My Wife's Stewardess/C12
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My Wife's Stewardess/C12
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CEO Yu Ziqi raised her head and looked at me. Her eyes weren't as sharp as when she was in the company, but were filled with a trace of gentleness.

The CEO said to me, "What a coincidence, Director Li. Are you here to play as well?"

I embarrassedly said, "That's right, let's play." My attitude was a bit down, and I couldn't pretend to be happy, even though he was the CEO, I still couldn't pretend.

If it were in normal times, I would probably smile in front of him.

However, I was not in the mood for that right now. In my heart, there was nothing more important than Han Yun. Job, money, compared to Han Yun, it was worthless.

The CEO saw that I wasn't in a good state, so she whispered in my ear, "Follow me."

I didn't want to go with her because I wasn't in the mood to discuss anything with her, but she was the CEO, and I couldn't refuse.

Thus, I followed her. I followed her down a long corridor. Looking at her swaying body and her perfume, I couldn't help but think of Han Yun.

I fell silent and lost in thought, thinking back to the time when we loved each other, and how he treated me now. I couldn't help but have a very sad expression on my face.

I followed the president into a booth. I didn't know what the president was up to, so I looked at her.

She looked back at me, and the lights in the room were very dim. The president said, "Director Li, turn on the lights. You turn your head around. It's right behind you."

I looked back. There was indeed a light behind me.

Sitting on the sofa in the box, the CEO said to me, "Director Li, come over here and do it."

I went to his corner and sat down.

He called the waiter and ordered two bottles of wine, during which time neither of us spoke. After a while, the waiter brought the wine over.

The waiter put the wine on the table and left.

I didn't know why Yu Ziqi was looking for me, I didn't dare to ask, and I didn't want to ask either.

Unlike her at the company, she lacked the toughness and gentleness of her company. He was wearing a revealing dress and silk stockings, which gave him a lot of femininity compared to the suit he usually wore at the company.

What made my heart itch was that I hadn't felt this kind of feeling for Han Yun in a long time.

I looked at Yu Ziqi and she looked back at me. She gave me a smile that made me feel helpless, because I didn't know why he had called me here.

The first person to break the silence was him. He smiled and said to me, "What happened to Director Li today? Not happy? I've been playing in this bar for days and I haven't seen anyone I know. Since I've suddenly looked at you today, you're definitely not here to have fun, right? "

I looked at Yu Ziqi. He wasn't that old, but he was a mature woman. It was as if he could see through other people's thoughts. He seemed to understand what I was thinking.

I looked at him. I didn't want to tell him what I'd been through. I said nothing, not a word.

He continued to ask me, "You don't want to tell me?"

I smiled and said to her, "No, CEO, I won't trouble you with my personal matters."

Yu Ziqi smiled at me and said, "I'm your boss at the company. If you treat me like a stranger here, I might be able to help you solve your problem, right?"

I hesitated, feeling a little wronged, and took a deep breath.

I sighed and turned to her. "Can I ask you a question?"

She smiled and said, "All right."

I said, "What would you think if you had a husband who you found more important to work than to you?"

Yu Ziqi smiled, and I felt that her smile was especially pretty. She said, "You're talking about yourself, right? You can't ask me this, I am a woman after all, it is important for me to have a man who thinks about work. If I love a man, as a woman, I will give up my career."

I listened to him finish, then thought about Han Yun, I don't know what to feel.

However, at this moment, I felt that there was a special charm in Yu Ziqi's body. She was that kind of intellectual beauty.

I think she understands me, I can feel it, and I don't think he came here just to play.

I smiled and said, "Let's not talk about that anymore. Since we're here today, let's have a drink happily."

We talked a lot, that's what I said in the end.

Hearing my words, Yu Ziqi did not say anything else.

The two of us sang in the box for a while, relieving a little of the pent-up emotion in my heart.

This night is the best day I've had in the past few days. A few days ago, my mind was filled with thoughts about Han Yun.

Yu Ziqi and I stayed at the bar very late. We felt that it was about time to go home.

We walked out of the bar together, and I said to her, "Does the president want me to drive you back?"

Yu Ziqi smiled at me and said, "Li Yu, stop messing around. Don't you know that we're both drunk?"

I laughed too, and for the first time in days I laughed from the bottom of my heart.

I smiled and said, "Then let's all find a substitute."

She also smiled and said, "Okay."

When I got home, I looked at the messy house, and my good mood was gone.

I went to the bathroom and picked up the mop and the broken glass on the floor.

I thought of the Yu Ziqi of today. No, I should see her CEO.

Today's her, very special, left a deep imprint in my heart.

I cleaned up the house, prepared to take a bath, and went to sleep.

I took off my clothes and walked into the bathroom, thinking about Yu Ziqi and Han Yun.

Actually, I can't blame Han Yun. He only did it for his job. I wanted to make him resign, but I didn't want to ruin his dream.

After I finished showering, I returned to my bedroom. It was as if Han Yun's scent was still lingering in my bedroom.

I lay in bed for a long time, unable to sleep. There were too many things bothering me lately.

The next day at work, Jack sent someone to my company because I couldn't convince Han Yun, who probably already told Jack.

The man Jack sent to deliver the contract has already been signed by Jack, waiting for me to sign it.

I don't know why, but I feel especially ironic, since when did I have to rely on my wife for my job.

The success of my contract depends on my wife coming out to settle it?

I looked at the contract that Jack had signed and felt particularly ironic and ironic.

I silently looked at the contract, and for a long time I was lost in thought, and my heart ached.

I was in no mood, no desire to negotiate a contract.

But I can't not sign a contract that has already been signed.

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