My Wife's Stewardess/C20
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My Wife's Stewardess/C20
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After hearing what I said, Han Yun burst into tears. Tears fell onto her delicate face, flowing down her cheeks and down her neck. It was a very special kind of beauty.

Han Yun didn't say anything, but just sobbed lightly. I looked at her and my heart ached. If this were in the past, I would have comforted her gently.

But now I know everything.

When I saw her at the hotel, I suspected she was cheating.

I've thought of a lot of ways to get the evidence.

Because I'm in the advertising industry, I know a lot of people. Furthermore, when I first saw Han Yun at the hotel, I even had the attitude of admitting my wrongs.

In order to verify all of this, I found a very good bro. I had him buy the plane that Han Yun worked for.

He was my brother from an early age, and he was also very willing to help.

He bought a plane ticket, and I told him to keep an eye on the plane to see what was going on.

When he got on the plane, his cell phone was turned off. That's why I was so distracted when I was discussing the contract that day. I've been waiting.

I waited until nightfall, when he got off the plane and called me.

He told me he hadn't noticed anything on the plane, but when he went to the toilet he heard a gasp inside and was about to open the door, but it didn't open and no one spoke.

He knocked for a long time. Finally, someone spoke inside. It was a woman.

The woman said, "Sir, please wait a moment."

My friend said, "Okay."

At that time, he really wanted to go to the toilet, so he waited at the door for a while. When he was at the door, he could clearly hear the sounds coming from inside.

That was what he was doing, waiting at the door.

When the bathroom door opened, the woman was wearing a uniform. It was a flight attendant.

Then a foreign man came out and spoke fluent Chinese to him. The foreign man said, "Brother, are you here to play too?"

My friend curiously asked, "What do you want to play?"

After that they talked for a long time, and my brother finally found out the truth.

It turned out that the flight attendant was doing this sort of thing. The foreigner said that it was called selling at a sky-high price, but the flight attendant was definitely different from those outside. She had education, temperament, and looks.

To the rich, this amount of money was nothing.

I know the truth, but my friend said I didn't see Han Yun on the plane.

From this I am sure that the one I saw that day in the hotel garden was Han Yun.

So the second time I saw her, I didn't go to her. I didn't know what to say, and I was thinking about what to do.

As a man, I can't stand my wife cheating, let alone selling.

I was troubled, confused, not knowing what to say, not knowing what I could do.

When I got home, I wasn't home for long, and I was afraid I might go crazy thinking about it all by myself.

So I was so engrossed in my work that I got myself into the hospital, and I was in a lot of pain.

I didn't know what to do when I first found out, because I didn't want to lose her. She was the woman I loved the most in my life, and I couldn't leave her.

But a normal man wouldn't be able to take this kind of thing happening, not to mention I'm a man with a bit of machismo.

I didn't want to lose her, but I also didn't want to live in a life of grievance and grievance.

To me, I only wanted to live a good life, a simple life with Han Yun, a comfortable and simple life is what I longed for.

Knowing that I entered the hospital, when I woke up, I saw Yu Ziqi. I knew that she cared about me, so I thought about Han Yun even more.

Even an outsider cares about me. Where is my wife? "Had she cheated? I was thinking, our family is not short of money, why would she do that?

I don't know how I'm going to live. I wonder if I can accept her again, since I can't leave him.

The answer is yes, I love her enough.

I wondered if, if she wanted me to, I would let her quit her job and stay out of contact with those people. Would she still be my old wife, the one who loved me so much?

I wonder, hesitating.

I decided to have a showdown with Han Yun. If she doesn't want to resign, then we will get a divorce. If she is willing to resign, then I am willing to accept her again.

Their relationship should have been maintained through trust. I gave my trust to Han Yun, but she lied to me time and time again.

But I love her, so I'm willing to give him a chance to let her know that in this world, I'm the one who loves her the most, and I want her to come back.

Come back to me, I don't know if he needs me or not, but I do need him in my heart.

What's more, if she doesn't have me in her heart, she wouldn't lie to me and can directly divorce me. Thus, I can conclude from this that Han Yun actually does have me in her heart.

Then I will give him a chance to let us start over.

Thus, Han Yun came back today and revealed my cards to her. I asked her, "Do you want to get divorced or resign? Choose one for yourself!"

I don't understand why he's crying. Is it because I found him?

I said that if she is willing to resign, I will forgive him, but she still cried in despair.

Han Yun kept crying without saying a word.

I wanted him to know that I knew everything, and I said to her, "Actually, your company has that kind of service. How much is it at a time, ten thousand? Twenty thousand? I really haven't found out that you're this kind of person. "

Han Yun looked at the determined me and said, "I'm sorry, husband. I admit that there is such a service in the company."

I smiled at her and said, "Service? Service? Han Yun, how could you say that? "

Han Yun cried with grievance, "Hubby, listen to me. I admit that there is one in the company, but I've never done it before. Really, I beg you to believe me."

I've already thought about it myself. I'll believe anything he says, but I can't change my choice. She can't go against me.

I coldly said, "Han Yun, I'm willing to believe you. You know how much I love you, but I'm still telling you. One, we're going to get divorced, and you can continue your career. I don't care about your dreams. Two, you resign, and we can start over again."

Han Yun cried and did not speak. Perhaps this was really difficult for her. A dream, a husband, did she not know how to choose? I had always thought she would choose me with determination.

Han Yun said, "Hubby, I don't want to divorce you."

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