My Vital Energy Space/C9 Strange Seeds!
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My Vital Energy Space/C9 Strange Seeds!
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C9 Strange Seeds!

"Oh! So what exactly are you suggesting, Brother Lee?" Faang Ming asked, feigning confusion.

"Look, Brother Faang, how about this? I'll just add 50 yuan on top of the original cost for these seeds you need. I've got to make a living, after all. You wouldn't expect me to not earn a dime and just drink the northwest wind, would you?"

Faang Ming chuckled to himself. "Quite the shrewd businessman, aren't you? I did my homework before coming here and found that the price difference for these rose seeds should only be around 20-30 yuan. Is he really trying to take me for a fool by charging 50 more?"

"It seems Brother Lee isn't really showing any sincerity towards me! If that's the case, I might as well check out other places." Faang Ming stood up, ready to walk out.

"What's the rush, Brother Faang? The price I've quoted is truly the lowest I can go. Any less, and I might as well be drinking that northwest wind," Lee Shan said, grabbing Faang Ming's arm and putting on a pitiful face.

Faang Ming had only been putting on an act to give him a little scare. Seeing Lee Shan's desperate demeanor only confirmed his suspicions.

So, after a moment's pause, Faang Ming said, "Brother Lee, you're a businessman, and I don't want to undercut you too much. I'll take those seeds for 20 yuan. Think it over, Brother Lee. If that won't work, I'll have to leave."

Lee Shan's eyes darted around before he finally clenched his teeth and conceded, "Brother Faang, you drive a hard bargain. Alright, we'll go with the price you just mentioned."

Without further ado, Faang Ming replied, "Then please, Brother Lee, prepare them for me now!"

"Sure thing! No problem at all!" Lee Shan said, heading to the backyard to get things ready.

With time to spare, Faang Ming browsed around the shop. As he passed the counter, the emerald jade he carried suddenly quivered in his pocket, a peculiar occurrence that piqued his curiosity.

"What's happening? This jade has never reacted like this before."

He looked around and pulled out the jade. At that moment, the jade and three egg-sized seeds on the table seemed to resonate, trembling intensely together.

Startled, Faang Ming quickly tucked the jade back into his pocket, and the seeds on the table ceased their quivering.

Holding one of the seeds, Faang Ming examined it closely, wondering, "Could there be a connection between these seeds and the jade?"

"Brother Faang, I've got your seeds all ready," Lee Shan announced, carrying a large bag of rose seeds.

Faang Ming quickly set down the seed he was holding and went over to inspect the bag. After ensuring everything was in order, he proceeded to pay Lee Shan.

Lee Shan, with a thick wad of cash in hand, couldn't stop grinning as he counted each bill meticulously, as though he feared one might be missing.

Noticing Lee Shan's focus on the money, Faang Ming casually inquired, "Oh! What about these three seeds? Are they also rose seeds? I've never seen any so large."

Lee Shan glanced at the three egg-sized seeds on the table and replied nonchalantly, "Oh, those? An old man from the mountains left them here when he came to buy seeds. He found them in the wild and asked me to take a look."

"Really? So, Brother Lee, do you know what kind of seeds they are?" Faang Ming pressed.

"Hey! The mountains are full of all sorts of seeds—how am I supposed to know which is which? That old man just bought something and left. He probably forgot these here on his way out. If you're interested, they're yours," Lee Shan said with a grin, thumbing through the bills in his hand. Noticing Faang Ming's interest in the three seeds, he offered them up generously.

Faang Ming felt a surge of excitement, but he kept a poker face, chuckling instead. "I'm just surprised by the size of these seeds. Since Brother Lee is offering, I'll take them home and see if I can grow a money tree."

"Haha! Faang, you're quite the joker," Lee Shan replied, unfazed.

After leaving Lee Shan's shop, Faang Ming carefully tucked the three seeds into his pocket and hurried off to the seed store. He had been pondering for a few days—if the roses thrived with water from the spiritual pond, could vegetable seeds benefit in the same way? That's why he was in Arrowguard, to buy a few bags of vegetable seeds to experiment with.

Faang Ming had already sown two hundred kilograms of rose seeds. He mixed the spiritual pond water with the underground drinking water and watered the entire ten-acre plot.

"Ning'er, you've worked so hard helping me plant all these roses. Once I make some money, I'll take you and Aunt Lee to live in the city, okay?" Faang Ming said tenderly, pulling Chu Ning'er into his embrace as he looked at her weary face. His hands, naturally, couldn't resist a little mischief.

Chu Ning'er swatted away Faang Ming's wandering hands, feigning annoyance. "Hmph! You little rascal, who said I wanted to go to the city with you?"

"Hehe! When the time comes, it won't be your decision to make," Faang Ming teased, flipping Chu Ning'er beneath him.

"Stop it! I said I'd agree. It wouldn't be good to be seen," Chu Ning'er protested, her face flushed.

Faang Ming wasn't about to let Chu Ning'er off the hook so easily, but just as he was about to make his move, a rapid ringtone interrupted them.

"The phone's ringing—let me up," Chu Ning'er said, her cheeks still warm.

Faang Ming lifted her into his arms, smirking mischievously, "Go ahead and answer. I'm not stopping you."


Chu Ning'er had no choice but to tolerate Faang Ming's embrace.

"Hello?" she answered the phone softly.

Faang Ming seized the moment, his hands slipping into Chu Ning'er's undergarments to indulge himself.

"It's me, Aunt Lee!"

Upon hearing that, Chu Ning'er quickly covered the mouthpiece and scolded Faang Ming, "Quit it, it's Aunt Lee calling."

Faang Ming simply nodded, though his hands didn't cease their exploration. Chu Ning'er sighed and rolled her eyes at him before continuing the call, "Aunt Lee, what's going on?"

"Ah, what could it be? My two sons have been troublemakers since they were young, getting involved with gangs. A few days ago, I heard Faang Ming gave one of them a good lesson. Lately, I've overheard my eldest, Lee Dafeng, on the phone late at night. You need to warn Faang Ming to be careful!"

Meanwhile, Faang Ming couldn't hear Aunt Lee's warnings, as he was preoccupied with Chu Ning'er.

Watching Chu Ning'er on the phone, unable to stop him because of her conversation with Aunt Lee, Faang Ming grew bolder. His hands slipped beneath her undergarments, gently kneading the softness he found there.

Phew... Phew...

Chu Ning'er's chest rose and fell with each heavy breath as Faang Ming's restless hands held her. Her breathing grew increasingly labored.

"Ning'er, what's the matter? Are you feeling okay?" Aunt Lee's voice came through the phone, laced with concern as she sensed the weight in Chu Ning'er's breaths, mistaking it for discomfort.

Flushing like a ripe apple at the question, Chu Ning'er stammered out, "No... no... it's just a slight cold."

"Good, that's good to hear!"

Faang Ming, captivated by Chu Ning'er's bashful demeanor, found himself staring. His hands, kneading her gently at first, began to apply more pressure, causing her breaths to deepen further.

This stirred a reaction in Faang Ming, and without hesitation, he turned Chu Ning'er to face him and placed her squarely on his lap.

Chu Ning'er, her face a portrait of shyness, looked down, only to feel an unexpected touch from Faang Ming. Embarrassed and wishing she could hide, she longed to bury her head in her clothes.

Unable to contain himself at the sight of Chu Ning'er's actions, Faang Ming glanced at her flushed cheeks before lowering his head and taking her flesh in his mouth.


Startled by Faang Ming's bold move, Chu Ning'er struggled to suppress a scream. But when he applied a gentle pressure, the tingling sensation was too much, and she couldn't help but let out a sound.

"What happened?" Aunt Lee's voice crackled with anxiety over the phone.

"Oh... nothing... just bumped my foot on the table," Chu Ning'er managed to say, her voice uneven.

"Is it serious?"

"No, it's nothing. Aunt Lee, I'll pass on your message to Faang Ming. If there's nothing else, I'm going to hang up now," Chu Ning'er said, her voice strained as Faang Ming continued his attentions.

"Alright, if you're not feeling well, take some rest. Just be careful, Faang Ming."

"Yes, I understand, Aunt Lee." With that, Chu Ning'er quickly ended the call, took a deep breath, and tears began to swirl in her eyes, eventually spilling over.

Noticing Chu Ning'er's distress, Faang Ming immediately ceased his actions and asked urgently, "Ning'er, what's wrong?"

"Isn't it because of you? Always bullying me," she said, her tears now streaming down her face.

Realizing he had indeed gone too far, Faang Ming offered a sheepish smile and an apology. "I'm so sorry, Ning'er! I won't do it again, I promise. If there's a next time, just let me..."

Before he could finish, Chu Ning'er placed her hand over his mouth, cutting him off with a mix of anger and affection, "Don't be foolish. Don't talk like that about yourself. Okay, I forgive you. But if you ever bully me like you did today, I won't pay you any attention ever again."

Taking her hand in his, Faang Ming vowed earnestly, "I promise, Ning'er."

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