Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C33 New territory
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Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C33 New territory
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C33 New territory

"Sigh, you want to force me to attack?" Luo Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

All of a sudden, all of Kai Duo's subordinates were all shocked by this world's most powerful domineering aura. They believed that even the four emperors and red hair did not have such a powerful domineering aura.

Luo Chen smiled merrily: "Kai Duo, you still want to fight me?"

Seeing this scene, Kai Duo's dignified face revealed a look of fear, he swallowed his saliva, even he was unable to use his domineering aura to intimidate that many people.

"Hmph. Even if your dominance is very strong, I don't think I'll lose either." Ka Da's aura had reached its peak, the armoured aura completely covering his body, and struck towards Luo Chen.

"Ai …" Why did you force me to attack? "

Luo Chen shook his head. In an instant, both the shaking fruit's power and strength exploded forth. On both his hands, his left hand was filled with light while his right hand was filled with darkness.

He was like a god.

Luo Chen used 70% of his strength, and directly threw a punch at it.


It was as if the sky had fallen and the earth had shattered as countless cracks began to appear on the ground of State of Harmony.

"Primal Chaos Dragon Fist!" Luo Chen bellowed, and only saw Kai Duo's gigantic figure being sent flying like a rubber ball, directly flying extremely far away above the ocean surface.

The villagers on the small island only saw a giant's body flying down from the sky and almost smashed the entire island into pieces.

After a while, Kai Duo came back to reality, his face full of shame and anger.

When had, the ruler of the world, ever received such humiliation? With an angry shout, he ran back.

Not long after, his figure flew over from the distance and hit the small island again, causing the ground to shake.

In the following period of time, the villagers only saw a huge burly figure rushing back again and again before he was thrown out again and again.

After repeating this seven or eight times, Luo Chen was a little annoyed. Once again, he used gravity, and Kai Duo flew off into the unknown distance like a meteor.

"I'll definitely come back!" Kai Duo roared in anger before he left.

Luo Chen punched back again and cursed: "You f * cking think you're Hui Tai Lang!"

This time, Kai Duo was completely blown away.

Only now did the lackeys under Kai Duo's command wake up. Seeing this scene, their faces turned deathly pale, and they were so frightened that they couldn't say a word.

Luo Chen slowly walked into the State of Harmony and said: "From today onwards, the State of Harmony is my Myriad Worlds Bandit Group's territory, so everyone in the State of Harmony need not worry. If you are willing to become a subordinate fleet of the Myriad Worlds Bandit Group, you are always welcome. However, you must remember to follow the rules.

The people present weren't idiots. With such a powerful backer, how could they not join? At the very end, 80% of them were willing to stay.

After getting rid of Kai Duo's demonic palms, the State of Harmony's local warriors were naturally grateful towards him. Many of the more powerful warriors also joined the Myriad Worlds Bandit Group.

All of a sudden, the Myriad Worlds Bandit Group became the strongest Seabirds in the world, that could truly be compared to the Navy and four emperors.

In the following days, Luo Chen and the rest did not leave the State of Harmony.

A few days later.

Everyone finally formulated the rules and distributed them to their subordinate ships. As for them, of course they wouldn't bring those people along when they went out to sea, all of the people on the Myriad Worlds needed Luo Chen's approval.

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