My Wife's Stewardess/C1
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My Wife's Stewardess/C1
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My wife is called Han Yun, a flight attendant. Her facial features are exquisite, her height is 1.75 meters, her long snow-white legs make her a proud figure, and she is definitely one of the best of the best.

It was my fortune to be able to marry a great beauty like her, and all I could do was look at her with envy.

What made me feel even more fortunate was that she was a very gentle wife, and very kind to my parents, both of whom were very pleased with her.

Han Yun is gentle, conservative, and very fond of me. Ever since we got married, we have never had any big arguments, and our lives have always been harmonious.

As a man, especially when he was young and strong and full of energy, his demand for that aspect was especially strong.

Due to work reasons, Han Yun has to fly for 4 to 5 days a week, so she can only stay at home for 2 to 3 days. All of our sexual life and impulses have also exploded in these 2 to 3 days …

These two years, whenever she went home, she would be especially enthusiastic and would give it to me no matter how many times I wanted it. In her own words, she would try her best to make up for everything that she owed me.

I have always been grateful, content, and quite infatuated with her body.

But lately, somehow, that part of our lives has begun to become discordant.

Yesterday, when she came back, she had been sleeping like she couldn't wake up and didn't have the strength to get close to me.

After holding it in for so many days, I kept imagining our happy lives when she came back.

But, Han Yun's coldness made me feel a bit unhappy.

I was both anxious and distressed to see her asleep.

But she is my favorite wife, I can't see her so tired, do not care to ask her to satisfy me.

So I gently closed the door and decided to help her wash off her change of clothes.

After opening the chest, I took out a few sets of clothes from her. However, when I touched her pockets, I unexpectedly found a slightly hard object.

The sensitive me, instantly stiffened …

He took it out and saw that it really was an unknown brand condom!

Why would there be such a thing in Han Yun's pocket?

Ever since we were married, she had always been a gentle and self-loving woman. When shopping, even if there were guys who looked at her with admiration, she would still rather be in my arms.

But why would she put one of these in her uniform?

Even if I believe her, Han Yun's abnormal sleepiness when he comes back this time, as well as the appearance of this thing, made me unable to help my imagination from wandering around.

I had the urge to rush in with this and wake her up and find out what was going on.

But, very quickly, I calmed down.

What if I ask around now, if it's not what I think it is?

It's not that I don't trust her, I'm just afraid that my impulsiveness will hurt her.

I decided to pretend I didn't know and put the thing back in her box.

In the evening, I cooked dinner while Han Yun was still sleeping.

I walked into the room and went to the bed. Looking at her beautiful face, I really couldn't bear to blame her.

"Perhaps I have truly misunderstood. As a man, it's better to be a bit more magnanimous."

I comforted myself, even though I also felt very sullen and scoundrelly, but I held it in.

At this time.

Han Yun rolled over and faintly opened her eyes. When she saw me by the bed, the corner of her mouth raised into a faint smile. "Hubby, what time is it now?"

"It's already the second night."

"Ah, how long have I been asleep?"

"It's been a day and a night."

After sleeping for so long, did he do something on the plane?

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