My Vital Energy Space/C5 I like You.
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My Vital Energy Space/C5 I like You.
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C5 I like You.

In recent days, Faang Ming had finally found some peace. With Lee Chenggui out of the picture, his brother Lee Dafeng hadn't bothered him either, allowing him and Chu Ning'er to enjoy a leisurely picnic together.

Despite the respite, Faang Ming remained vigilant, not yet ready to dismantle his surveillance setup. Watching the cameras had become second nature to him; he couldn't bear the thought of Ning'er coming to harm again.

A week swiftly passed, and under the astonished eyes of Wang Sidao, Faang Ming's rose garden flourished beyond belief.

"Kid, you're a true prodigy!" Wang Sidao exclaimed, wisely refraining from prying into Faang Ming's gardening secrets. He simply collected five hundred roses and took his leave.

The orchard's reputation soared in those few days. The roses sourced from Faang Ming were of such exceptional quality that they dwarfed the size of regular ones. Wang Sidao, ever the opportunist, hiked the price to 100 yuan per stem.

And yet, customers flocked without end. Given the scarcity and uniqueness of these roses, they sold like hotcakes, despite the steep price.

Unaware of these developments, Faang Ming could only guess at the success from Wang Sidao's satisfied demeanor.

"Looks like I'll need to raise the prices after this month..." Faang Ming mused to himself.

With another 7,500 yuan in his pocket, his finances were looking up. It had been ages since he'd received any allowance from home, and he hadn't planned to ask for it; he was committed to making his own way.

In light of the incident involving Aunt Lee's son, Faang Ming had made a tough call on behalf of Chu Ning'er. He let go of the housekeeper, Aunt Lee, and reclaimed the keys, though Ning'er, out of loyalty to their past, gave Aunt Lee a generous severance.

This left Ning'er, who couldn't cook to save her life, without a meal to her name.

Fortunately, Faang Ming had anticipated this. He began visiting Ning'er daily to cook for her, sharing meals that brought them closer together.

Upon arriving at Ning'er's doorstep, Faang Ming's face fell; the ajar door sent a ripple of unease through him.

He burst into Ning'er's home, and sure enough, several unsavory-looking men confronted him. "Who's there?!" they demanded.

One of them was relentlessly kicking at Ling'er's room door. Faang Ming's eyes narrowed—it was Lee Dafeng.

Understanding dawned on him.

With an icy glare, Faang Ming sprang into action, swiftly incapacitating two tattooed men.

The others, sensing trouble, rushed to their aid, some brandishing knives.

Though Faang Ming's fists were ready, his experience with armed combat was limited. Narrowly evading a knife thrust, he seized his moment, disarming and knocking out his assailants.

Meanwhile, Lee Dafeng persisted in his door-kicking.

"Come out, you damn woman!" he yelled, his voice laced with vitriol.

Finally, the door gave way. He spun around, feigning respect, "Boss... I'll bring that woman to you right away..."

"Oh? And who are you calling 'boss'?" Faang Ming couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of Dafeng's mistaken address.

Upon hearing that familiar and detestable voice, Lee Dafeng's head shot up, his face flushing with anger. "You rotten kid! Boss, get him! He's the one who nabbed our guys!"

But almost immediately, he sensed something was off. Aside from Faang Ming, there was silence from the others.

Glancing around, he was met with the sight of the Black Dragon Gang members strewn across the ground.

"Big brother, have mercy!" Lee Dafeng wailed, his face the picture of misery.

"Too late!" Faang Ming declared.

With a thud, Faang Ming knocked him unconscious.

Once Chu Ning'er was calmed, Faang Ming notified the authorities.

A convoy of police cars arrived, carting away the Black Dragon Gang members.

Yet, Faang Ming's demeanor remained tense. He had a nagging feeling that they had come for him, but somehow Chu Ning'er had become their target first.

Since meeting Chu Ning'er, trouble seemed to follow him relentlessly.

"No matter what, I've resolved to protect her. No matter the size of the trouble, I'll shoulder it all," Faang Ming resolved inwardly, increasingly in tune with his own feelings.

After the gang was dispatched, Chu Ning'er's home was a shambles—everything tossed about, her bedroom door even kicked in.

"Faang Ming, do you think they'll come back for us?" Chu Ning'er asked, her anxiety palpable. She felt like a magnet for trouble.

"They'll definitely return," Faang Ming assured her with a nod. He knew these guys wouldn't let things slide.

Chu Ning'er's home was in ruins, uninhabitable for the time being.

Faang Ming turned to her and suggested, "Ning'er, why not stay at my place for now?"

After some convincing, Chu Ning'er agreed to stay at his house, much to Faang Ming's relief. He had braced himself for her refusal, but thankfully, she consented.

With her essentials packed, Chu Ning'er blushed as she followed Faang Ming into his home.

This visit was unlike any other; it wasn't as a guest. In a more intimate sense, they were now cohabitating.

"Faang Ming, where will I sleep?" Chu Ning'er inquired, her voice tinged with shyness.

"Oh, you can take the room across from mine," Faang Ming said, opening a door to reveal the disheveled space.

"There's so much dust," Chu Ning'er remarked, her brow furrowing.

"Yeah, it's been ages since anyone stayed here," Faang Ming admitted, scratching his head. Accustomed to living alone, he hadn't bothered to clean the other rooms. The family mansion had several large, cluttered rooms, and cleaning them was no small feat.

"I... I don't think I can stay here," Chu Ning'er confessed, her discomfort clear. She had a slight obsession with cleanliness, and the dusty door handles and furniture were too much for her.

The amenities here paled in comparison to Chu Ning'er's villa.

"Maybe... you could sleep with me?" Faang Ming suggested, watching her reaction closely.

Chu Ning'er's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red. After a moment, she whispered, "Okay..."

Faang Ming's heart raced. His suggestion had been offhand, but to his surprise, Chu Ning'er had accepted.

The evening deepened after their meal. Following a stroll through the flower shed and witnessing the roses' visible growth, Chu Ning'er was utterly amazed. The young man before her, three years her junior, seemed enveloped in an aura of profound mystery.

Take, for instance, the rose garden that flourished beyond belief, or his cooking skills that rivaled those of a master chef, not to mention his robust and agile physique...

As these thoughts crossed her mind, Chu Ning'er suddenly realized that this man provided her with a true sense of security.

Deep into the night, Chu Ning'er and Faang Ming made their way into the bedroom together.

Dressed in pajamas, it was clear that Faang Ming wasn't about to sleep in his coat as he had before.

Chu Ning'er had also chosen her nightwear—a whimsical, cartoon-themed set that lent her an adorably demure appearance.

Their arms brushed against each other, both parties equally tense. They were so nervous that their bodies stiffened, and neither dared to speak.

After a long silence, Faang Ming finally broke the ice. He turned slightly, craning his neck to look at Chu Ning'er.

Her eyes sparkled, prompting Faang Ming to think of the perfect phrase: "Bright eyes, pure heart." It suited Chu Ning'er to a tee.

She wasn't overtly seductive or flamboyant. At twenty-five, she still possessed the vitality of an eighteen-year-old, her visage so youthful that no one would question her if she claimed to be that age.

"Ning'er, you're truly beautiful," Faang Ming whispered, unable to contain his admiration.

His words sent a blush flooding Chu Ning'er's cheeks. She murmured a shy "Mhm" in response and, like an ostrich, buried her head.

Unable to resist, Faang Ming wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Chu Ning'er's body was rigid with tension, a sensation Faang Ming could feel through the slightest touch.

In a moment that he would later regret, Faang Ming blurted out, "Don't be scared, we've already shared a bed."

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Faang Ming wished he could take them back. What kind of man would say such a thing?

Predictably, Chu Ning'er's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and she recoiled further.

But this only allowed Faang Ming to envelop her delicate form in his arms more completely, soothing her back. He felt a profound sense of peace wash over him.

"Ning'er, I like you," Faang Ming declared with conviction, a statement he knew he'd never regret.

He felt Chu Ning'er tense up, only to relax a moment later. Her pale, slender hand rested gently on his chest as she spoke with a tinge of sorrow, "Ah Ming, I'm married... We can't do this."

Her address had shifted, signaling a change, yet she couldn't cross that line. She was a married woman, and even now, as a widow, the fact of her marriage remained unaltered.

"I don't care! I want to be with you," Faang Ming asserted with unwavering certainty. He had come to fully understand his feelings, and they all pointed to one thing: his desire to be with Chu Ning'er.

"We can't..." Chu Ning'er whispered softly.

Faang Ming fell silent, choosing instead to let his actions speak for him.

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