My Vital Energy Space/C8 Purchasing a New Land!
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My Vital Energy Space/C8 Purchasing a New Land!
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C8 Purchasing a New Land!

"Do you still not trust me, Ning'er?"

Faang Ming murmured into Chu Ning'er's ear, his right hand stealthily sliding into her inner garments, seizing the fullness of her flesh.

The allure of Chu Ning'er's soft skin was undeniable, and the silky touch immediately stoked the flames of Faang Ming's desire.


Overwhelmed by Faang Ming's potent masculine scent and the tingling sensation of his touch, Chu Ning'er couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

Captivated by Chu Ning'er's charmingly bashful demeanor, Faang Ming lost all restraint. He pressed his lips to hers, hungrily drawing her in.

As Faang Ming's fervent advances persisted, Chu Ning'er initially resisted, but her body gradually weakened, leaving her without the strength to fight.

"Sister Ning'er, you're so beautiful," Faang Ming breathed, peppering kisses along her fragrant neck, his left hand venturing toward her secret places.

"Ah! Stop!"

Chu Ning'er's instincts kicked in as she felt Faang Ming encroaching upon her most sensitive area, prompting her to struggle fiercely.

But Faang Ming, consumed by an inner inferno, was beyond reason, his actions growing more direct and urgent.

On the brink of surrender, a sliver of lucidity empowered Chu Ning'er to wrench herself from Faang Ming's grasp.

"No, Faang Ming! I'll be yours in time, but for now... please, can you give me a moment?" Chu Ning'er pleaded between labored breaths.

Seeing her vulnerable state, Faang Ming internally chastised himself, "I'm such a jerk. With all of Ning'er's misfortunes, how could I treat her this way?"

"I'm sorry! I was too impulsive. It's all my fault, Ning'er. I promise to respect your choices," Faang Ming said, soothing her with a calmer tone.

Chu Ning'er stepped closer, gently placing her delicate hand over his mouth. "Faang Ming, I don't blame you. My heart has been yours for a long time," she whispered.

In that moment, Faang Ming vowed to himself, "She is the woman I will protect for the rest of my life."

"Come on, stop brooding like a child and let's eat," Chu Ning'er said with a gentle smile, pulling Faang Ming from his thoughts.

"Okay!" Faang Ming reached for the bowl and chopsticks, but paused, noticing the slickness on his hands.

"Uh, Ning'er, you go ahead. I need to wash up first," Faang Ming stammered, darting off to the bathroom.

Chu Ning'er's keen eyes didn't miss the look on Faang Ming's face. Once he left, she blushed, covering her dampened undergarments as she scurried to her room.

The next morning, a rapid knocking roused Faang Ming.

"Who's there? Come in!"

Faang Ming called out, annoyed, and opened the door to find five or six men in black suits. Puzzled, he inquired, "Who are you?"

"Are you Mr. Faang? Miss Lin sent us," one of the tall men explained.

"Oh! It's you! I didn't expect Miss Lin to work so quickly," Faang Ming realized.

"We've secured a new plot of land near your family home. Here's the deed. Please, come see it with me. If everything's in order, just sign, and it's yours," the tall man said, extending the deed courteously to Faang Ming.

"Oh! Okay! No problem!"

"Who's there, Faang Ming?" Chu Ning'er's voice called out from within the room.

"Ning'er, I'm skipping breakfast. I've got to step out for a bit, but I'll be back soon."

After speaking, Faang Ming turned to the others and said, "Let's head out!"

They nodded in agreement and set off with Faang Ming to the newly purchased land.

Surveying the ten acres, Faang Ming felt a surge of satisfaction. Conveniently, the plot wasn't far from his rose fields, which promised to make his future work much easier.

"So, Mr. Faang, what do you think?" the tall man inquired once more.

Faang Ming smiled. "Everything looks good. No issues."

"Great. Then, if you wouldn't mind signing this deed, we can report back to Boss Lin," the tall man said, presenting a contract.

Faang Ming reviewed the document carefully before signing his name. It contained standard details about the land's ownership and rose cultivation.

"Miss Lin mentioned she'll send someone to inspect later on. We won't impose any further," the tall man said after handing over the deed to Faang Ming.

Once they had departed, Faang Ming made his way back home.

"Who were those people with you earlier, Faang Ming?" Chu Ning'er immediately asked upon his return.

That's when Faang Ming realized he hadn't yet shared the news with Ning'er.

"Ah! What are you doing? Put me down this instant!"

Chu Ning'er, who had been expecting an explanation, was taken aback as Faang Ming suddenly swept her into his arms.

With a mischievous grin, Faang Ming teased, "You wanted to know what's going on, right? Let's go to the room, and I'll tell you all about it."

"Ah! Stop it, you rascal!" Despite her protest, Chu Ning'er allowed Faang Ming to carry her into the room.

Being mindful of past lessons, Faang Ming refrained from any improper behavior, but he couldn't resist a bit of playful teasing before finally filling her in.

Upon learning that Lin Yuhan had generously provided ten acres for rose cultivation, Chu Ning'er couldn't hide her delight. She playfully suggested, "Lin Yuhan seems to be going out of her way to support you. Maybe she's taken a liking to you?"

"That's not it at all! Ning'er, you're accusing me unjustly. It's purely for business," Faang Ming defended himself with a hint of innocence.

"Hmph! It better be. Otherwise, I might just..."

As Chu Ning'er paused mid-sentence, Faang Ming leaned in with a playful grin, "Might just what?"

"Ignoring you now, you're just teasing me," Chu Ning'er retorted, feigning annoyance and turning her head away.

"Hehe, I was only joking. Don't be mad, Ning'er," Faang Ming coaxed, lifting her onto his lap.

"Ah! You scoundrel..."

The rest of the day was filled with their playful banter. The following morning, while Chu Ning'er was still asleep, Faang Ming hopped into a taxi and set off for Arrowguard City.

With the land acquisition complete, it was time to procure more rose seeds, the true purpose of his journey to Arrowguard.

Under the midday sun, Faang Ming arrived in Arrowguard City, hailed a cab, and made a beeline for his former employer's store.

Glancing at the sign that read "Rose Emporium," Faang Ming stepped inside. The proprietor, Lee Shan, had a longstanding business relationship with him.

"Hey, it's Faang! Back for more rose seeds, I see?" The midday heat had the shop bustling with activity, and Lee Shan spotted Faang Ming right away.

"Yeah, Lee! What, not happy to see me?" Faang Ming approached the middle-aged man with a youthful face.

"Quite the opposite! You're my lucky charm, I couldn't be happier!" Lee Shan chuckled heartily.

"So, Lee, got any new varieties lately?" Faang Ming inquired nonchalantly.

"Just wait a sec!" Lee Shan disappeared into the shop and returned with a handful of seeds and several photos. "Take a look, Faang. These are some new rose varieties I've just got in. Here are the seeds, and these photos show the roses they'll produce. What do you think?" Lee Shan was brimming with enthusiasm as he explained.

Faang Ming bypassed the seeds and picked up the photos, studying them before commenting, "These roses look pretty impressive."

Lee Shan glanced at the photos and laughed, "You've got a keen eye, Faang. These varieties are hot sellers right now. Naturally, they're a bit pricier than the other seeds."

Faang Ming knew exactly what Lee Shan was hinting at and replied with a slight smile, "Come on, Lee Shan! We've been in business together for ages. I'm buying in bulk this time. If you're going to nickel and dime me on the price, well, that just wouldn't be friendly."

Lee Shan, a seasoned businessman, understood the subtext in Faang Ming's words. "Oh! Have you expanded your farm, Faang?" he asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Exactly!" Faang Ming confirmed.

Lee Shan, sensing his guess was correct, felt a surge of excitement and pressed on, "How much do you need?"

"Two hundred catties?"

Lee Shan was astounded by the amount. Two hundred catties of rose seeds could plant well over ten acres.

"Did I hear that right? Faang, are you sure you need that much?" Lee Shan asked, still in disbelief.

"Absolutely! But if you're going to quibble over the price for such a large order, I might have to check out other suppliers," Faang Ming warned.

"No, no! We're old friends, after all. Everything's negotiable, right? Let's have a cup of tea and talk it over," Lee Shan offered quickly, eager to smooth things over.

Faang Ming's expression shifted as he sat down and leisurely sipped his tea, while Lee Shan grew increasingly anxious. A deal for two hundred kilograms of rose seeds was not something he could afford to lose.

"Look, Faang, we go way back. I don't grow these seeds myself; I have to buy them too. And honestly, they do cost a fair bit more than the ones you've purchased previously."

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