My Wife's Stewardess/C7
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My Wife's Stewardess/C7
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I knew it wasn't good to pry into other people's privacy, so I didn't look towards the bathroom. Instead, I smiled at Jack and said, "Hello, Manager Jack, we meet again …"

After saying that, I generously extended my hand as well, intending to shake hands with him once more.

Because he's Han Yun's superior, I want to make use of this cooperation opportunity. If I can invite him to have a meal, familiarize myself with our relationship, not only can it resolve the awkwardness from last time, it will also be much more convenient if I want Han Yun to take a leave to accompany me in the future.

However, I didn't expect that when Jack saw me, not only did he not reach out his hand, but instead, his face suddenly changed and a hint of doubt appeared in his eyes. He then looked at Wang Li beside me and asked in broken Chinese, "Miss Wang, he is...?"

Wang Li looked at me with an awkward expression. She gave Jack a straight face and explained, "It's like this. Manager Jack, this is my superior. He is responsible …"

However, before Wang Li could finish her sentence, the door suddenly slammed shut.

Wang Li and I were standing at the door with our mouths agape.

Didn't you say that we could talk for half an hour? Why did you only say a single sentence and see that it was me?

This is the first time in my life that I felt that I had offended someone, and that I had completely offended him. However, the incident the day before yesterday, it shouldn't be enough to make him brood over it, right?

While Wang Li and I were still stunned, Jack's supplementary English came from behind the door.

I can understand that. He said that our partner in the long haul doesn't like stingy men …

Standing in the doorway, not just me, but Wang Li as well, both of us very embarrassed.

It looks like Jack is holding a grudge against me. The reason why he didn't break off all decorum with Han Yun last time should be because he gave Han Yun face. Thus, he doesn't want to cooperate with me and rejects me in his heart.

But, I felt wronged. Back then, I did misunderstand Han Yun. However, I thought that I did pretty well in the public relations for the upcoming crisis …

"Director Li, do you want to try again …"

At this time, Wang Li pursed her lips and suggested.

I sighed helplessly, saying that it's alright. I had a misunderstanding with Manager Jack, that it would be fine as long as we figure it out, but if I look for him now, it would definitely arouse my displeasure. Let's head back first, as long as we don't get robbed while staring at this list.

Honestly speaking, I am feeling helpless now. I accidentally offended Jack, so this big deal is probably not good. But, I can't pour cold water on my subordinates. I can only say that there is still hope.

Wang Li nodded and said, Director Li, then let's go. It's not that big of a deal. They probably wanted to work together before, but since they already have that kind of attitude, then we won't talk to them anymore.

After saying that, Wang Li took the initiative to walk over to me. She stuck her body close to mine and took my arm, as if she was a couple about to hold my hand and walk towards the elevator.

I thought, if I saw Han Yun holding onto another man like that, I would definitely explode. Subconsciously pushing her hand away, I could clearly feel that Wang Li felt a little disappointed, but she didn't hold onto me anymore.

Actually, I've been doing sales all these years, and I've also encountered some forms. Various perverted women have hinted at many things to me. However, I am already past the age to casually play around with them. Moreover, I feel that the majority of the women I meet aren't comparable to Han Yun.

When I got in the car with her, Wang Li seemed to be trying to ease the awkwardness by fastening her seat belt while saying to me in a casual tone, Director Li, I didn't expect that the foreigners from the airline company would also be able to drive quite well, did you notice that the water in the bathroom was turned on? I took a peek and saw that there was a woman in the shower.

I listened to her talk about this gossip and the privacy of the guests, and I immediately refuted her, telling her not to talk about her clients behind their backs, as I had just done so well, not looking at the women in the bathroom and giving them the least respect.

Wang Li nodded her head repeatedly, but as if she had thought of something, she suddenly said, "Ah, Director Li." Wang Li nodded her head repeatedly, but as if she had thought of something, she suddenly said, "Ah, Director Li, I remember that sister-in-law is also an air stewardess, but I must remind her to be careful.

For a moment I had the urge to throw her out of the car, but then I took a deep breath and remembered that she was kind and could only grunt and say yes, I would notice.

However, her unintentional words still lingered in my mind.

The convenience of a position can indeed allow many girls to exchange it with their bodies. However, I feel that Han Yun isn't this kind of girl. When she was first with me, I was just a small employee.

However, there were some things that, even though they knew it was impossible, they couldn't help but guess randomly …

Why was Jack so excited to get me out of here when he saw me? Wang Li said that she saw the woman in the bathroom. Her legs were very long, and Han Yun's legs were also very long.

All of these made me guess that Han Yun was the woman in the bathroom, and I just hated myself for not taking a glance at her. If it really was Han Yun, then I'm sure they changed hotels when I go back now.

Whenever I think about Han Yun and that foreign man Jack getting a room together, I feel like I'm going to be tortured to madness. After sending Wang Li home, I immediately give Han Yun a call.

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After all, Han Yun had told me before that she was going to substitute for someone else for three hours. She should be on the plane right now, and it seems like I've gotten into some kind of trouble recently, always thinking about her.

After returning home, I washed my face properly. I wanted to sober up a bit and not randomly guess, so my heart wasn't as uncomfortable. At the same time, I waited at home for Han Yun to return.

Today is her last day at home, I must cherish it well …

However, when she comes back, I must ask her why she has to work overtime all of a sudden. I should also ask her if she took a shower in the afternoon, because even just imagining that the one bathing in Jack's room was Han Yun, I feel very sad.

But after three hours, at the agreed time, Han Yun still had not come back.

I subconsciously tensed up. Could I have guessed correctly? She was currently in someone else's bed and had forgotten about me?

After putting on my jacket, I didn't hesitate to exit the room. In my heart, there was anxiety, worry, and even more fear. I was afraid that Han Yun had really cheated. Losing her was the outcome that I didn't want to see the most right now.

After getting my car from the garage, I drove out of our neighborhood with the intention of driving to the hotel where Jack was staying.

Perhaps it was fated by the heavens. When my heart was in agony trying to find Han Yun, I coincidentally saw a familiar figure in a pharmacy at the entrance of the district. That pair of slender and well-proportioned jade legs were the most perfect symbol on Han Yun's body.

She looked around, clearly flustered, then entered the pharmacy.

I was about to drive over and call for her, but I hesitated. I wanted to see what she was up to. Is she sick?

Worried about her, I parked next to the drugstore and took my wallet inside.

Han Yun went in for two minutes. When I went in, I saw her lying on the medicine cabinet. There was a nurse in a white coat inside who seemed to be fetching medicine for her.

I curiously walked over, but she seemed to be thinking about something and didn't see me.

As for the thing that worried me about her not answering my phone when she turned off, and the fact that I saw her, and the fact that she seemed to be sick and was going to buy medicine, it was all over in an instant. I just wanted to care for her.

But when I walked to Han Yun's side and called out to her, she suddenly came back to her senses. She looked at me with a panicked expression and stuttered, "Hubby, you …" Why did you come out...

When I saw her so nervous, I subconsciously felt that she was really sick, so I walked over very concernedly and asked, "What happened to you? What kind of medicine are you buying?" Why didn't you tell me when you were sick?

Han Yun's face turned red as she shook her head.

However, the nurse quickly handed over the medicine Han Yun wanted.

Han Yun quickly held it in her arms, obviously not wanting to let me see it.

I realized that something was wrong. No wonder she seemed to have something on her mind lately. Could it be that she was suffering from some serious illness that she didn't dare to tell me, afraid that I would worry?

I busied myself to Han Yun's side and said what kind of medicine did you buy? Let me see! Don't randomly buy medicine when you're sick, I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow.

However, her face turned even redder as she said, "No need, I'm done buying. Hubby, let's go home."

When I saw the pleading look in her eyes, my heart softened and I agreed. No matter what illness she had, I will accompany you.

However, just as we were about to leave, I heard the doctor in the pharmacy mutter, "Young people nowadays really don't understand. Buying a contraceptive pill is like having an incurable disease …"

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