My Vital Energy Space/C7 An Unexpected Deal.
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My Vital Energy Space/C7 An Unexpected Deal.
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C7 An Unexpected Deal.

Faang Ming glanced up at the "Boss Lin" that Wang Sidao had mentioned. She was clad in a white dress that clung to her slender frame, accentuating her shapely figure. Her long, black hair danced in the breeze, and combined with her porcelain complexion, she left Faang Ming utterly transfixed.

In that moment, Faang Ming couldn't help but compare her to Chu Ning'er. While Ning'er's beauty was undeniable, she paled slightly in comparison to the girl before him, who possessed a unique and delicate charm.

The girl struck Faang Ming as exceptionally serene, yet her sweet smile and voluptuous figure lent her an additional layer of allure. "Hmm! It's hard to choose between the two," he thought to himself, finding it difficult to decide.

"Cough... Cough!" Brother Faang Ming, our Miss Lin would like to discuss the roses with you. Is that something you'd be open to?

When Faang Ming continued to gaze fixedly at a certain part of Miss Lin, Wang Sidao tactfully interjected, nudging Faang Ming out of his reverie.

Snapping back to reality, Faang Ming shook his head and silently chastised himself for his lack of composure.

"Oh! Miss Lin, haven't we already settled on a price for the Extraordinary Rose? Has there been some change of plans?" Faang Ming inquired, getting straight to the point after collecting his thoughts.

"Faang Ming, right? I'm Lin Yuhan. Just call me Yuhan; 'Boss Lin' is a bit too formal," Lin Yuhan said with an amused smile, addressing the man who had unabashedly appraised her upon their first meeting.

"Uh! Sure, Yuhan. May I ask if there's something about the 'Exquisite Rose' that you're not satisfied with?" Faang Ming asked, recovering from his initial surprise.

"Roses aren't exactly scarce, but no one in Arrowguard City seems to match the quality of your blooms. I'm quite curious about how you cultivate them," Lin Yuhan said, her smile inviting a candid response from Faang Ming.

Faang Ming wasn't taken aback by Lin Yuhan's curiosity; after all, the roses from his spiritual space were beyond ordinary comparison. It was only natural for her to be intrigued.

He wasn't about to divulge the secret of the spiritual space, though. With a sly glance, he replied nonchalantly, "Actually, it's quite simple. I only have a small plot for growing roses, but my attention to detail in nurturing them is unmatched."

Lin Yuhan's surprise was evident when she learned that Faang Ming had cultivated such exquisite roses on a mere plot of land. She covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Why? If you're skeptical, Miss Lin, you're welcome to visit my rose garden and see for yourself," Faang Ming offered openly, noting her doubtful expression.

Lin Yuhan appeared momentarily lost in thought at Faang Ming's confident demeanor, which didn't seem to betray any falsehoods.

As Lin Yuhan pondered, Faang Ming gave a gentle cough to recapture her attention. "Miss Lin... Miss Lin..."

It took a couple of calls from Faang Ming before Lin Yuhan snapped out of her contemplation, quickly apologizing for her distraction.

"No worries. Do you have any further questions, Miss Lin?" Faang Ming asked straightforwardly.

Lin Yuhan fixed her gaze on Faang Ming, studying him for a brief moment before speaking with gravity, "If I were to finance an expansion of your garden by ten acres, could you produce more roses of the same quality?"

Faang Ming internally acknowledged that the roses from his spiritual space had been quite profitable. He surmised that the supply from one acre was no longer meeting their sales demands, which likely explained Wang Sidao's repeated visits.

By investing in additional land, the production of the "Extraordinary Rose" could potentially multiply several times over. If these roses were in high demand, they stood to make a substantial profit.

Faang Ming was well aware of Lin Yuhan's intentions and, with a slight smile, assured her, "Miss Lin, if you're ready to invest, I can assure you the land needed to cultivate roses just like these."

"Your confidence is reassuring," Lin Yuhan said with a smile, then glanced at Wang Sidao.

Without a word, Wang Sidao turned and headed into the shop. Moments later, he reemerged, clutching a document resembling a contract.

Lin Yuhan stood, accepted the document from Wang Sidao, and laid it before Faang Ming. "Here's a contract. It states that if you fail to grow roses of this caliber on the ten acres I provide, you'll owe me double the investment."

She casually brushed her hair from her forehead and looked at Faang Ming. "If everything looks good to you, just sign on the dotted line."

"Quite the savvy move, befitting a true businessperson," Faang Ming mused internally.

"This is indeed the best course of action. I'm willing to sign, but perhaps we should revisit the purchasing price," Faang Ming suggested, locking eyes with Lin Yuhan.

"Brother Faang, we had already settled on a price of 15 yuan per rose. Why are you bringing this up now?" Wang Sidao interjected anxiously, his expression betraying his concern.

"Hehe! Manager Wang, we're both intelligent men. You know exactly how much you've earned from the roses I've sold you. Do I really need to spell it out for you?" Faang Ming chuckled, taking a sip of water from the cup on the table.

Wang Sidao, caught off guard by Faang Ming's pointed remarks, was momentarily speechless.

"Boss Lin, what do you think?" Wang Sidao turned to Lin Yuhan for guidance.

"I had pegged Mr. Faang as a straightforward man, but it turns out he's also a shrewd businessman," Lin Yuhan remarked with a wry smile.

Faang Ming offered an awkward chuckle in response. "Haha! You flatter me, Miss Lin. You're well aware of my situation, and as for the price, I'm sure you understand there's no need for further discussion."

"No problem! Collaborating with someone as capable as you is a privilege. Let me know how much you wish to raise the price. If it's reasonable, I'll consider it," Lin Yuhan replied decisively.

"Hehe! As long as you're open to negotiation, I'm confident we'll reach an agreement. But let's not be too excessive," Faang Ming thought to himself before proposing, "Here's my offer, Miss Lin: I, Faang Ming, am not a man of insatiable greed. How about we set the future purchase price at 35 yuan per rose?"

"Agreed! I accept your terms," Lin Yuhan responded promptly, surprising Faang Ming, who had expected her to need time to deliberate. Nonetheless, her swift agreement was a welcome outcome.

"But, Boss Lin..." Wang Sidao began, only to be cut off by Lin Yuhan's decisive tone.

"There's no need for further discussion, Manager Wang. I've made my decision," she stated firmly.

With Lin Yuhan's stance clear, Faang Ming wasted no time. He picked up the pen and confidently signed his name on the contract.

After Faang Ming signed his name on the contract, Lin Yuhan passed it to Wang Sidao and cheerfully declared, "Here's to a successful partnership."

Faang Ming gave a nod and inquired, "Miss Lin, have you decided where you'll be purchasing the land?"

"Well, for your convenience in cultivation, where else would be more suitable than near where you reside?" Lin Yuhan had clearly considered this already and answered without hesitation.

Feeling a bit sheepish, Faang Ming scratched his head and chuckled, "In that case, I'll head back."

"Someone will be sent tomorrow to handle the land arrangements. Additionally, I'll periodically send someone to monitor your cultivation progress. Should anything be amiss, I trust you understand the implications," Lin Yuhan added with a pointed reminder.

"Understood," Faang Ming responded nonchalantly and took his leave.

Upon arriving home, Faang Ming discovered Chu Ning'er busy cooking in the kitchen, oblivious to his silent approach.

Captivated by the sight of Chu Ning'er's graceful figure, Faang Ming couldn't resist and quickly wrapped his arms around her from behind.


Startled by his sudden embrace, Chu Ning'er let out a shriek.

Faang Ming hastily covered her mouth and whispered reassuringly, "It's me, Ning'er!"

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Recognizing Faang Ming's voice, Chu Ning'er's tension melted away, and she ceased her struggles, allowing his embrace.

Seeing her relax, Faang Ming's hand began to wander mischievously.


With a feeble protest, Chu Ning'er chided, "You're up to no good again, aren't you?"

"Ha! I've missed you these past few days, Ning'er," Faang Ming cooed, his voice dripping with charm.

Despite knowing his words were slick, Chu Ning'er couldn't help but feel a surge of sweetness.

"Enough, enough! Quit it. I made your favorite 'braised fish' because I knew you'd be back today," Chu Ning'er gently said as she wriggled free from his hold.

"Ning'er, you're too kind to me! I promise to take great care of you and never let you suffer any harm."

"Save it. You've said that so many times before. Who can tell if you really mean it?"

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