

"Heh, so Black Dragon Gang members think they can get away with rape?" Faang Ming's eyes narrowed.

"Spit on that, it's her honor to be with me!" Lee Chenggui retorted with a sneer.

"You have quite a way with words..." Faang Ming said, his face growing cold. After shutting off the recorder, he knocked Lee Chenggui unconscious and left him lying there.

He'd have plenty to deal with come daylight.


The following morning, Faang Ming, accompanied by Chu Ning'er, escorted Lee Chenggui to the police station. He had already retrieved the previous night's surveillance footage, which captured Lee Chenggui's entire intrusion into Chu Ning'er's room.

He also handed over the audio recording.

It wasn't long before the evidence was confirmed. Chu Ning'er affirmed she had been assaulted.

The recording, in particular, where Lee Chenggui claimed to be the boss of the Black Dragon Gang, drew serious attention from the authorities.

Following commendation for Faang Ming's courageous deed, Lee Chenggui was locked up for good. The police stated that he was a repeat offender, now facing charges for attempted rape, suspected gang involvement, threats and intimidation, breaking and entering, and the degradation of a woman.

This litany of charges could keep this guy behind bars for an eternity!

Yet, Faang Ming was unaware of the Black Dragon Gang's formidable reach, which extended even into the police force.

Before long, whispers of the Black Dragon Gang's Golden Hall leader's capture quietly spread.

"What? A leader from our Black Dragon Gang's Golden Hall got nabbed?" Lee Dafeng's eyes bulged at the bombshell.

He was aware that his brother, Lee Chenggui, had been taken into custody, but the Golden Hall's boss too? What was going on?

The news immediately piqued the interest of the Black Dragon Gang.

But their investigation hit a wall; they couldn't pinpoint any boss who had been thrown in the clink. It turned out that a small-time thug named Lee Chenggui was the one who'd been caught.

Consequently, Lee Dafeng was summoned to shed light on his brother Lee Chenggui's situation.

Beneath the surface, a sinister tide was rising.

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