My Wife's Stewardess/C9
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My Wife's Stewardess/C9
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I wanted to get to the bottom of this, so I took out my phone to call Han Yun. I wanted to get to the bottom of this, so I dialed a number, but the other party's phone was turned off.

Only then did I remember that I was the one who sent Han Yun away in the morning.

My heart was very anxious, and what I feared most was that Han Yun would agree with what Jack was doing to him because of me.

I thought about what happened in this period of time. I felt that something was not right. Although Jack had agreed to talk to me, thinking about Han Yun made me lose all of my joy.

When I thought about how Han Yun would be in Jack's bed, begging him to help me, I couldn't tell what it would be like.

I just want to be able to call Han Yun and ask her if it's her.

Although I'm afraid of losing this case, what I'm most afraid of is Han Yun disappointing me.

No one knew how I managed to overcome the fear in my heart during this time, and how I managed to persevere.

Every time, there would always be a sufficient reason for me to find out that Han Yun has cheated, but every time, Han Yun also had a proper reason to explain that my thoughts were just randomly speculating.

The more I thought about it, the more intense this thought became, because in my heart, Han Yun had given me everything that was most important to me.

The pain had been gnawing at me.

I'm in a hurry to find Han Yun, so I can't let go of the case.

I brought Wang Li along to follow the other party's schedule and the location they arranged for. I guessed that it was Han Yun who went to ask for Jack's help.

Wang Li and I entered the hotel. I knocked on the door of the same room as before. Jack opened the door for me and Wang Li entered.

I looked around, as if everything was the same as when I came yesterday. Except this time, no one was bathing in the bathroom, so I could smell Han Yun in the room.

I didn't dare to think any further. It's not that I don't dare to think, I was afraid that everything I thought was wrong. If that person last night was Han Yun, what would I do?

Jack sat me down with Wang Li. At first we talked about the contract, but when I looked at Jack, his eyes were fixed on Wang Li.

I could tell from his eyes what kind of person he was, and from that I was even more worried about my wife. My wife wasn't worse than this Wang Li, in my eyes.

Most people who had seen Han Yun thought so!

At this moment, I really want to call Han Yun and ask him why he rejected me so much yesterday and sent this Jack to me today.

In my heart, I was very sure that it was Han Yun.

Wang Li, Jack, and I sat on the hotel sofa, talking business on the surface. Everyone had different thoughts.

I made most of the contract, so I don't need to look to know that our ideas are among the best in the world.

It's not because I'm such a good director, but it's because of our CEO, Yu Ziqi.

When we were almost done, I was so anxious that I felt I had to ask someone, whoever it was, I had to know.

I first asked Jack, "Why did you let me come today when you rejected me like that yesterday?"

When I first opened my mouth, Jack's mind was not on me. This foreign guy, Jack's eyes were always on Wang Li.

Because we were sitting on the sofa, Wang Li and I were sitting on one side, and Jack was sitting on the other side, close to Wang Li, diagonally opposite us.

Jack looked at me as if he knew I was going to ask, and I felt as if he'd say the same thing, whether I asked or not.

Jack said proudly, "My condition is that Han Yun will be away for three weeks. If you promise, I can sign the contract immediately."

Jack spoke fluent English, which was what Wang Li meant after she translated. I could understand almost all of my English, but with Wang Li's English, she was able to translate it smoothly for me.

I understand, Han Yun three weeks, I know what it means, I thought: three weeks? Now that Han Yun left me for a week, I couldn't take it anymore. Now that Han Yun left me for three weeks?

I thought to myself, then would I be able to make myself die of anxiety? And I was extremely worried. Han Yun will go out with this foreigner.

He's been staring at Wang Li for half an hour now, and I want to punch him a few times.

Thinking about the person who came to talk to him about the contract and took a shower in the room, hehe, can I get Han Yun to travel with you for three weeks? Dream on!

I looked at him with disdain and picked up the contract on the table. I stood up and said to him, "I can reject this contract, but I must protect Han Yun. Do you want Han Yun to travel for three weeks? "Impossible!"

Jack probably thought I agreed, because Wang Li didn't translate it for him, which was what I meant.

After I understood, I said to Wang Li, "Translation it now and let him know that I've rejected him. I can't possibly refuse my own wife because of money and reputation."

I was not in a good mood at the time, and perhaps my thinking was particularly extreme at the time.

Wang Li looked at me, I have never been angry in the company, never been angry in the company, I thought I was a good temper.

Including Han Yun, I have never been angry with her. I have always been by her side as a good husband, giving her love and care.

I don't know what I'm thinking either. I just feel that I can't let Han Yun go with him. If I agree, then I'm not a man.

Wang Li, who had never seen me lose my temper, was terrified. In the past, Wang Li had looked at me with eyes filled with love and affection. But now, I saw fear in his eyes.

Wang Li may have been scared, but she did as I said.

After Wang Li and Jack translated, Wang Li said to me, "Manager Yang, calm down first. Don't be angry, we have something to talk about."

I listened to Wang Li's advice, and I knew that this matter had nothing to do with her. Although I was angry, I still hadn't lost my mind.

Jack's expression was one of surprise, but it was mixed with disdain. Honestly, I hate this gringo right now to the extent that if it's not against the law to kill him, I'll definitely kill him.

Ever since the first time I saw him, Han Yun walked behind me, and I had already disliked him. Now, for a contract, he actually made such a request.

I don't know why, but I think whatever it is, all I want now is my wife.

Jack said, "Are you really planning to give up your future, your business, just to keep your wife from travelling?" He had an evil smile on his face, which made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Of course, these words were translated by Wang Li and me.

I said to Wang Li, "Help me tell him that there's nothing like my wife." When Wang Li heard me say this, she seemed to have a look of adoration in her eyes again.

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