My Wife's Stewardess/C4
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My Wife's Stewardess/C4
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"Han Yun, I didn't think that you'd still be lying to me. The official business you're talking about is the business of staying with foreign men and not returning home at night?"

Looking at Han Yun's worried expression, I was even more furious!

Wearing a green hat in front of me, you still want to hide this from me? Do you take me for an idiot?

"Hubby, listen to my explanation …"

"Explain my ass!"

I hung up, pushed the door open, and walked over to them.

When Han Yun saw me, her expression became complicated. She nervously looked at me and wanted to say something, but she hesitated.

On the other hand, the foreigner seemed rather calm.

When I walked over, Han Yun immediately came over and wanted to take my hand.

I pushed her away and looked at the foreigner with hostility. "Who is he?"

Han Yun didn't answer me, but apologetically apologized to the foreign man. Using English to say sorry, she introduced him, "Ryan, this is my husband."

I was confused.

Han Yun's expression was not one of panic, she was very calm.

Could it be that I misunderstood?

When Ryan looked at me, he smiled and nodded. He extended his hand and shook mine.

"Hello, I'm Ryan. Han Yun is my subordinate. It's nice to meet you."

I suddenly felt very awkward, but I quickly calmed down and casually chatted for a while before asking a few questions.

The foreigner that she thought would wear a green hat was actually Han Yun's superior, the captain.

I felt guilty.

After chatting for a bit, I immediately asked, "Jack, where are you going to travel with Han Yun tonight?"

Jack smiled and said, "Our flight this time is a very important international flight and requires a group of high quality flight attendants. Han Yun has always performed very well and was chosen as one of the top flight attendants to participate in the training. Tonight, we have to go out of the city for a meeting and we'll be back tomorrow. "

Having figured out the whole story, I began to blame myself for my pettiness, narrowness, and delusions.

Han Yun's work is so outstanding, and her outer appearance is also pretty good. In the future, there will be more room for her to rise. Although I'm not lacking, I don't want to disturb Han Yun's career.

"Hmph, now do you know? Stupid Li Xu, make you doubt me again! "

I understand, this is really a misunderstanding. It's all my fault for being narrow-minded and nearly ruining my wife's plans.

Jack looked at the time and said, "I'm going to get the car now. I'll be right over."

Taking advantage of the time when Jack was picking up the car, I pulled Han Yun's hand and said, "Wife, it's all my fault. It's my fault. I promise that I won't suspect you anymore."

"Really? You can do it? " Han Yun said with a cold expression.

I could tell that she was very angry, but that was also true. If it was me, I would also be extremely angry.

"My wife, don't worry. I promise I will do it, and I will obediently wait for you at home. My wife, you've worked hard."

Before Jack's car arrived, I finally managed to coax Han Yun.

After getting on the car, Han Yun stuck her head out the window, looked at me and said, "Remember to ask for a leave of absence tomorrow. Wait for me."

That made me feel hot and dry, and my face felt slightly hot.

He had been holding it in for half a month, and this was what he had been waiting for.

Watching Han Yun disappear from my sight, my mood eased up a lot.

I should be happy for her. I should be more supportive of her.

When I drove home, I took a hot bath. In my mind, I kept thinking that the foreigner called Jack was really handsome and had very good taste.

I couldn't help but be struck by inspiration. Since he is the leader of Han Yun, then it should be possible to find him on the internet, right?

Taking out my phone, I looked up the airline where Han Yun is at and listed the company's situation and the person in charge one by one. From the start, I found the last line, but I couldn't find Jack's name.

Just to be on the safe side, I called the airline's customer service and said I was looking for Jack.

Luckily, Han Yun and this Jack didn't lie to me. There was indeed such a person in the company, but the customer service said that Jack had something to attend to and even asked if I wanted an appointment.

I found a reason to give up and lit up a cigarette. I felt that I was overthinking it, and indeed, I shouldn't have suspected Han Yun so much. She has been with me for so long, I am very clear on her character.

Leaning on the sofa to watch television, I sent Han Yun a few messages, such as' pay attention to your health ',' be careful of your safety ', and repeatedly promised that I wouldn't suspect her anymore. I waited at home for her to return.

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