Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C28 A new pirate ship
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Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C28 A new pirate ship
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C28 A new pirate ship

Luo Chen looked at Luo Bin's indifferent expression when he killed someone, and thought that he really did look like the son of a demon, but he liked it.

There must be all sorts of interesting people on his ship.

Suddenly, the sound of the Naval Department's whistle came from the distance, countless powerful warships surged forward, the admiral's betrayal, this was a major event that shocked everyone in the Naval Department, even Ka Pu and the Battle Nation were standing at the front.

Seeing that the two of them were having trouble with each other, Luo Chen did not want to fight with them, so he said: "Let's go first, these two old men are not easy to deal with, if not we would be embarrassed to see Lu Fei."

Luo Bin was naturally intelligent, and thus, he followed Luo Chen and jumped onto the boat, leaving the Naval Department.


In the distance, atop a naval ship.

"Bastard, is there something wrong with this stinking brat?" You have only been a great general for a few days, yet you actually went and became a sea bandit again, and even destroyed Island of the Judiciary! " The Warring States scolded.

Ka Pu ate the doughnut and said without a care: "Hahaha, this group of stinking brats, every single one of them are easy to deal with, but they can also take care of after I become a sea thief, hehehe."

Warring States stared with wide eyes and said, "You are the Navy! If we were to become pirates with such a huge battle power, the balance between us and the Qi Wu Hai would definitely be broken. There will even be problems in this world! "

Ka Pu said with confidence, "Don't worry, this kid will definitely not do something that will endanger the world. Maybe the Qi Wu Hai's four emperors are under his control and he will not dare to do anything bad."

The War Kingdom was silent for a moment before they agreed with these words. They sighed and said, "That would still be very troublesome."

Ka Pu glanced at him, "Why are you thinking so much? If he really did something, would you be able to beat him?"

The Warring States Team thought about it and said honestly, "We can't beat him."

"Then that's fine. What are you worried about? Just retire early and the future will be under the control of the young people."

"Sigh …"


Above a certain calm ocean in a new world, Luo Chen introduced two great beauties to each other. In the end, it was as if the two great beauties hated each other as if they met too late.

Seeing that Luo Chen was completely at a loss, he lamented that a woman's friendship was forever so unfathomable.

After temporarily escaping from the Naval Department's pursuit, Luo Bin and Ti Nuo walked over. Ti Nuo said: "Boss, what should we do now?"

Luo Chen thought for a moment, then said: "Of course to find our own sea bandit, and then find their powerful crew. We need to become the strongest Seabirds in the entire ocean in the future."

As for finding a boat that suited the Seabirds first, Luo Chen had already thought of a place long ago.

Water Capital.

This was where the King of the Seabirds's boat was built.

Two days later, Luo Chen brought the two of them to Water Capital. Even though they had already gone through quite a few disguises, Luo Bin and Ti Nuo were really too eye-catching. With their tall stature, slender jade legs, one was cold and the other was sexy, causing the residents of Water Capital to be so stunned that they couldn't even open their eyes.

"Sister Luo Bin, look, everyone is looking at you." Ti Nuo teased. Compared to Luo Bin, Ti Nuo was extremely sexy and hot, not concealing his figure at all.

With two beautiful girls who were in a good mood, Luo Chen directly went to the naval factory and found the mayor of Water Capital, Espu, who was also French's senior brother, Ice Mountain.

Because Luo Chen had directly defeated CP9, at this time, everything was going well for Water Capital. An ice mountain looked at the few people who had arrived and asked: "What's the matter?"

Luo Chen nodded: "I want to ask you to help me make a boat, a top-notch sea bandit of the world!"

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