My Wife's Stewardess/C14
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My Wife's Stewardess/C14
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I looked at the white wall and felt sick inside. I didn't know how long it was before I fell asleep again.

Maybe he knew where he was now, so he slept soundly.

When I woke up again, I felt like I was sleeping comfortably. I opened my eyes and stretched.

My nerves have been tense lately, and I feel very relaxed today.

I got up. In my guest room, there was a big bathroom. I drank yesterday, but I had a slight obsession with cleanliness. I couldn't stand the smell of my own body.

I took a bath, and when I was done, I certainly wouldn't wear it because it smelled so bad and smelled so bad.

I wore a bathrobe and walked out the door of my room.

When I came out, I saw a woman in a homemade nightgown. It was very cute, very pink, like I liked it.

The woman was busy in the kitchen. I didn't know what he was doing, but I hadn't seen it in a long time.

What I want most is to live my life outside, to have my wife take care of everything, to wash my clothes, to prepare three meals a day. This kind of life is what I want the most, and it makes me happy.

The woman turned to me and said, "Are you awake?"

It was what Yu Ziqi told me. I don't know why, but I thought of Han Yun. I really wished that we could have such a life. Simple, simple, and very happy for me.

I smiled at her and said, "Yes, I woke up and slept soundly."

Yu Ziqi smiled and said, "That's good. I thought you wouldn't get used to sleeping."

I smiled gently. I don't know why, but I was really happy today. Perhaps it was because I saw this scene in the morning. I was really happy from the bottom of my heart.

I said, "No, I'm not used to it. I sleep comfortably."

Yu Ziqi seemed to have thought of something as she said to me, "That's right, I got my assistant to buy you a set of clothes. You should wear this today to work. I remember that you seem to have a slight obsession with cleanliness."

I was surprised that not many people knew about this problem, because it was so mild that I would only pay attention to those close to me and to myself.

Yu Ziqi rolled her eyes and said to me, "Hey, I'm your boss, okay? I know your habits, otherwise why would I be your boss? "

At this moment, I felt that she was a woman. I felt that she might or might not know everyone, but he knew me, and I was very grateful to him.

Previously, I thought that other than Han Yun, no one would care about my matters. Now, there's another person who understands me, so I'm very happy.

Yu Ziqi said to me, "Come over and take a seat."

I walked over to the table and looked at her. She seemed to have finished.

I watched as Yu Ziqi walked over with two plates in her hands, and said, "I only have these things in my house. I've even heated up some milk, so I'll bring it over for you right away. You should eat some. We still need to go to work later."

It's been a long time since I've eaten Han Yun's breakfast. It's not breakfast, it's neither lunch nor dinner, it's been a long time.

For no reason at all, I developed a favorable impression of this woman in front of me. I suddenly felt as though I had turned her into Han Yun.

I just kept looking at her. I felt so beautiful.

She looked at me blankly, then used her chopsticks to knock me on the head and said, "Why are you so stupid. Hurry up and eat."

I embarrassedly replied, "Yes."

We had a quick meal, and she didn't prepare any good breakfast, just an omelette, octopus shaped sausages, and two slices of bread.

It wasn't a rare delicacy, but to me, it felt wonderful. I hadn't felt this way for a long time, and this woman seemed to me not only to be my superior, but also a confidante.

However, Han Yun had made me sad, so I put my thoughts aside. I knew who I was, and I also knew that I couldn't give anything to Yu Ziqi.

I wanted to slap myself. What was I thinking?

I immediately returned to normal.

After breakfast, I took the clothes that Yu Ziqi told her assistant to buy. I thought it would be big or small, but it was just right. I felt that it was magical.

Wearing these clothes, I went out and curiously asked, "CEO, how do you know my size?"

Yu Ziqi smiled and said to me, "Heh, I only have this little bit of skill and you've already noticed it. I have a special ability which is that I know how big you are the moment I see you."

I thought it was amazing, and I said to her, "Wow, so amazing."

Yu Ziqi smiled and said, "That's right. In the future, just call me CEO when you're at the company. Just call me Ziqi when you're alone. You need to relax after work."

I smiled and said, "Alright, Ziqi."

We both laughed.

Yu Ziqi said to me, "Put on your shoes and let's go to work."

I smiled and said, "Okay."

I don't know why, but as I was staying with Yu Ziqi, I had forgotten about Han Yun.

Because yesterday I drank, drunk did not drive back, can only take Yu Ziqi's car to work.

I smiled and asked her, "Zi Qi, aren't you afraid of being misunderstood by the company's people?"

Yu Ziqi said, "Misunderstood what? Do you misunderstand me and you? "

I smiled and said, "Yes, you're not afraid."

Yu Ziqi laughed and said to me, "Don't you know my family is pushing for marriage? If it's really spread out, it would be akin to helping me! "

I smiled, thinking she was very interesting now.

We arrived at the company, got off the car, and were indeed seen by a lot of colleagues.

I don't think any of her girls are with me, and I'm just a man.

I entered the company and walked to my office. In the elevator, Yu Ziqi and I smiled and indicated to each other.

I sat in my chair in the office and started my day's work.

By noon, when my colleagues had gone to dinner, I sat in my office and thought about breakfast. I felt happy.

I went downstairs for dinner, then returned to the office.

When I saw Wang Li walking towards my office, she knocked on the door and asked, "Is Director Li in?"

I curiously replied, "You're here?" "What is it?"

Wang Li came in and said, "Good news, Director."

Curious, I asked, "What good thing?"

Wang Li said, "Just now, the assistant CEO told me that she wants to take you on a business trip, and that I need you to sign the documents in my hands."

I signed the papers and handed them to Wang Li, watching her go.

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