Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C37 West sea dragon palace
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Myriad Bounds to the Heavenly Law/C37 West sea dragon palace
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C37 West sea dragon palace

"This …" The generals of the Heavenly Court were all depressed. Originally, everyone was gathered together to discuss the important matter, but in the end, Luo Chen was disturbed by such a small matter, yet no one dared to reprimand him.

Old Lord Taishang thought for a moment, then said with a frown, "We previously said that you can't go home without permission since you haven't even succeeded in getting the scriptures from the west …" Hmm, but I'm just going home to have a look. It doesn't really matter, hur hur. "Yes, yes."

When Old Lord Taishang saw Luo Chen's murderous gaze, he was so shocked that he immediately changed his face and spoke righteously.

The Jade Emperor was also frightened. He pretended to be deep in thought and said, "Although it's illegal, it's still reasonable and correct."

After receiving the answer, Luo Chen's figure instantly disappeared. He returned to the side of the white dragon and said: "Let's go, I've already greeted the Heavenly Court."

The white dragon was overjoyed, and followed Luo Chen towards the West Sea Dragon Palace. With Luo Chen's strength, he did not discover any trace of them.

Just as he entered the Dragon Palace, he saw Dragon King of the West Sea above the Dragon Palace. white dragon's eyes reddened as he kneeled down and said, "Unfilial son greets royal father."

Dragon King of the West Sea saw his son, who he had not seen for many years, return. He was surprised at first, but afterwards, he couldn't help but cry and said, "You don't blame me?"

"I was born with an unruly temperament a few years ago, I know I was wrong." The white dragon said respectfully.

Luo Chen was also inconvenient to watch, he just hid in the sea to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Not even an hour later, white dragon and his son walked out with smiles all over their faces, it seemed like the knot in their hearts had been resolved.

The Dragon King of the West Sea bowed and said respectfully to Luo Chen: "My son is very capable in teaching, it is all thanks to great deity Luo's guidance, I am extremely grateful."

Luo Chen casually waved his hand, and said: "Since everything has been completed, let's go. When we finish learning everything, he will naturally return."

"Don't worry, there's still a lot of delicious food and wine in the Dragon Palace. If great deity doesn't mind, you can enjoy it to your heart's content!" Dragon King of the West Sea was obviously extremely happy. Firstly, because of Luo Chen's strength, and secondly, because he truly helped father and son to get back on good terms.

Luo Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this. In the different realms, the only thing that could pique Luo Chen's interest was eating fine wine.

The next moment, West Sea Dragon Palace held a grand feast, with countless of delicious delicacies and delicious wine being served up to the great hall. Luo Chen ate and drank alone, the plates and dishes flowing like a river for a long time.

This scene caused countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals to stare with their eyes wide open. They thought to themselves, "This legendary deity actually eats food in the same way …" Powerful.

After eating his fill, just as Luo Chen was preparing to bring white dragon back, he suddenly heard a haughty berating voice from above the Dragon Palace, "Insolent Dragon King of the West Sea, because of your carelessness, Qian Tang looks at the flood that occurs year round. "Do you have something to say?"

Luo Chen raised his head, and saw a great deity standing above the Heavenly Court in front of the Dragon Palace.

When Dragon King of the West Sea heard these words, his face was filled with fear, and he immediately said: "This humble subject has not been in a good condition for the past few days, I am truly sorry, I will personally go and take a look."

The great deity that does things for the Heavenly Court obviously relied on the dignity of the Heavenly Court to do all sorts of things. He snorted coldly and said, "Let's talk about these things after I go to the Heavenly Court to see the Jade Emperor! "Come on, I don't have enough time."

Luo Chen frowned slightly, although the Dragon King of the West Sea was at fault, but the other party's attitude was too arrogant, as if he was using a chicken feather as an arrow.

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